Day 74

103 11 1

Most people know how much words can hurt, how deep the can cut and the ugly scars they leave. From a friend's betrayal to rumors and gossip our words are a powerful weapon used to bring people down. Be careful what you're saying because what is a joke to you can seriously hurt someone's feelings. But your tongue when you're angry so you don't say something you will regret. Angry words can cause boat loads of pain when you aren't thinking and something sleeps out of your mouth.

If words a weapon though they can be wielded from both sides. Use your words to encourage and inspire others rather than tear them down. Words can quickly change from good to evil and you need to be careful which words you say. Words are a powerful thing and when their power is used the wrong way it can be devastating but when it's used for good the impact it can make is amazing. People react to compliments, encouragement, and kindness and it can make someone's day better. Choose to inspire other with your words the same way Jesus did.

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