Day 155

76 10 1

A lot of people don't follow God because of all the horrible things that have happened to them or in the world. They don't think there can be anyone in control if horrible things happen or they don't think God is good because of the troubles and bad things we face in this world. God gave us free will in the beginning of the world so we can choose to love Him back and we aren't just robots or puppets. He doesn't control anyone so that people make bad choices a lot of the time and horrible things happen. But then there are all the natural disasters in this world like floods, tornados, volcanos, and sickness. This world isn't perfect, that's Heaven, this world is messed up and I think natural disasters are part of that mess. Most of the time God doesn't make someone sick because they deserve punishment, He helps work good into someone's sickness. God doesn't typically send natural disasters out as punishments, not saying He couldn't of He wanted to but that's not how He chooses to do things most of the time. We all deserve punishment, we are all messed up sinners but God gives us mercy.

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