Jisoo's POV - Support

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The fan sign was great. It was our 3rd fan sign, and the Blinks were doing a great job. As we headed back home, Lisa kept chattering to Rose, while I sat with the driver, I turned back to see Jennie. Jennie was quietly looking through the window with a blank expression. "Jennie !" I shrieked. She looked at me in a weird way, one of her eyebrows up. "What are you thinking, unnie ?" Lisa screamed at Jennie. Jennie snapped out of it, quickly. Nothing could beat anyone from Lisa's voice. Jennie shrugged. Something was so weird in Jennie. I just seemed could not get what was up with her. As soon as we reached, Jennie started talking. What was wrong with her all this time ?. She was must be thinking. Whatever, I wonder what's to eat. Oh no ! Is it nothing ? Oh no, I need to get active before they go to bed, leaving me starving. I need to order PIZZA !.

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