Rose's POV - Death

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( 2 hours before Rose went missing )

I flounced on the nearby bench, stretching out my legs and arms from my exhausted run.
There was nothing sad for me after a good long run in the national park.
I looked at the bright afternoon sun, little love birds in all colors, flying and soaring above the blue sky, a forest of trees in all different shapes and sizes, there was nothing like peace.
I pulled my mask up even more, getting up for another long run, but I stopped.
I'm going to miss this.
Immense pressure strained my brain too much, I thought I never wanted this life.
I headed over the river, looking at my pathetic reflection.
Why did I force myself to love things ?
And now here I was, pregnant with Jimin's baby.
I didn't know how I would bring this up to my family, my friends, Jimin, my career would be destroyed, and that's all what I wanted.
My career.
I had come up a long way to end up just here, giving birth to my baby and leaving her or him alone in a orphanage was in my mind, but it would be just too cruel for a mother like that, I would never do that.
Killing the baby by killing myself wasn't a good option, but at the abuse I will get, that's the only reason.
I looked at the water.
"I'm sorry dear, but if I won't do this, you won't have a good future or would I, it's better we end it here, I'm sorry" I spoke to my inner self.
I looked at the land one more time as I jumped into the water, not swimming but drowning on and on.

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