Jungkook's POV - Make Her Mine

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"There, left, drop" J-hope hyung danced to the rhythm.
"Hyung, it's right and drop, right ?" I did the move, with a confused face.
"Learn you're right and your lefts properly first, hyung" I pretend punched J-hope hyung in the stomach.
And he acted like he got hurt as he clutched his stomach, and made a horrible cringe level rising hurt face and I shuddered.
"I'm known for my prosperous aegyo, kookie, learn it from the pro" he smiled, proudly.
And he did a quick freestyle dance and landed on the floor with a stunt move.
"Woah, what was that earthquake ?" Namjoon hyung opened our practice door room.
I laughed.
"That was not an earthquake, that was my wonderful stunt move !" J-hope hyung whined.
He twirled and he did his dance but stopped in the middle.
"I quite don't remember the rest, but I know it is a step to see !" he grinned, mischievously.
"Yeah, it was such a wonderful stunt move, I felt like this building was gonna fall" I grinned.
"Say it like that, kookie my boy" he smiled, looking at Namjoon hyung who cracked up.
"Wha- wait, you didn't mean earthquake ?!" he looked at me, fiercely.
"He did, sad life, hyung" Namjoon hyung put his duffel bag down.
"Why do you even carry a freaking duffel bag when you don't even play any sports and don't exercise and don't dance at all ?!" J-hope hyung fired back.
"I do dance !" Namjoon did a good dance moved me, while J-hope hyung shrugged, easy, bruh.
1 hour later ~
"Take your duffel bag, duffer, don't forget your icon" J-hope hyung smiled.
I onned the TV, and I saw Lisa in front.
And then about the particular bomb blast event that happened.
God, that temple.
And if I wanted her to be mine, I would make her mine, no matter what.

That was short but you wait for it, buddies.
A hardcore Liskook, Taennie and Jirose moment.
Let's give Jinsoo a huge break, uh ?

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