Jennie's POV - The Date

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The sunshine was getting way past my window, it was no surprise to see that Lisa is the one who opened it.
"Lisa ! why do you have to do this everyday ?!" I whined. Lisa was sitting at the window sill, looking outside.
"Unnie...... it's your date" Lisa smirked as she looked at me.
I looked away from her and saw my breakfast tray on the bedside table. Aww.... that Rose was really trying her best, you know.
I smiled. She was really sweet at times. Almost, all the times. Not Lisa. God, she's annoying as hell.
I smiled and took a perfectly good toast sandwich with pork, my fav.
Not burnt, check, good meat, check, delicious, check.
Wow, Rose. You really know how to cook, assistant chef. As I finished my sandwich, I got ready.
Gucci, check, make up, check, awesome, check.
Wow, Jennie. You really know how to dress up, grand master of dressing.
Wow..... am'ent I becoming childish.
And I hugged my members and left for the car.
The car parked in a big mansion slot. I looked out. A tall brown building stood in the center, over viewing the beautiful Hongdae beach and small stall markets and restaurants. It's just like looking over a joyful paradise of villagers and tourists and kids. What I would like for a vacation. The driver opened the door for me and I stepped outside. Hadn't I known, this news would spread. Or maybe should I change it to SOMEBODY would spread it. Of course it's YG and BigHit and JYP. A small path away was there in front of me as I got outside. Bodyguards rose to their rise and started pushing people out of the way. I smiled. Weakly.
"Ms.Kim, how is it like to date the world famous BTS, Taehyung ?"
M/O - No
"Is the rumor true ?"
M/O - Somehow Yes
"Is it for fame ?"
M/O - Job well done my boy, you're correct.
"How did you guys fall in love ?"
M/O - God doesn't even know.
Uh-oh. Wait. There's sitting. Gucci suit. Taehyung. F-boy Taehyung.
I sighed as the waiter lead me to the table Taehyung was sitting on.
I thanked the waiter and sat down with a unpleased face. He smiled sweetly. He just got so rejected yesterday night, whats wrong with him ?
Doesn't he have feelings ? No wonder people calls him Alien all the time.
He's in some sweety tweety, lovey dovey, dreamy little world with an angel smile on his face, ALWAYS.
"How's my girlfriend ?" Taehyung smiled at me.
"Fine ?" I peered my eyes at him "So not fine."
"Why so, Jennie Kim ?" Taehyung gritted his teeth at me. I got scared. He never did this to me.
"What happened my dear boyfriend ?" I smirked at his anger.
"Oh girlfriend, it's nothing, it's probably because you're being so inconsiderate about things" he smiled.
I flashed a look of anger at his angel eyes. Woah... he knew how to roast.
"Shocked, my girlfriend ?" Taehyung grinned. "Thought that I could not be angry too ?" he licked his lips.
"Wait and watch" he smirked abnormally.
Wait- what- wha- did he mean ?
As we smiled to each other like we were such a good couple getting on for two years, the waiter came to us.
"A cheddar cheese lasagna, truffle mushroom soup, a plate of tuna sushi and a.......... heart cake ?" Taehyung said automatically.
Wow..... all my favorite foods. How did he know ?
I actually smiled at him. I ACTUALLY SMILED AT HIM. I know. I KNOW. That was weird.
"Uh ? liking me now ?" Taehyung smirked.
I raised my eyebrows and snorted. Which caused him to frown.
As the food came, I started eating like a dog who never saw food.
"There, there, haven't you tasted good food for the last few years, girlfriend ?" Taehyung said as he munched on some sushi.
I stopped and started eating slowly.
"Oh c'mon, it was fun seeing you eat fast" Taehyung whined "Eat fast"
Aww..... that was cute. What did I say ? Ok, admit it. He was cute and handsome and the type of person I would want so badly. But something said 'no'.
I can't. Even though I'm allowed to. Like the rest of my members are not allowed to even talk to guys.
I hesitated.
Somehow, this was not my type of date. Taehyung could see that too. "Mind if I occupy you for a while on the beach ?" Taehyung smiled me. "Them ?" I asked pointing towards the bodyguards.
He pouted. I agreed. Easy, uh ?
As we got in the car, I looked around. Me and Taehyung we're sitting possibly two millimeters away.
He intertwined his fingers through my fingers. I looked at him.
"Girlfriend........" he loudly hissed.
I took my hands away from him and crossed my arms. I looked through the other window.
He slid his hands through my waist. I shot my firing eyes at him. He just smiled innocently.
"Take your hands off" I hissed. He mouthed 'No'.
As I tried to pull his hands away from my waist, he tightened it more and pulled me closer to him.
"Taehyung !" I hissed. I didn't want the driver or the bodyguards to hear.
He smirked.
I tried to get away from his grips, but damn, that guy was strong.
"Taehyung, please" I mouthed. And I told what I never tell, a PLEASE.
He shrugged, he playfully twisted my Gucci crop top.
And slowly touched my bare stomach. I shot a glare at him. He was sexually harassing me.
He'd be in jail if I'd complain.
He grinned widely. He slowly loosened his hands away from my stomach.
I moved away from him with a frown.
God when will this car get to the beach before I'm ultimately raped by a pop star.
I wanted to watch movies with Jisoo unnie, go shopping with Rose and try out new restaurants with Lisa and BlackpinkTV.
But I was stuck here going on a freaking date with F-boy Taehyung and going on a so what romantic beach stroll as you see in the movies, holding hands and going cheesy like,
"The sea's view is beautiful, but your view is more beautiful than anything in this world"
Uh.... how I hated romance.
Jisoo unnie always picked little romance novel based movies but then I usually picked thrillers.
Or even fame related fiction movies. Or Disney with Rose or dancing fiction movies with Lisa.
I sighed heavily as we reached the beautiful beach.
Where I went on a banana boat with my members and parasailing and on a motor boat.
I really missed my members even though they were sometimes annoying.
After all, they're the only ones that support me.
Taehyung held my hand and we walked towards the beach.
Even though I didn't like romance, I actually liked romantic people.
Who were hard on the outside and soft on the inside.
Like Suga from BTS.
I'm not saying he's my crush or anything. Just that I would want someone like that.
Or maybe even him cause it's hard to get hard people nowadays.
I sometimes even dreamt about him. Like in the AMA's, it was him that was staring at me and the story turned into vice versa from Taehyung.
Gosh.... that's what would I want.
He left my hand and looked at me with his angel eyes.
Right in front of me, and I had look up to see him, gazing at me.
I stood silent and gritted my teeth.
"Don't get angry..........buttercup" he cupped my chin.
Buttercup ? That was his nickname for me ?
"I know, you and me are not used to these cheesy stuff" Taehyung cupped my chin with both of his hands.
I did not dare to remove it. His eyes were flashing with rage as he said those words soothingly.
I gulped.
"Can I just say, I liked a girl" Taehyung held my face up. "She didn't like me.... at all" Taehyung said.
"She had brains" I said softly.
He pouted but then, thank god, did not take it seriously.
"She was a savage, just like you" he spoke those words like he was clarifying it's definitely me.
"Yeah, right" I moved away his hands and turned towards the lovely beach air.
My hair was flying in the wind.
I felt like one of those heroins in Jisoo unnie's movies.
Those heroins who were depressed to find their boyfriend making out with their enemy, practically.
Taehyung twirled his fingers in my soft brown hair.
"You look so pretty in Gucci" Taehyung took a strip of my hair and placed it under my ear.
"Thanks" I murmured.
"And then, that girl, she left me for another guy" he looked down "No matter how much I said how much I love her."
I looked at him with a sympathetic look.
"I bet that girl will be regretting over there for the nasty rejection" he gritted his teeth.
"Everyone wants me now, except for you" he said looking at me in a disrespectful way.
He gripped my waist and made me turn towards him.
"Listen to me......" he said firmly "Call me oppa"
I snorted and turned back, "That's it ?" I laughed.
He frowned indignantly. I mean I didn't mind me doing that.
"Oppa" I smiled "Would you mind if you just drop me home and mind your own business with you and your hyungs ?."
"Don't pull my hyungs to it, buttercup" Taehyung gritted his teeth.
"And kiss me goodbye" he odered as I turned to my heels to the car.
I stopped. Kiss ?
He didn't think of it much better. Gosh, this guy is stupid.
"YG building on the way" Taehyung said dreamily as I continued walking to the car.
I stopped. No way, YG sir will kill me if Taehyung tells him about this.
I stood there for a minute. Uh ?
One kiss wouldn't hurt, right ?
I don't want to loose my job and plus it's good for Blackpink though it's not good for me.
Why don't I be the Taennie-stans for a minute and kiss him just for our fans.
I turned my heel to Taehyung. Who stood there, smirking evilly.
I looked up at him as I got close to him.
He looked at me with hungry eyes and not the angel eyes.
He cupped my face, and I looked down immediately. My third kiss..... if there was anything like that.
First I kissed a total hottie called Yugeom in 8th grade.
Second I kissed again a total hottie called Gyeomwang in ACG Parnell college.
Third kiss, happening just now with a total hottie - BTS pop star, Taehyung at the age of 21.
I looked up as I closed my eyes.
God, god, god, god, god.
I stood on my tiptoes, he pulled me by my waist and I sighed deeply.
His gentle soft lips touched my lips passionately.
He tightened his hold onto my waist and kissed me harshly.
I replied back, softly.
I quickly left him as he touched my bare thigh under my skirt.
"I wouldn't want you to do that, oppa" I replied in a serious tone.
Taehyung looked at me dreamily.
I turned on my heels and stomped towards the car.
Ahhhhhh !

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