Jungkook's POV - Nineteen-Year-Old

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''Jungkook-ah !'' I heard Lisa's excited voice.
''Mm...-'' I said, shifting my hand to get up and find Lisa's extraordinary beautiful smile waiting for me when I get up.
But I couldn't get my hand off, a head was there on my hand, a girl. I didn't sleep with Lisa, did I ?
Suddenly there was a deep silence wavering around my room, no Lisa.
I fluttered my eyes open, to find Lisa in front of me, her face emotionless and blank.
I turned my head to my right to find a girl under the blankets with me, her hair brown, I couldn't see her face since she turned to Lisa's side but she smelt so good, I don't even know why.
Suddenly thoughts of yesterday came to my mind. Oh god, I had done this again. I was drunk and I didn't kiss a girl like last time but slept with one.
WHY, oh WHY ?
I had officially lost my virginity, probably before than the Bangtan's eldest had lost his.
I focused on Lisa once more, even my face blank and emotionless as I turned into herm now ferocious cold eyes.
"Jungko-'' Lisa couldn't finish, the girl immediately turned to my side and.............. and.............. Tzuyu ?
I had slept with a girl who was obsessing over me ever since her debut, even though she was practically underage for losing her virginity and going inside a bar. Well not technically, but still. She is still nineteen years old for god's sake. Why is she in my bed ?
''Jungkook oppa, good morning'' her babyish voice muffled under my shirtless body, suddenly it hit me.
I was called by my friend in the bar, I drank with him, I lost my mind and..... a teenage female idol popped up in the bar and I fell for her and came with her here and I finally got my senses back and I found my girlfriend staring at me with her doled eyes over me and the teenage girl.
Jimin hyung was right, I was hopeless at taking care of people. Let it be anyone, even people I love with all my heart. I'll always mess up.
''Lisa, understand-'' but I couldn't even finish that up, she stormed out of the room in in rage and I left all my blankets and forced my hand out of Tzuyu which made her moan in pain and I pulled on my t-shirt and tracks and rushed out, not even caring for the world, I knew she will find many more true and passionate lovers for her but I won't let him live in peace.
No-one could live with my girl like that ? I didn't even care is she had liked it or not in the first place.
''Lisa !'' I screamed, all my hyungs were there, looking hopelessly clueless at both of us while Lisa managed to get out.
''Lisa !. Please, I'm sorry. Lisa.....'' I stopped as she finally turned around me when she got near the elevator, it took time so she stared again at me for a while and opened her mouth.
''I can't Jungkook. Just leave me alone, I can't play hide and seek with you for more than an year. I have had enough. It's horrible and if I say leave me alone, just LEAVE ME ALONE !'' Lisa screamed the last part as she got in the elevator and I tried to stop and blood started stream through my fingers when it got hold in the middle of the lift.
I yelped as I fell down the floor, I had broke my nail and probably fractured my finger.
Suddenly the lift came back again and Lisa hurriedly sat down next to me, placing her numb and soft fingers over my blood streaming ring finger, she caressed my finger and slowly put it in her mouth, sucking my blood in really slow, and all I could see was her vivid beautiful image of her, right down next to me... in real slow-motion.
"Lisa-" I started but soon my words faltered away like the wind carried them and I was left with a closed mouth and staring eyes.
"What ?" Lisa replied. God, I had made her so angry. I am so hopelessly angry at myself now.
"Look Jungkook, just because I helped you right now, doesn't mean-"
"When did you even help me, sucking my finger, well no. I've got better expectations" I smirked.
Lisa rolled her eyes at me but a part of her cheeks went bright red in these bright white hallway lights.
"Lisa. Listen, your freaking bestie from Thailand called me to drink with him. It's all his fault. You know me when I'm drunk, I don't know anything. I don't have my sense. So please, give me one more chance. I'll prove my all to be with you once more" I held her other hand.
"Fine, but why Tzuyu all the time ?!" Lisa's face started streaming down with hot tears.
Oh my god. What's wrong with her ?
"Why not Tzuyu ? It's not my fault, she shows up whenever I'm drunk" I replied hastily.
"She's stalking you. Take a bodyguard with you when you're going to be drunk-"
"They'll tell Bang-PD nim......-" I said suddenly realizing the fact that we did not have a manager any more.
"Fine, I will. But let me see who's going to be the new manager now" I calmed her down.
Suddenly leaving my finger, she rushed forward to me and hugged me tightly.
I hugged back, and pulled her apart from me and stared into her doled eyes and pulled her into a kiss. A deep kiss.
"Oppa !" I heard a small shriek behind Lisa, I looked up and found Tzuyu, her angry face dawning on Lisa as she frowned.
"What do you want ?!" Lisa fired back, suddenly leaving the depths of my arm as she stood up.
I stood up, wanting to stop these two's fight.
"Do you think I'm a naive nine-year-old, Lisa unnie ?!" Tzuyu gripped Lisa's arm.
"Yah stop, I took hold of Tzuyu's hand from Lisa's hand and pulled it back.
"No. But I think you're a bitchy nineteen-year-old !" Lisa said as she slapped Tzuyu hard on the face.

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