Rose's POV - Announcment

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"Hana, look. There's so many people out there..... kids. Can't you go play with them at least for a little while ? They all look so friendly" I encouraged Hana, who was desperately clinging onto my dress. I looked at Jennie unnie with a desperate smile.
"Mommy, but Jung-woo kicked me out. He says I don't fit with them. Actually I don't. I don't want to play with all those big boys and big girls. They all are way too messy" Hana moaned.
"Then why don't you go kick Jung-woo in his butt, he deserves it for saying that my Hana does not fit his group" Jennie unnie thoroughly adviced Hana.
Hana giggled, her hand politely covering her small little mouth. I don't know what made her such a pretty polite princess.
"Jennie unnie, the mother of four and yet, look at you talking to my Hana like that" I grinned.
"Let the children be free. Be what they want to be. If she wants to be lonely, let her be. Look, you play with Minseo for a little while. She's good company" Jennie unnie said, carefully placing Minseo in her little stroller.
Minseo kicked her little legs which were covered with cotton pink socks that matched her little satin pink dress.
Hana determinedly let go of my dress, and bend forwards to Minseo, grabbing her little starfish hands and managed to do a little dance with them and it of course made Minseo laugh.
"There, you're already doing extremely good. She's having fits-" Jennie unnie praised Hana even though Minseo was dead quiet now.
I patted Hana on her head. She was wearing a white gown with prim roses for the neck and the waistline. Her long dark brown hair let down with a primrose hairband. I had put a very little bit of lipgloss and compact. But she already looked a picture.
"There, I've got all that baby fat down. Right, Minseo ?" Jennie unnie sighed playfully.
Minseo was way too observed in Hana that she didn't bother anyone else at all for a long time which made me and Jennie unnie have way for a small chat.
"Rose unnie and Jennie unnie, did you get the flowers ? Chaeyoungie is going to come any tiny second now. Quick, quick.. the baskets are in the stage aisle" Dahyun rushed about.
I held Jennie unnie's arm as I dragged her all the way to the stage.
"Rose, the kids ! Look, I need to keep a big eye on Minseo, she's a disaster in no time. And what about Hana ?" Jennie unnie tried to get out most quickly.
"They'll be alright. I know you're just fussing about because you don't want to be a bridesmaid. Look, we're not even bridesmaids. All we do is, walk by the bride and throw flowers. Right ?" I laughed about.
"Look, idiot. I'm old now, I'm not the young and sweet Jennie-" Jennie unnie ranted.
"Oh well, you were never sweet. You were a savage. You still are. And you are still in your 30's, what's the big difference ?!" I squealed.
To be honest, I've never changed that much. I may have a four year old daughter but I'm still a child inside.
"Oh Rose, you didn't change at all" Jennie unnie smiled hugely.
We picked up the baskets as we saw the rush of ladies all cramming into the bride room. We stepped in graciously, careful not to trip on any long length gowns.
And there was Chaeyoung, all set for her marriage. That girl grew up so much. She was not the baby of Twice as people said, she's a grown woman, ready to take the place of a wife.
"Oh hi Rose unnie and Jennie unnie !" she nervously muttered as the stylists continued doing her flowy hair, bellowing down to her arm knee.
"This girl is so nervous, she's been holding my hand for too long" Lisa spoke and I chuckled.
"Oh hey, hey ladies. Look at you, oh my, Rose, you never fail to impress me !" Irene unnie curtsied to me and we all bursted out laughing.
"Oh well, you're also not that bad, Monsignor" I spoke in a French accent, smiling like Amelia in Princess Diaries.
We all chuckled until the announcement was made.
"Dear ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys. Welcome to Kim Namjoon's and Son Chae-young's wedding. I hope you all are seated and ready for the big night. Please look forward."

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