Lisa's POV - MMA

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Someone was ringing the doorbell continues, ringing and ringing.
"Jisoo unnie ! can you please open the door ?" I shrieked.
"Okay Lisa" Jisoo unnie came from the kitchen to open the door.
I was busy putting my nail polish.
She sighed at me and opened the door.
Jennie unnie was standing there, her head low, her mask covering the whole of her face.
Jisoo unnie made Jennie unnie look up to her.
"Jennie ? what happened ?" Jisoo unnie asked as Jennie unnie got indside and sat on a stool bar.
She played with her watch, not answering Jisoo unnie.
"I asked you, Jennie" Jisoo unnie sat on another stool bar, "What's wrong ?."
I looked at Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie.
Chaeyoung was upstairs, bathing.
"Nothing, unnie" Jennie unnie muttered.
"No..... there's something" Jisoo unnie leaned towards her.
"Tell me, Jennie" she whispered.
As if I could not hear.
"Unnie, unnie, how was the date with V ?" I quickly changed the subject.
"All good" she looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.
I smiled back.
Something was definitely wrong in her.
I got up and went to Chaeyoung's room, what was taking her this long ?
Only she'd be able to ask Jennie sweetly.
Chaeyoung was dressing up, wearing her eye shadow.
"Chaeyoungie..... there's something seriously wrong with Jen-" I talked but then my phone rang.
I picked it up, oh god, it's YG.
"Y-y-y-yes sir ?" I picked my phone.
"Lalisa, can we meet everyone at MMA auditorium, like right now ?" he asked sweetly.
"Sure sir" I quickly calmed down as they were no problems.
"No probs" I chuckled.
"Thank you, Lisa" he said and kept the phone down.
"There, YG is calling us to the MMA auditorium !" I kept the phone in my pocket.
"You think we got selected ?!" Chaeyoung unnie jumped up, excitedly.
I nodded, enthusiastically.
I sighed at our success. Oh my god, weren't we doing good ? especially for a rookie group ?
Chaeyoung unnie came and hugged me tight.
"I'm so happy, aren't you ?" she squealed, looking at me.
"Duh, of course....... everyone is" I laughed at her stupid question.
Jisoo unnie came rushing to her room, excitedly.
"MMA !" she squealed.
"We know" we both said in unison.
Jennie unnie was tagging with her too.
Her mood changed into a squealing expression.
We four did a comfy group hug before we burst into happiness.
"I never even dreamt of making it to the MMA !" Jennie unnie hugged Dalgom who was passing by.
He seemed happy too. Licking Jennie unnie's palm.
"Fast ! we need to get going !" Jisoo unnie rubbed her hands.
"Ok eomma" we three said in unison.
Me and Jennie unnie went to our room, to start getting ready as fast as we could.
As soon as we got ready, we headed towards our car.
As I got inside, a wave of nervousness washed over my whole body, as if I could not move.
I suppressed myself to smile at the driver as he greeted me.
As we got to the MMA auditorium, the security lead us to the stage.
Jennie unnie stopped in between and checked in the practice schedule paper hung up on the board.
"APink..... Astro..... Bigbang..... BTS....." Jennie unnie paused for a minute, sighing.
"There ! Blackpink !" she pointed at the next group after BTS.
"6:30 to 7:30 pm ?..... sounds good enough" she said as she looked into the watch.
It was 6:15 pm.
We walked towards the auditorium. While the security left us.
Our sunbaes were already practicing, AKA, BTS.
The song was Blood Sweat and Tears and Fire.
We sat on the audience seats while they finished practicing.
Jennie unnie kept looking down, fidgeting with her watch.
Ok..... can I tell you a secret ?
Mm....... I have a little teensy weensy crush on Jimin.
Or maybe Sunbae Jimin. IDK.
Ok...... admit it Lisa. You have a crush on Jimin.
A severe case of butterflies in your stomach - phobia. Right ?
Yes, right.
When his parts came, I'm totally turning red.
But thanks to the blush, it's not showing that much.
And.... he kept looking at me and winking and smiling.
I think he practiced that ?
Oh gee, I'm feeling weird.
Or was it because I'm going bright red in my face as I tried my best to look up.
Jungkook always looked at me when Jimin looked at me and frowned.
What was wrong with that guy ?
What..... I mean, the looks he gave me.
Jimin called the security and asked him something and the security came derictly to us.
I gulped down nervously.
"I'm so sorry miss, but then they're asking for a 15 minutes more for practice ? hope you don't mind sharing a little-" the security asked but Jennie unnie interrupted.
"No.... that's unfair, even we need to practice, we made sure we're extra early here to practice" Jennie unnie reasoned.
"Jennie, manners to our sunbae...... of course, Mr" Jisoo unnie looked at the security, smiling.
The security gave a little confused smile and went to the stage.
"Jisoo unnie..... just because you have a soft corner for that so called Jin, doesn't mean you can give away our practice time to the whole of his group" Jennie unnie almost burst into tears by her anger.
"Why are you almost in tears, Jennie ?" Jisoo unnie faked laughed.
As we sat there for almost 10 minutes, they started getting ready and Namjoon gave us a thumbs up.
Jennie unnie stomped towards the stage, not even having an eye contact with any of the members.
I followed her but I looked at everyone and smiled, including Jimin.
I looked away as fast as I could from Jimin. My blood was possibly burning, like hot strawberry syrup, I could use it for my pancakes.
He came towards me and leaned to me, "Thanks.... and it was kinda fun seeing you go all...... red."
I gulped down nervously, okay that BLUSH did not do anything at all.
"Well..... that face, that pretty face go like that, I needed more time to chillax, Lisa...... don't you ever do that like to a man again, they'll faint" he whispered in my ear and winked at me playfully.
I looked down and as I got towards the stage, I fell right beside Jimin's leg.
A pain shot from my waist.
I almost cried. But to my rescue, Jimin held me up.
"Lisa ! are you okay ?" he asked tensed, his voice was filled with a worried phase.
"I'm o-o-ok, sunbae J-j-" I said but I slipped again, unable to get up.
He carried me by my waist.
I couldn't see anything except for that mochi handsome face.
"Don't you dare call me that again" Jimin smiled.
I smiled, weakly.
When I got up, I only found Jungkook looking at me, angrily.
"I'm so sorry..... I didn't mean to-" I apologized but Jimin interrupted "Fall ? Lisa, you're crazy."
"Are you okay, tell me that ?" he asked, seriously.
"It's okay, I bet it will go if I put a little bit salvon and cotton" I fake smiled.
"Come with me, Lisa" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a room.
"Sit on the counter" he ordered. And I just followed what he said.
He took a little first aid kit and opened it, carefully.
He took the cotton and added some salvon in it.
He slowly rolled up my t-shirt.
"Jimin !" I quickly shot.
He looked at me, innocently.
"I mean, sunbae Jimin oppa ?" I corrected.
He rolled it up even more. "Don't call me that, call me Jimin, I like it" he put some salvon.
I grew red as a tomato. "Jimin..... please stop" I begged him.
He smirked, "It's so nice to see you going red." 
"Ah !" I yelped as he dabbed a lot of salvon to my waist.
"Oh, I'm sorry" he quickly took away the cotton.
Wasn't he a living angel ?
"Put your hands around my head, Lisa" he said.
I did, but feeling a little bit uncomfortable.
He laughed at my disturbance.
He dabbed some, behind my t-shirt, as he rolled it up even more.
As soon as he was finished, he pulled my t-shirt down and carried me towards the stage.
"Jimin, no need" I muffled, inside his white t-shirt.
He put me down as he saw my unnies sitting in the chairs.
"Where were you, Lisa ?" Jisoo unnie stood up, worriedly.
"Um....... I fell down, Jimin helped me...... put medicine" I stammered, nervously.
"Oh, so are you okay ?" Rose unnie, came towards me, looking me up and down.
"I'm ok" I smiled at Jimin.
Rose unnie smiled at Jimin, gratefully, "Thank you, sunbae" she smiled sweetly.
"It's ok" Jimin, smiled his angel from heaven smile.
I wanted to squeeze him hard as I could.
Little mochi Jimin was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.
"Jimin hyung, Namjoon hyung is calling you" Jungkook dragged Jimin out of the room.
He waved back to me, real quick and left the room.
I looked at Rose unnie.
Jennie was sitting on a chair.
"Where did you guys go ?" I crossed my arms.
"Jisoo unnie and me were very hungry, we three went to the canteen, hoping that you were following us, and then we came running back to find you, and, I'M STILL HUNGRY !" Rose unnie shouted.
I laughed.
"Can I just respond, I'm feeling hungry too ?" I rubbed my tummy, gleefully.
Ok, my stomach was already filled by all the drama that happened.
"Come let's go eat" Jisoo unnie, smiled at Jennie.
"You guys are so irresponsible, it's 6:30 now !, what about our practice ?" Jennie unnie whined.
"Let's not practice for today, Jennie, Lisa's waist is almost swollen" Jisoo unnie sympathized.
Jennie unnie nodded.
"Isn't it hurting ?" Rose unnie looked at me, worriedly.
Yep it was.
For a second, what Jennie unnie said was perfectly right.
I'm a irresponsible creature.
I fell because he was, so cute.
Uhhhhh...... or should I try hot ?
If only I hadn't been stunned by his appearance, I wouldn't fall like a idiot beside his legs.
He wouldn't carry me and act so kind to me.
It would just be any normal day like any other day I saw Jimin.
I was afraid I couldn't perform.
Of course I would.
It will go away quickly cause an angel came from heaven to put some salvon for me.
"Uh" I muttered, nervously.
I couldn't say yes or no, both had disadvantages and advantages.
"Yes it is, I can see it in your face so clearly..... you're not the jumpy Lisa, anymore" Jisoo unnie stood up.
"Come let's go then, not home, to the cafeteria" Rose unnie, rubbed her hands, thinking about food.
At the right time, YG came in.
Several bodyguards accompanied by him.
"Hey girls, where are you guys going ?" YG smiled at us, gleefully.
"Lisa fell down, actually, she can't practice, sir" Jennie unnie pouted.
"Oh Lisa, are you okay ?" YG came up to the stage, looking at me, up and down.
"Actually, there was Jimin, I mean Sunbae Jimin, to help her, the BTS Jimin" Jisoo unnie kept on repeating the 'JIMIN' so officially.
"Oh" YG looked at me.
I could tell he couldn't find any scratch or hurt on me so I said "I actually fell on my waist, sir."
"Ah, I get it" YG smiled at me, sympathetically.
"Ok, you girls can go home, I'll call CL here, it's her next" YG announced.
We nodded and bed our byes and went to the cafeteria.
"Isn't that Jimin hot ?" Rose unnie, grinned as we were sitting in a table as Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie were ordering our food.
"Mm" I nodded, innocently.
"So, he put salvon on your waist ?" Rose unnie chimed in after a long awkward silence.
"Ummmm...... yeah" I said under my breath.
Rose unnie widened her eyes at me.
I looked at her innocently again. My eyes wide open and my innocent blank expression stuck on to my face forever until Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie came back with the food.
We ate like a pack of wild dogs.
"I thought you weren't hungry, Jennie" Jisoo unnie smirked.
"I never said I wasn't" Jennie unnie said as she nibbled on her fries.
Rose unnie was poking her ramen with her chopsticks and then slurping it down.
Jisoo unnie and me and Jennie unnie were having hamburgers and fries and a cola can.
"Girls, I hope I don't get scolded by YG, telling I fed his girls so much fast-food and that I'd probably be in jail for doing a crime to K-pop idols" Luie unnie came with a tray of chicken skewers.
We laughed at her worried face.
"It's just a treat, and we will promise you, we will hit the gym after food, won't we girls ?" Jisoo unnie punched the air.
"Aha" Jennie unnie replied, imitating Jisoo unnie's powerful punch.
She was getting better and better.
A plate of hamburger and fries really helped her.
Who knew fast food could do that wonders ?
But my waist was still paining, a lot.

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