Taehyung's POV - Different Side

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Jimin hyung ?
Jennie ?
I felt shook than ever at first, I stood still, hands by my side as I questioned myself a hundred times that if they had anything together and if I was just mistaken.
After all, they were just hugging but........... I didn't feel right, Jennie was practically sobbing down Jimin's chest while her arms were around Jimin hyung's small neck.
Jimin hyung saw me, interrogating to Jennie about me but she continued crying and crying, what was the matter with her ?
Why did my Jennie cry like this ? But that was not my question, what were they doing together ?
Jimin hyung looked back at Jennie but this time, Jennie slowly leaned forward and left a small peck at Jimin hyung's cheek and slowly took away her hands.
"I am sorry oppa, I just..........." Jennie sniffed.
What the ?
"Jennie ?" I spoke finally and Jennie turned back around not even half surprised that I saw it.
"Taehyung........... I'd knew you'd come here-" she came towards me, "I want to tell you a serious thing, I don't think that we-" I didn't let her finish, I took her by her wrist and pulled her outside the room.
Thankfully I didn't see much teenagers and kids but grown up ladies and gentlemen so I tried to push over Jennie from the hospital.
"Tae, leave me. Where are you taking me, outside ? why ? I wanted to meet Rose, Taehyung ! leave me alone ! whatever's happened to you ?" Jennie repented the same thing over and over again until I reached at the exit of the hospital.
I pushed her inside the car and she howled in pain, clutching her small waist that was bandaged, I knew she was just making the show of it, she didn't want me to boss her around.
"Take the car to..... Blackpink house" I played with the key's of Blackpink house I had got with Jisoo noona.
"Taehyung, what are you doing ? seriously, I hate this bossy thing. It's driving me bonkers, I don't want you anymore. Just...... leave me alone. And...... bye, I'm going !" Jennie sniffed, tears in her eyes.
I felt heartbroken now, will she leave me ? I was just being possessive over her, I hated the thought of her hugging or pecking or kissing anyone except me, but will my Jennie leave me ?
"Jennie-" I placed my hands over her soft hands, "Listen, do not take the freedom of getting free around everyone. Your my girl, and will always be. Now.... listen what I say and......." I grinned, slowly leaning in to peck her soft lips ready for me but she shook her head at me.
"No Taehyung, I hate possessive people, it drives me bananas. You know that. Now... if you don't even trust your own members, you can never trust me. Driver, can you please stop here ?" Jennie left her hand and asked the driver.
"Oh Jennie, I never wanted to-" I tried to reason but she had already left the car down the road, pulling her mask and her cap up.
"Leave the car" I told the driver, he gave me a shrug and continued driving.
"To my house, you know that of course, didn't you ?" I asked the driver who was calmly driving.
"Yes sir...... what happened with that haughty miss as your beloved girlfriend ?" the driver asked, raising his bushy eyebrows that made me want to burst up.
"Dear driver, she's not a haughty miss first of all and..... it's none of your business" I replied.
"Oh oh, holy Christ. You've changed too, you know that of course. You know, just because you have a girl right the opposite of you doesn't mean that you can change yourself too. You're a pretty understanding boy and yet....... not now atleast" the driver furrowed.
He was ALMIGHTY correct. What has happened to me ?
I had been caring less for my members and more for Jennie when she was not at all interested in me, atleast that's how she behaved.
Yoongi hyung was right, I'd even eat the crap out of her. And yet I had outraged when he said it to me before.
What was wrong with me ? What had she influenced me ? Why did I get influenced ?
And yet...... what was she doing to me ?
Sometimes she would say that she loved me first and last and then she'd say that'd she hated me day and night and here I am, confused and love stricken.
"Well, I don't know what to say. Leave it, I am influenced" I replied solemnly, biting my lips.
"Oh oh oh oh, don't be sad, my boy. You get it everytime. Trying to impress your partner with thinks they like and they do, it's a 98% thing most people suffer" the driver said.
"Oh I'm sorry for behaving like that. Of course it's your business, you're my friend. My lad..... Jennie has influenced me bad, but I'm going to stand up against her for once. I'll make her feel how bad it is when she does it. Wait and watch, driver" I agreed.

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