Jisoo's POV - Confession

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I got ready in my white off shoulder dress with dangly earrings and my hair let down.
I put on a very little bit of makeup and looked at myself in the mirror, I was ready to face a part of my life by meeting my crush in Starbucks and to tell him, I like him.
I had to. He never brought this up. I had to of course. I had to tell my crush I like him.
As soon as me and our driver and my bodyguard reached Starbucks, I got up, my mask and my cap all over my face.
It was not at all crowded since it was a Wednesday afternoon and just a few couples shared a rounded table. The waitress led me to the private chambers or Starbucks and I found Jin oppa.
He was in a white T-shirt and black stripped jeans and his face was handsome as usual, but he'd look like he'd put more blush than actual makeup because he was so red.
The waitress went out and I took off my mask and cap and sat near the rounded table near the French window with pink roses.
Jin oppa looked up to me suddenly and let out a small rounded and nervous, weirdo smile and I smiled back wholeheartedly.
He looked down immediately under the table and brought a bouquet of beautiful flowers and gave it to me, I accepted it and gave him another confused smile.
Why this ? I didn't expect so much.
"Um, I'm so sorry. Hi.... Jisoo. I hope you liked the flowers" Jin oppa nervously greeted me.
"Hi, Jin oppa. I actually wanted to say something-and thanks for the beautiful flowers, but-"
"Jisoo, as soon as I met you the first time, it was like.... my heart exploded because of your cuteness and you seemed so cold in photos but you are a.... baby inside. A cute baby. I like you, Jisoo. I'm nervous even if I'm like a hundred kilometers away from you. You're so pretty and beautiful. I love your character. I may sound silly but I.... even if you don't like me, I... love... you.. Jisoo" Jin oppa let out all of a sudden.
I gasped. God, that was the sweetest thing a man has ever said to me. Especially my crush. Who knew he likes me ? He deserves a girl who is so much better than me.
For a second, I couldn't talk. I loved him too. It just didn't come out from my mouth. I opened my mouth and shut it again.
"I know, I don't deserve such an charismatic, beautiful and a kind hearted girl like you but I just let out my feelings. Please be frank" Jin oppa held my hand and carressed the back of it.
My hands felt numb and awkward. I had such an awesome feeling and yet I hated it.
"I love you too, Jin oppa. I just..... I wanted to tell it now. But you said it, I love you, Jin. Um, oppa" I stuttered. I was so bad at confessing.
"Call me oppa, no Jin. So, can I confirm you as my official girlfriend now ?" Jin oppa grew more confident and beamed and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Y-yes" I smiled. He held me by my hand and pulled me out from the table and gently led me against the wall and kissed me ever so softly.
I feeled heaven now. I kissed back. I started loving him with my whole heart and will always do.

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