Lisa's POV - BamBam Oppa

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"Reina, get back here" I picked up Reina, swinging her in my arms as she squealed.
"Ssh, now be quiet. Look, why don't you sit idle like all the other girls over here ? How very well mannered they are. Their skirts layed out carefully and their tops and dresses not creased-" I tried to explain.
"But she's your daughter. She'll only behave like you" a familiar men voice echoed my ears.
I turned back and found BamBam oppa !
I put Reina back down again and lept forwards to BamBam oppa. I hugged him ever so tight and set apart, beaming at him.
Even though it'd been so much years, BamBam oppa didn't change at all. He was rocking his looks and he almost resembled G-Dragon.
"Reina, meet BamBam uncle. BamBam oppa, meet Reina. My awful lot of daughter" I chuckled as I pinned her with me.
She looked at him, smiling and then turned to my back and sucked on her thumb.
This girl.
"Hey Reina. Looks like she doesn't want to meet me. Where's the other one ?" BamBam oppa looked around.
"Jeonsan ! Come here !" I hissed at him. He was playing with Renchun, Jennie unnie's son.
He looked at me, his black shaggy bangs falling into his eyes, just like his father. He sighed heavily and came towards me.
"What Mother ? I was busy playing-" Jeonsan looked at BamBam oppa.
"Hi, young lad. Jeonsan, ah, Jeon. Should've known. How'd you do ?" BamBam oppa fistbumped as Jeonsan smiled at him eagerly.
Probably interested in BamBam oppa's stylish galaxy hair color. Any boy would die for that look.
"I am fine. Cool hair color, though. How many girls you'd hit up on anyway ?" Jeonsan smirked. Tell you what, just like his father.
"Jeonsan !" I hissed at him as BamBam oppa laughed.
"Well, sad life, kid. I'm not like your father. He was always in the top of girl's hearts and I'd reckon you'd be one too. Look, that's my wife there-" BamBam oppa pointed at Mina unnie.
"Oh, you have a wife" Jeonsan seemed much more disappointed.
"Now, you go play" BamBam oppa patted Jeonsan on his shoulder and he scurried off.
"That boy. Don't you mind him" I chuckled.
"Where's Kookie ? Come on, he can't be rushing off everywhere" BamBam oppa looked all around the wedding hall.
Suddenly a hand circled my waist and there was Jungkook, smartly dressed in a proper suit and tie. Still seeming like a teen.
"Ah, Jungkookie" BamBam oppa hugged Jungkook ever so tenderly. I loved the brother thing in them, it was overwhelming.
"Hyung, what's up ? It's been quiet a while, hasn't it, babe ?" Jungkook looked at me, waiting eagerly for me to start turning on BamBam oppa on with his love life.
"Duh, Jungkook. After he got on with Mina unnie, did you even seem to mind either of us ? What a shame" I winked at Mina unnie, who walked towards us. She gave a silent chuckle behind BamBam oppa.
"Atleast, you could've made an effort. Why didn't you visit us when we moved to Thailand ?" BamBam oppa justified.
"We were just too busy, hyung. Calm down, you're still in our hearts" Jungkook gave a sweet brotherly smile.
"Lisa, over to the stage ! We need a opinion on this hairstyle of ChaeChae" Rose unnie tugged me from behind.
I went to the backstage as I found Chaeyoung ( You know, Chaeyoung from Twice ) nervously sitting in the customer chair, her hands trembling.
"You know, I don't know what looks good on me. Lisa unnie, give me advice on my wedding day !" Chaeyoung shrieked.
I sat next to her, taking her hand and stroked it gently. "Do not be nervous, it's all going to mess up. Sit down and smile always like a pretty doll even though you'd get tired. Answer everyone's questions and show that you fit the leader of Bangtan-" I reassured.

Last chapter of Lisa.

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