Jisoo's POV - Taennie again

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1 week later -
The topic on Taennie is getting worse and worse. And more and more famous. Jennie hates this but that can't stop from us teasing her. YG has officially made it true that they both are dating. And Sir manager Sejin has also made it true. God knows what they're planning. "Unnie ! unnie !" Lisa shrieked from her room. I tugged Dalgom by my warm wooly pajamas and went to Lisa's room, Jennie and Rose were awake and making food. Smell of burnt bread filled the house. "Manager oppa called us to inform to go and meet him at the YG building at sharp 2pm" Lisa said as I entered her room which she shared with Jennie. "Oh is it" I sat on Lisa's bed which had bunny bedsheets and pillow covers and a stuffed pink bunny beside her bed. She squeezed Dalgom and put him inside the bunny covers. She smiled at him. "It's something serious" she said as she turned around me with a serious look on her face "There's some guests too." Oh no... it can't be what I'm thinking.
Is it our sunbaes ?
Is it going to be Bangtan ?
Taennie ?
Jennie definitely will be going ruckus if Bangtan was coming. She'd maybe itself refuse to go even though it's a serious situation. Lisa gave me a knowing smile and I smiled at her in knowingly way. "Jennie unnie is seriously gonna regret coming to fame now" Lisa sighed in a teasing way. I grinned. Our manager can be really angry at times, you know. He may shout so bad at the paparazzi and Seongi. I'm kinda scared now. Rose came inside with a plate full of burnt sandwiches and plain milk. I gagged. I hate milk, milk without any flavor or texture. Rose pouted at my reaction. She came and I pinched her puffy cheeks from pure exhaustion of making bread. Lisa without regret ate the sandwich and Rose sat on the bed after she kept the plate on the lamp table and looked at me. "What's up ?" Rose asked me. I shrugged. "We....mhf... have......mm.....meeti..mhf....at....mfh...mm...YG...mm" Lisa said while she ate. Rose snatched the sandwich "What did you say ?." "We have a meeting at YG at 2pm" Lisa rubbed her nose and snatched the sandwich back from Rose. "Mm....why ?" Rose said as she picked Dalgom who was trying his best to get out of the covers. "Ask the almighty god" I smirked. "Oh........ oh no" Rose said, her eyes wide as saucers. Me and Lisa laughed and Lisa's milk snorted through her mouth. The milk sprayed Rose and Jennie's bed. Jennie was watching all this and she came rushing through the door. "No, no, no !" Jennie said as she picked up her teddy and her pillows, soaked in milk. She threw the pillows at Lisa violently. Lisa kept laughing playfully. Rose tried to dry her cloths and went to her room. And I tried to stop Jennie. "Jennie...... we have a meeting conducted my YG" I spoke in a calm voice leaving those two fighting like babies. Jennie stopped and stared at me. "For what ?" she glared at me, evilly. I shrugged. "It cannot be what I'm thinking" she came close to me. I moved back fearfully. "Whatever, get ready" I said taking my eyes from Jennie. I left those two in the room in deep scilence. I sighed and got ready immediately.
"Lisa's laughs will be the death of me" Rose said as I came out of the bathroom dressed in a pink tank top and black torn jeans. She was drying her soaked shorts. "Oh yeah.... let me get dressed" she said as she looked at me and smiled. As she left to the bathroom, I took her shorts and put them in the washing machine. And went to Jennie's room.
"Jennie ! wassup ?" I shouted like Lisa would. Jennie was hunched up in her bed all dressed. She was dressed in a short wooly crop top and a black skirt. "Jennie" I said as I sat on her bed. She looked at me with a worried look. "Bangtan is coming" Jennie said quickly not letting me finish. "What ?!" I jumped up from the bed. "Yes... Bangtan is coming !" Jennie hit the pillow hard. "Oh...no" I muttered. "Oh yes" Jennie folded her arms and pouted. "Oh c'mon, you know it's going to be okay" I patted her in her shoulder. She moved away from me and looked at the clock, tick, tick, tick. It was 1 55. "Oh shit no !" Jennie rushed outside her room to call everyone. I put my shoes and took all the house keys and switched off the lights. Jennie dragged Lisa and Rose and finally came outside the house. Uh... god knows what's in store for us.

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