Lisa's POV - Cold To Cute

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"Yah !" I yelped at Jungkook who was splashing down the water his water gun had, he kept aiming it to me and shooting water splashed down my new white dress.
I looked around and luckily found another water gun Jungkook had specially laid out for me. Geez, this boy has some nerve to splash down water IN MY NEW DRESS.
I took the gun and aimed it carefully at the corridor, he was strolling around the house, unseen. But, I right knew he was hiding behind the pillars of the corridor, ready to shoot me more but I knew better.
Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist, muscular arms that only belonged to one human in the entire world. Atleast, I thought I knew better.
"Oh god, Jungkook !" I wanted to turn to him, but he kept hugging me from the back and I sighed, not trying anymore.
Why does he have to be so good at hiding ? Why does he have such an effect on me ? Why does he have to be good in everything ? I'm literally dying.
"Lisa......" his voice echoed in my ears, "Do you know, how pretty do you look ?" he asked in his innocent doleful voice. He turned from cold to cheesy in no time. "No" I replied.
"Well, you should know. You look even more prettier than-" but I had to interrupt Jungkook.
"Tzuyu ?" I asked. Even though she maybe a huge karma to Earth, she was still the visual goddess. She is one of the prettiest woman in the world. Or even in the top 10.
"No. Never. She comes below you. Way.... way below you. First you, then my mother-"
"Then IU. Come on Jungkook, you know Tzuyu, IU and your mother are much prettier than me, why do you have to put me first ?" I rolled my eyes, turning to him.
"I have an IDOL crush on IU. You can never count IDOL crushes. They probably never come true. And Tzuyu, she was just a stalker girl, I was... am never interested in. But you are my girlfriend, my beloved girlfriend. The person I want to be with for the rest of my life" Jungkook hesitated.
I smiled at his calming words. It makes my day. I keep on teasing him with IU just to hear these soft and sweet words coming out from his mouth.
And he knows it well, so, he keeps on saying it more sweeter, day by day, hour by hour, second my second, he knows it makes me smile.
"And what about BamBam hyung ?" Jungkook's face changed. Now it was my time to murmur sweet words like a honey suckle.
"Jungkook, he was my friend. He IS my BEST FRIEND. Just how you see J-hope oppa's sister. She is one of your best friends, right ?" I sheeplisly went in a awfully aegyo murmur.
He politely nodded and continued hugging me. I took hold of his firm hands and smiled to myself.
How had this cold one changed to the cute one ? From the Hotness God to the Aegyo Bunny.
I so loved him.
"Shall we go to Blackpink house, Jungkook ?" I asked him. I got a message that Taehyung oppa was there too from Jennie unnie.
"Sure, but.... why ? Aren't you practicing now ?" He asked me, still fooling around with my hair.
"I want to take a BREAK. Everyone's not like you, Milk. They can't be good at everything. Well, I reckon some people are, but I'm NOT. Let's go, we have a visitor, a small one" I smiled.

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