Jisoo's POV - Slow Dancing

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"Hey... Yeri !" I opened my arms for a warm welcome by Yeri.
She staggered forwards and lept into me, making me suffocate, but loving it all the same. I held Juana, my nine year old daughter and Jisung, my seven year old son, close to me.
"There there, who all are these ?" Yeri kneeled down, pinching both of their cheeks.
"Hi, I am Juana" Juana spoke out, always so brave and confident. She was a wild little creature, always ready to point out her sensible opinions and is a true leader. She always made me think of Jennie, which is a rather good thing, I suppose.
"Hi, I am Jisung" Jisung whimpered, copying Juana and clinged onto my dress desperately. I patted him on his head, at least he had greeted himself. Which he rarely does. He was always such a mommy boy and I felt so motherly like when I was next to him. Some of our friends's children used to make fun of him, so usually the adults pampered him. He had gotten his good looks from his father too which made everyone adore him.
"Aw, so cute ! Such a pretty girl and a handsome boy" Yeri smiled at them so warmly.
"When are you going to marry, Yeri ? It's been sure a lot of time already. Playgirl in the area, right ?" I made fun of her and she laughed automatically.
"What's playgirl, Mom ?" Juana asked, she was a mini dictionary herself, a smart brain box, so if she heard something out of her league, she would ask that very time itself.
I laughed at her. "A person who toys with peoples feelings" Yeri replied with a huge smile.
"So, you exactly know what it means. Why don't you stop it then ?" I grinned at her.
"You toy with people's feelings ?" Juana asked, innocently.
"Oh yes, that's what they say. But I'm just trying out a few people who I can marry. I'm testing guys, Juana. I'm trying to find my true man" Yeri replied.
"What a way of explaining a playgirl's idea. Hats off, Kim Yerin !" Jin oppa came along, acting like he imagined a hat out of nowhere and took it out and bowed at Yeri.
We both laughed as Jin oppa started his windshielding laugh and then we both got dead silent.
I loved his humor sense. I'd laugh all day long when I'm with him.
"Okay, okay, sorry. How's life, Yeri ?" He came back, his face turning into the handsome face again as he pulled off a smile.
"Great. Repeat it, great" Yeri smiled cautiously, not wanting to flirt, oh I bet. She was always the flirtatious flower foo foo with idol guys.
I chuckled so did Jin oppa. I bet he got the idea, so he patted my head like he does to a small child and left immediately when Jackson oppa called him.
"You have such a wonderful family, unnie. I wish to be you one day" Yeri smiled warmly as she patted Juana's and Jisung's heads once more.
I smiled back. "Thanks, Yeri" I thanked her. Suddenly Wendy happened to come by and she had struggle with her newborn baby so she asked Yeri to take care of her so Yeri left like that.
"Well, you go play, kids. The other children are having a lovely time running about here and there. Join them, and Juana, be sure to take care of Jisung. He always gets lost" I reassured.
"Oh, I know that Mum" Juana waved her hand as she pulled Jisung by his sleeve.
It looked like he didn't want to but he should know how it's like to be out from a comfort zone.
Once again, I met all my old friends, chatted with them for ages as time went by.
The church was crowded and it almost felt like a party hall to be honest. The music slowed down as the lightings went onn once again. Oh, it was slow dancing.
I searched for Jin oppa as everyone guy picked up his parnter for dancing. I looked around, turning all over. Soon, everyone was dancing except for me.
Namjoon and Chaeyoung were in the middle of all the couples, staring at each other so deeply it felt like they were staring at their souls.
Suddenly a arm swooped me down the near to all the couples and it had to be Jin oppa for the world's sake. I turned around and smiled at the man who took my heart.
We bowed like such in royal movie weddings and took each other's hands and started dancing, ever so gracefully.
The children were in the playroom but Hana and Jisung were outside, staring at all the couples. Af for their nature, both of them were shy and silent creatures. They did not simply adapt. What a pair.
Jin oppa and me looked at both of them, expecting what would Jisung do as a gentlemen.
He got up and asked his hand for Hana. Hana's mouth went to a small smile but Jisung still remained serious.
Hana accepted and got up, took his hands and guess what ?!
Did exactly the same slow dancing moves !
Me and Jin oppa chuckled. They danced by the side, in a silent corner.
"Aren't you proud of our son ?" Jin oppa asked, chuckling.
"Oh yes" I muttered as I gazed at oppa's eyes. He bent down and slowly kissed me.
It felt like the same feeling I had when he first kissed me.

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