Jennie's POV - Old Times

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I fed Minseo a spoonful of mashed potato as I wiped off the remainings all over her mouth.
"Jisoo unnie, can you feed Minseo while I go get Renchun and Mark from that bumpy castle ? Jihee ! Eat your food properly" I dabbed Jihee's frock as she moaned heftily.
"Four kids is a lot of trouble, isn't it Jennie ? Jin oppa told me that Taehyung is soon expecting another baby, uh ?" Jisoo unnie smirked.
I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Oh, Taehyung wishes" I sighed as Jisoo unnie laughed.
"Ay Renchun ! Mark ! Over here !" I shouted as Renchun and Mark bounced and ran about the bumpy castle with another boys like them.
"Hey milady, look who we've got here" a guy with a suit and a mischievous smirk came before me.
"What do you want, hun ?" I crossed my arms. Another freak flirt for sure.
If only Taehyung was here, he'd knock the heck out of him and he'd be soon running away like a two year old child who saw a dinosaur.
"Oh oh, haughty. Love that look on you, gorgeous" he continued, clicking his tongue as he swept his hand around my waist and pulled me closer as I gasped.
"Excuse me" Taehyung appeared out of nowhere, gripping his arms around me as he pulled me away from that bastard.
"If you may excuse.... lay a hand on my wife and-" Taehyung voice exoticly changed, going deeper than an ocean.
The stranger gave a threatening look at me as I looked at Taehyung.
"What are you looking at her for ?!" Taehyung hissed, more like a scary shout. I looked around, the kids from the bumpy castle stared at Tae in horror.
"Tae, not now. Come back. Leave this freak alone. You don't want to make a scene in front of kids, especially in a wedding" I pulled Taehyung back, scared he was going to go physical.
You never know when Taehyung might be serious. He is the cute person in the inside, but he's way too bad at BAD people.
Taehyung held me close as he made me walk away from him.
"Why did you have to come here in the first place, Jennie ?" Taehyung asked me, his voice going back to normal again.
"I have to call Renchun and Mark for dinner. Why weren't you there in the buffet area ? It's time for eating. Father and sons don't have a proper time for eating !" I crossly spoke.
"Look, I'll be there in a minute. I was talking to Yoongi hyung about the old times. Met his little daughter and Dahyun. You go call Renchun and Mark. Ok, babe ? Don't even mind all these bad guys" Taehyung smiled so cutely.
I thought I was going to loose it then and there. I smiled back and dragged Renchun and Mark to the buffet area.
"But Mom ! I wanted to play. Not eat !" Renchun sighed. He's the fussiest of all of my kids. He's thin and tall with a cold expression all the time unless something fun was happening. Never wanting to budge, he was daddy's big boy. I had to often get him to suspension all the same after getting into a terrible fight in school.
He was the naughtiest, the strongest and the stubborn one. He would not rest until he won.
"Yay ! Food ! Wedding's always have good food, Renchun. Not like stinky veggie dinner Mary used to make !" Mark pulled his nose.
Mary was our cook. Of course, because of her stinky veggie dinner we gave her up. But the taste still existed in our buds and it felt horrible.
Now, speaking of Mark. He was a jolly boy who usually ate a lot. He was short and chubby, and the exact opposite of Renchun, but they still got along well.
Renchun sometimes used to bully Mark, but it's brothers, they have to fight orelse it's no fun. Mark always sideled up to me, he always gave me huge cuddles when I was tired. Renchun gags at him when he does that, but you can see a hint of jealousy when I treat him so nicely.
"Boo hoo, mommy teaching her baby son how to sippy sloppy milk !" Renchun waggled his huge tongue usually.
Next was Jihee. My first daughter. She was like a doll when she was much more younger. I used to love dressing up girls and I loved dressing up Jihee and played little pretend games with her. A girl was always my wish. But Jihee grew up big and found her own ways. Though we still had quality mother and daughter time. We took turns taking care of Minseo and she enjoyed doing it. She was thin but short and looked immensely cute.
I don't think I can talk much about my second daughter, of course, when she's only one years. Minseo was a darling creature. Jihee used to cry relentlessly when she was small but Minseo rarely cried. She was easily attracted my the most silliest things ever.
She was Taehyung's weakness. Of course, Taehyung always loved babies and kids but his look for Minseo was so adorable.
Sometimes I purposely gave Minseo to Taehyung when I was busy and you should see the sweetness of his looks in her eye.
Renchun and Mark ate and went off to play again while Jihee picked on her food for an hour.
Minseo was rather trouble, she was not a food fan either. She loved spoons and she had a great time licking of the chocolate syrup from the container as her dessert.
Me and Jisoo unnie talked for ages, going off about our lifes and Rose and Lisa came walking in together and sat beside us. And we started talking about old times and we almost felt like we all never grew up.
Bless us all and especially me...
Everyone thought I was incapable of childbirth ever since I got stabbed but it was God's miracle that made me have such lovely children.

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