Jimin's POV - Don't Know What To Do

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"Are you okay now, Rose ?" I murmured in her ears.
She was sneezing and coughing and now she is in the bed tucked up cause she spat blood.
"I'm okay, oppa, you may go, you're members must be waiting for you" she replied, her voice croaky but somehow sounded cute at the same time.
I DID use her to get over Lisa, but she didn't come back, so it's of no use.
But it would be such a sin if I would tell Rose that.
She was so innocent, she really reminded me of a small little cute chipmunk.
I didn't know how I would bring the topic up to her, but sooner or later I have to.
Not because she was not the girlfriend I needed.
Just because, if I'll have not break up with her, all the lies and sins I have done to her will not disappear.
One day, I'll have to tell her it was all a role-play and I didn't actually like her.
It would hurt me also, that I actually teared up a little while cuddling her close.
"I don't want to go, I'll stay here as long as you're fine" I mumbled as I kissed her hair, lightly.
She took so much care of me while I was sad, now it was my turn.
I've taken her to millions of dates, roamed around hand to hand everywhere, had little sweet-talks, and sometimes kissed her lightly.
But this was all fake. And I didn't gave the guts to tell all of this to her.
I can't use her on and on, I know Lisa won't come back, and I could use Rose for a long time.
But lies can be found out sooner or later.
Rose was all like a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a wife, a mother.
But I knew this little kind creature was not for me.
She didn't deserve a cheat like me.
"Oh oppa, do go, I'll be fine, my unnie's will take good care of me" she smiled.
I sighed, hugging her close, because I knew I had to leave her sooner or later, and forever.
I shall not bring up this topic to her nowadays.
I will take good care of her while she is sick, and make sure she is wealthy again and then bring up this to her.
"Oh, Chaeyoungie" I muttered as she pulled my hand away from her hips.
"You'll get my cold, oh oppa, I'm so frustrated" she whined.
"Why ?" I asked her, pushing her hand out of my way to her hips.
"I sang so badly at the Show Music Core, my voice was so off the live" she complained.
"There, have a look" she said, taking her phone and opening the video for me to see.

Her voice was really off the live, and they had a fanchant.
"Oh there, you really have a fanchant now, congratulations" I pretended like nothing happened.
"Yeah, but then my voice, I really disappointed our Blinks, especially when they even made a fanchant and we got an award for that show" she looked at me, almost tears in her eyes.
Yes, she terribly cried after the show, and I was there backstage, hoping she would do fine.
"But you were awesome, the Blinks really support you" I smiled.
"No, the Blinds really discouraged me" she frowned.
"The Blinds ?" I scoffed.
"That's what Blinks call Anti-Blackpink fans" she pouted.
I laughed at her silly behavior.
I breathed heavily, her British Rose perfume was so much scented, I cuddled even more.
"Oh, I love you, Rose" I bit her earlobe as I smiled at her little giggle.
"It's all fake, oppa, why lie ?" she chuckled.
I gasped, and let out a scoff, pretending she was talking nonsense.
"Yah, how much times should I tell you the same thing over and over again ?" I scoffed.
"You're using me to get over Lisa, oppa, don't lie" she replied, her voice deep for a second.
"I loooooooovvveeeee you, Rose !" I screamed.
"Yah, my members are still here, shut up, you don't want them to tease me now, don't you ?" Rose pinched my hand softly.
I winced, which made her slightly giggle. I was happy she was getting better again.
Probably, her members must have known I was cuddling their Rose so affectionately that they decided not to be third wheelers and get out of the house.
"Ah, my members are not here, why didn't they tell me ?" Rose asked, taking her phone, going through WhatsApp at Jennie's message.
                                                            Jendeukie ~
Jendeukie - Yah Chaeyoung, we're not home.
Me - Eh ?
Jendeukie - Yah, we decided not to interrupt your sweet time with your boyfriend.
Me - Unnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee.
Jendeukie - Bye, Gucci on the way !
Me : Srsly ? Bye.
I laughed at Rose's shook face as she typed her third message.
"Yo, keep the phone down, you need to have good rest, your head will hurt if you use so much stress such as you're phone, now, be a good girl and go to sleep" I instructed her.
She snuggled next to me, wrapping her arms around my biceps, as her breath hit my neck.
I put my arms around her waist and held her right hand and pecked it affectionately.
She lay magnificently, her beautiful legs positioned in an innocent way, as she breathed with her mouth open, looking not cute but hot.
"Oh, you little girl, how can you be so cute and hot at the same time ?" I murmured in her ear.
"Mmmm" she sighed as she dug her face into my neck even more.
I held her closely, I never wanted to leave her now, but she would if I would tell her the truth.

I'm sorry if this was short, but I get sad thinking about Rose itself.
Don't you feel terrible for Rose, and...... Jimin ?

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