Taehyung's POV - Fight

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I woke up with droopy eyes, hanging my head, on a unknown pillow.
I opened my eyes and found a pretty, little nurse watching over me, with her big eyes.
"Hey, you alright, hon ?" she smiled. What a cool nurse.
It made me remember of Jennie. And her cold behavior.
The nurse placed a tray in the beside table, and pinned something to my bandage.
"You're alright" she smiled at me.
I nodded in return, smiling back.
"Taehyung !" I heard Jimin hyung's scream. He ran towards me, looking at me, carefully.
"You-yo-you are alright, aren't you ?" he stuttered, holding my hand.
"Yes....... I am" I tilted my head a little, it was like, I hadn't felt my body move for years.
"Of course you are, now, tell me, how do you feel now ?" Jimin hyung smiled.
"I'm fine hyung" I smiled weirdly, everything was so weird.
"I know, I was just worried about you, I wanted to- never mind" he frowned.
"Hyung, tell me, what's wrong ?" I wrapped my hand around his fist.
"Nothing Tae, just that, me and Jungkook are not going very well, now" he shrugged.
"And that made me lose my relationship with Lisa" he scoffed.
"How, I mean, how with Lisa ?" I questioned.
"Jungkook and Lisa were out yesterday, the full time, and I was so worried, and I spent the whole night waiting for Lisa, but then, they spent the night together, or even the day, and I didn't even ask Lisa about more details, I just got angry, and stormed off" he frowned.
What. So, they slept together. Oh no, it was not like that Seulgi thing again.
He always ruins Jimin hyung's chances with female idols. And he hates that.
And I guess, he's just trying to be protective as how Jimin hyung is towards him.
But definitely in a annoying way.
"You should have asked her, hyung" I reasoned.
"Maybe, they didn't sleep together after all" I said, holding his fist tight.
"Taehyung-ah, where were you, Tae Tae tomato ?" Jungkook said, appearing behind Jimin hyung out of nowhere.
"Jungkook-ah, did I pass out or something ?" I asked both of them.
"Of course you did, and you totally fell next to the.... bomb" Jungkook said, giving his hand for our famous handshake.
"Bomb ?" I looked at him, confused. A bomb. Gosh, seriously.
"Look through Koreaboo and you'll find out" Jungkook told me.
"So that means, I was paralyzed or something ?" I asked him.
"Yeah, of course you were, but you're okay now, aren't you ?" Jungkook smiled.
"Of course, I'm okay, I'm just worried about other few peo-" I stopped.
I somehow managed to pull my hand and give him a handshake, gently.
He smiled at my effort for doing it, without a word. I smiled back, sympathetically.
Jimin hyung looked away, pretending to look at the window.
"Hyung" I called him. He looked at me with a fake-smile. I looked at him, pissed off.
These two are always up to something or the other.
"I think you're hungry, I'll go and buy some-" Jimin hyung got up, but I stopped him.
"I'm not hyung, just stay with me, I need company" I tugged his wrist into my blanket.
He rolled his eyes. Gosh, that attitude. Our mochi chim-chim.
"Ya-Tae, I'm hungry" he said, pulling his hand away from me.
Jungkook kept looking at me, not wanting his eyes to go anywhere, especially Jimin hyung.
Then Jimin hyung scooted out of us, out of the room itself.
"ICU ?!" I screamed.
"Yeah, not a thing, look at you !" he laughed.
I looked down and found bandages all around me. Yet, I felt like I was on my own cloths.
Blood was shown everywhere. Yet, I didn't feel pain at all.
Maybe, I was okay now.
"Tell me more, Jungkook-ah, about the fight you and Jimin had, and what happened, yesterday ?" I took his hand.

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