Taehyung's POV - Glad

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I mumbled "Good morning" sleepily as I kissed Jennie's soft hair and she woke up and smiled.
"It feels good waking up with you again, Taehyung" she replied.
Even me. It feeled so good having Jennie's head on my arms while I woke up from my sleep. It was a huge kickstart to my day. I'll feel happier than ever now.
"Wait...." I felt her forehead and her neck, it was burning hot. "Look at you, your temperature is so high !" I got up, trying to get Jennie up as she whined and moaned about sleeping longer.
"No, no. You're getting up and going to the nearest clinic as fast as you can" I ordered.
"Am I not even going to brush my teeth, or eat breakfast or bath ?!" Jennie whined like a baby.
"Of course you're going to. You go get ready and I'll get the breakfast ready" I said.
But I guess that was mistake, I went to the kitchen of Blackpink house and stared at its empty bowls and plates which I had expected something to be in it.
This was a girls house not a boys house, anyway. I didn't know even girls were like us, boys.
Hadn't Jisoo noona left something as promised ? She said she'd make me pancakes since I loved it ever so much when Jennie bought Jisoo noona's packed pancakes in BigHit building.
Suddenly, Jennie came out in her baggy tracks and a wooly full sleeved pink off shoulder and stared at me, her mouth going into a whole lopsided grin.
"Chef Taehyung, what have you got me ready, plates and bowls ?" Jennie teased me, smirking.
"Look, your unnie and.... minions-" I said, suddenly remembering what she used to call Rose and Lisa, "haven't made anything..... absolute nothing" I complained.
"And by the way, I forgot to show you someone, someone you know is living in this house. With me, right now. Her father came and told me, 'I have to go for a business trip, so can you take care of her ?' so I have to take care of her. Yesterday, she had an outing with Lisa so she got back late... shall I call her ?" Jennie mysteriously tapped her fingers on her chin.
"Papi !" Jennie called out loudly. Suddenly a loud thud on the stairs echoed and I found.. Papi ?!
What was she doing here ? Why was she here ? And how was she here ?
I had wanted to ask a whole lot series of questions but all I could do was to hug Papi and lift her up and swirl her round and round until she giggled and felt dizzy.
"Taehyung oppa !" Papi squealed as I let her down. She looked at both of us and smiled shyly.
"Taehyung oppa, do you know something ? I saw your picture on the roadside and a girl with a cap with you in it. And much more, you're very famous around girls, aren't you ?" Papi continued shrieking.
Oh well, she was still to young to know anything about idols. She didn't know me and Jennie were idols and famous. If I showed her to our ARMY, they would literally kill her. ( Sorry ARMY's if you got offended, I will do that, I don't think everyone's like me. Of course, Taehyung loves ARMY and would never think of that, but for my story, yeah).
I looked at Jennie and she was looking at Papi, possibly even more excited than her. She looked at me and smiled hugely while I stared at her confused.
"Oh Taehyung, you remember, the police officer that came to your house because of that Bang PD-nim issue ? Papi's father ? The kind police officer ? He came and lend me Papi for a few days because he's going for a business trip. Blackpink is taking care of her, she wanted to meet you ever so badly but since we...... kind of..... broke up-thingy-" Jennie couldn't finish.
"My father came here and you guys broke up ?!" Papi asked, so confused.
"Yes, Papi. Your father went to Taehyung oppa's house, not here. And.... we kind of broke up, but we're friends again" Jennie half sided hugged me.
Papi nodded, encouraged. "I want you two as my mother and father, you'll make such a great couple when you're married, and great parents too, your children are so lucky !" Papi whined.
"Heard her ?" I nudged Jennie, silently. "No, I didn't, especially not five kids" Jennie nudged back and I pouted and she grinned.
"What are you two bickering about ? Me ? Do I look weird ?" Papi suddenly tried to fix her long braided hair and dust her pink fleece nightgown. We both shook our head and obeyed her as if we were her children and she was the mother.
This went on for a long time. The whole family thing.
She made me play with her toys and made Jennie pretend to clean the house with her. She fed us cornflakes for breakfast and had some for her too, and she taught us alphabets. She made us play with all her toys and then made us watch some TV.
After sometime, while we got bored, Jennie taught Papi how to make Kimchi Fried Rice and I had a gala time eating it up.
And then we played some hide and seek until we got so tired and sprawled up on the sofa and they off.
Papi was lying on Jennie's lap as Jennie laid her head in my shoulders and I took Jennie's hand while they were asleep, unable to sleep due to the uncomfortableness.
I squeezed Jennie's hand while she murmured in her sleep. I'm glad we're back together.

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