Lisa's POV - Oh No

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"Lisa !" Rose unnie shouted.
I took my earphones and looked at her immediately.
Her face was red swollen, shocked and scared.
"What unnie ?" I gulped.
There was something really wrong.
She looked at her stylist, asking for a minute and rushed towards me.
"Lisa...... the whole thing is out of hands" she looked at the phone, worriedly.
"What unnie ?....... quit it and just tell me already !" I turned at her, in a scared face.
She shoved her phone down at my jacket.
I picked it up and looked at it, shocked and speechless.
"But-" I replayed the video.
"How ?" I bit my lip.
The video was clearly showing, Jimin taking me by my waist to the emergency room.
And the scenes before, me and Jimin hastily leaning forward, smirking.
And then I'm falling beside his legs and he picking me up.
Hadn't I noticed, his other hand was under my thigh.
I gulped.
"Did this all happen ?" Rose unnie chimed in from my deep thoughts.
"And, that was, you know-" she tried to come up with a sentence.
A pain shot from my waist again.
Thinking about it, made it pain even more.
I tried to console myself I could perform for the MMA.
For my Blinks at least.
I could not be such a selfish goose to think about not performing.
I had to.
We were rookies.
We would get nowhere without determination and strong will. 
I clenched my fists, trying to regain my old power back.
It just wouldn't come.
I closed my eyes and thought about myself.
I nodded.
Rose unnie was looking at me, deeply confused.
"I can unnie !" I said out loud.
"Can what ?" she asked.
"Oh yeah right, I'm sorry, I was thinking of something" I smiled awkwardly.
"It's ok, I swear... nothing will happen" I consoled her.
And then when my stylist finished immediately I rushed out of the room.
My stylist has the best timings.
I went to our practice room and lay crossed leg on the floor.
Tapping the floor in deep thought I bit my lip in curiosity.
Whoever could take that video ?
I got up but then suddenly Lee Song-woo unnie came indside the room.
"Lisa, I was going left and right to find you, darling" she smiled, warmly.
"I'm so sorry, but I'm just-" I abruptly stopped, pulling up my innocent smile.
"I know darling, I know" she put her hand on my shoulder "If you'd just tell me what happened."
"You see-" I sighed heavily.
"It's just... Rose unnie came and-" I bit my lip.
"I know honey, I know..... what happened there ?" she pulled her serious face lying me scared.
"Unnie, we came a little early, Bangtan Sonyeondan were still practicing" I looked at her.
"It's just that-" I continued "We greeted each other" I crossed my fingers, was I going red ?
"Why did he lean towards you ?" she quickly questioned.
"It just looked like he was leaning, he was not really" I lied with a straight face.
"Mm.... so can I say, you guys were greeting each other and he was not leaning towards you ?, internet is not innocent" she fake smiled.
"Lisa.... just tell me" she rolled her eyes.
"Any uncomfortable talks, any harassing, did he push you ?" she continued.
"No !" I shot at her, looking up, feeling raged.
"He never did, and he never will" I crossed my arms, looking down again.
"We can always report to BigHit, those guys will be speechless and guess who's under the spotlight then, Lisa ?" she low key smirked.
"Fame, fans" she continued.
"Who will you and your unnies be then ?" she shrugged.
"I will never do that" I hastily replied.
"All of this has happened in this industry before, this is not new !" her tone grew serious.
"But he's kind !..... he just tried to help me when I tripped !" I shot back, heading towards the door.
"Lisa, you will be in great trouble if you don't simply think about your future !" she hissed.
"Oh, so I will just destroy his life and start living like a princess" I looked back.
My eyes were turning red in rage.
"Lisa darling, this industry is cruel, the world is cruel itself, so think about it better" she smiled.
"Oh yeah I will !...... but I will not say yes to this kind of filthy tricks you play !" I shot back.
"Don't you dare yell at me !" she clenched her fists, gritting her teeth.
"Well just suffer it, no, no, no !" I yelled and stormed out of the room in rage.
I slammed the door behind me and walked towards our make-up room.
I sat on one of the chairs and bit my lip hard in agony.
When I looked front in the mirror I saw my members reflection, three of them in three chairs.
"Unnie ?" I turned back.
"I know Lisa" suddenly Jisoo unnie spoke in.
"Uh unnie !.... you spoilt it, I was planning something to make Lisa smile !" Jennie unnie hissed.
What were they talking about ?
Suddenly it dawned on me. Ah, the Jimin thing.
Then Lee Song-woo dawned on my mind. I gritted my teeth.
Suddenly I let it out.
"Unnie... just listen, I met Lee Song-woo unnie in the practice room and she insisted on giving a complain to BigHit saying Jimin harassed me, but I refused and plus got angry, and I think now I'm in great trouble !" I burst out, almost in tears.
"She did that because so we could not be in trouble and-" I paused.
A tear rolled down my cheek in anger.
The three of my unnies stood shocked and stunned.
"That's cruel of her" Rose unnie chimed in, gasping.
"It's always a good plan, but cunning" Jennie unnie remarked.
We three looked at her.
"We are ladies, and we get all the support, so it's simple to just put the issue on a men's head" she reasoned.
"That's not fair but" Jisoo unnie chimed in.
"This is a world, unnie..... it's cruel" Jennie unnie grinned.
"I do believe that" I nodded.
"You should, but it's a game, can you play it ?" she smirked.
"I never said about playing it, unnie" I stared at her in disbelief.
"In my opinion, you should, Lisa" she grinned.
I got up. Why hadn't anyone had a heart in this place ?
"Atleast he picked me up, he had faith in me, he helped me !" I whined.
"You don't have a heart !" I yelled.
"Jennie unnie, do you have any idea how's it to fall in love ?" I sarcastically asked her.
"You are so cold-hearted, that Taehyung likes you, and yet you treat him as a worm !" I shouted.
Tears were formed in my eyes, ready to crash out like a tsunami.
Jennie unnie was still, looking heart broken.
"I like Jimin !" I yelled.
"And I know, it's almost a end to my career because of scolding my manager, but I love him !" I yelled.
And I headed towards the door, leaving everyone speechless.
"So you say you like Jimin more than us ?!" Jennie unnie got up, in furious rage.
I stopped.
I closed my eyes. This was the last question I wanted to hear.
"We were always there to support you, when you cried, we cried, when you laughed, we laughed, and now we're just useless creatures because Lalisa Manoban got a man !" Jennie unnie yelled.
Tears started dripping down my cheeks, terribly.
"I just liked him, and I'm just paying him off my gratitude for helping me !" I turned back.
"Just leave it !" I stormed outside the room.
I went to the hallway and messed up my hair, took out my extensions, tore off my jacket and washed my face, leaving no make-up behind.
I changed my fancy cloths into a normal t-shirt and shorts with my timberlands.
And charged outside the trailer, went through the exit and called an Uber.
Went the Uber arrived, I got in and asked the driver to go to our house.
I looked outside the window.
The beautiful Seoul was glimmered in lights and small food stalls and the Melon Music Awards building stood.
A small and wide circular building.
The fans were standing in the queue waiting for they're turn, excitedly.
Some of them were busy checking their banners and posters.
Giggling and laughing to each other.
I saw some of them holding Blackpink posters and stickers.
One of them had a huge Blackpink logo and it said "I stan the right group"
I smiled at their support.
And I kinda felt guilty having to just walk out of the building in rage.
I wanted to apologize my Blinks and my dear friends.
Why did I have to yell like that in the first place ?
Yeah, yeah.
Wasn't it unfair of me to complain about Jimin when he helped me ?
That Jungkook was just standing there, wide eyed at me on the floor.
His arrogance and attitude.
But Jimin just picked me up, like his own sister.
My friends or Jimin ?
My friends have been a lot supportive and caring for me.
But they don't know how's it like to really have feelings for someone.
I really hated Jennie unnie's behavior towards Taehyung.
After all, he liked her.
I would atleast treat him as a friend.
He was sweet and he was weird in his own way.
Okay, he's not not Jennie unnie's type but atleast, faith.
This world is so cruel.

                                Who's side are you in ? Blackpink or Jimin ? Hard, uh ?

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