Lisa's POV - New MV

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This was the day we all had waited for.
The day where we would shine.
I squealed as I hugged myself, tight. By distance, I could hear my devil side and my angel side, hugging and squealing together, no matter how they used to fight for their differences.
I strutted down in my post high heels, dreaming of walking down the red carpet, hands linked together with my members, acting like famous American movie stars, head held up high.
I turned the volume to the maximum as I danced to UP AND DOWN.
Slowly doing the hip thrusts as I watched myself in the mirror, watching a cringy person.
I pulled my loose white t-shirt and rolled up the hem of my black shorts.
Clicking my heels and enjoying every bit of the song.
I've never danced so passionately to this song before, though I've seen many of the BTS members do it, so care-free that I wonder how confident they are.
Jungkook's hip thrusts though, and Jimin's are just too hot to look, that my eyes would burn up.
That freaking Jungkook though.
I can't believe it's been 1 month and 5 days by now since we're dating.
And Jimin still hasn't even called me by now, he ignores me more and more.
But something tells me, it can be hard, but he will come back.
And once I'm done, I'll leave Jungkook and his own life and walk out of his dating history.
Though the Billboard performance though, they're so good.
I wish we were as successful as them in future, though we were more than enough for rookies, even Jungkook said that, I was so happy, atleast he complimented us.
And now, today was our comeback MV.
Suddenly FAKE LOVE turned up in the radio and I stopped, hearing Jungkook's part.
I tapped my toes, though I've never even looked at the MV, not bearing to see two faces.
Though Jisoo and Jennie unnie always forced me, and suddenly Jennie unnie walked inside.
"Hit you with that DDU DU DDU !" Jennie unnie sang as she danced along.
And suddenly she stopped.
"I'm so tired of this FAKE LOVE, FAKE LOVE, FAKE LOVE !" Jennie unnie sang.
I rolled my eyes at her, now she really likes Taehyung oppa.
"Cool down unnie, you don't want to be yourself an Army, do you ?" I asked her.
Though they all slayed and I itself would fall for them if I was a normal girl.
I would drool all over them and worship them, this would not be me at all now.
Jennie unnie switched off the radio, linking arms with mine.
And pulled me downstairs, the Blackpink TV crew were already down, and so were our vocals.
Rose unnie diligently ran through her lips with her pink floss.
And Jisoo unnie sat munching on some sandwich, not even caring if she looked good or not.
"This comeback's gonna be awesome !" Jennie unnie sighed as she clapped her hands.
After such a long break, we were gonna have a wonderful comeback that would terrify the Blinks.
Suddenly Rose unnie's phone rang, and she picked it up, smiling.
"Yes oppa"
"................. yeah, sooner, nah.......... I'm terrified" she spoke.
It was Jimin, a burning feeling lifted my heart, he would probably try to make her feel better.
And I had Jungkook, who'd be like.
"Ah, it's your comeback, how could I forget, even though I did" he would say.
She kept her phone down after she mumbled two or three words shyly.
She looked at me and smiled at me warmly.
"Come on guys, it's probably time" our cameraman spoke.
First the whole crew got out, and then we slowly walked out, putting our masks and caps.
The crew got into a different van, and we went in a car with our drivers and bodyguards.
"Aren't you excited ?" I happily chattered away at Rose unnie, who seemed terrified.
"No, I mean, kinda, just nervous at my comeback, you guys are gonna rock the screen, while, I mean, never mind" she stuttered, smiling at me nervously.
"Aww" I hugged her sideways.
"My hair, you monkey !" she pushed me away, and I laughed.
Jennie and Jisoo unnie sat at the front, blabbering non-stop about something.
And these UNNIES tell me to shut up.
"You're gonna rock it too, you're fan-base is awesome" I encouraged her.
"Not as you and Jennie unnie" she replied.
"Jisoo unnie will just get so offended at what you're saying now" I laughed.
"Well, I think I'm last in our popularity scale" she sighed dramatically.
Finally we reached our studio, and we went to our studio and our MV locations.
New dresses, new locations, new looks, new song.
Somehow we finally completed our new comeback MV, successfully.
And it ended up like this -

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