Jungkook's POV - Full House

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"Unnie !" Lisa yelled out as she opened the door. But poor us, Jennie noona and Taehyung hyung and....... a small beautiful girl was sleeping on the couch ?
"See, that's Papi. Well, she'll have to introduce herself. I know nothing about her. Her mother is Jennie unnie. She takes care of everything for her. And.... Taehyung oppa !" Lisa squealed.
What was so exciting in Taehyung oppa ? I mean, hyung.
Suddenly Taehyung hyung woke up in a start, looking at Lisa and me and Jennie noona woke up too, shocked to see us both and then Papi sleepily rubbed her eyes, getting up.
"Oh, Lisa and.... Jungkook-" Jennie noona said getting up, "Sit down, we dozed off, didn't we ?" she asked Taehyung hyung and he sleepily nodded and Jennie noona headed to the washroom.
"Hey, Barbie doll and.......... I have no idea what to call you-" Papi squeaked in her adorable voice.
"Milk. Call him Milk. It's what I call him. And. Don't. Call. Me. A. Barbie. Doll. For goodness sake. Call me-"
"Noona" I interrupted. I smiled as I said those words myself. I went forward and pinched Papi's cheek.
"Hi, I'm Jungkook. You can call me anything you want. I'm not like strict unnie. But, don't call me oppa, NEVER DO. It makes me feel old. Though I'd like to be. I'm 21 years old. And I'm Taehyung oppa's friend" I introduced myself in a kiddy voice.
I was never close to kids before, I was, to kids who were like me at that age. And I never got to meet anymore kids except for our fan's younger siblings or even their own daughters or girls barely 5 to 10 years old.
"Hi, Milk. I'm Yong Papi, and I'm abnormal" she introduced herself, barely smiling.
"Yah, Kook. Where did you guys go ?" Taehyung hyung asked me while Lisa and Jennie went off in the kitchen, chattering.
"Um, we were in YG building. Lisa was practicing. She wanted to come here, so...." I trailed off.
Taehyung hyung nodded, I bet he was still dozing off in his mind.
"I'll go have a quick shower then, I'm really sleepy" Taehyung hyung got up, smiling at Papi.
"You have your cloths here ?" I asked him, he was so damn close to Jennie noona.
"Yeah, I actually do. Remember, I used to stay here.... very rarely ?" Taehyung hyung started heading off to one of the room's.
I looked at Papi's concentrated face and picked her up and swirled her around for a while until she squealed and screamed.
I put her down on the couch and sat beside her, my legs crossed and I tugged in the cushions. Making myself comfortable as she did too.
"Tell me more about yourself" I added. She politely nodded and took out a lollipop from under the couch.
"Ssh, it's a secret. Jennie unnie doesn't know I have candies stored everywhere" she hissed.
I chuckled as I helped her tear off the wrapper and she sucked on it slowly.
"I'm Yong Papi. I am 7 years old. And I love lollipops. I used to live with my horrible mother and my four awful siblings until Father saw me-" she sighed.
"Why were your mother horrible and your siblings awful ?" I asked her, feeling as small as her.
"My mother was the most drunk person you'd ever know. She'd come back home lately with a couple of her lads and dates them for a very couple of time. Rich ones. Because she's ever so pretty and famous downtown. I never got her feautres. She doesn't remember anyone when she's drunk, me or my siblings. She doesn't care about us. I have four siblings. The eldest one is a girl, called Nayun. She's 16. She's the one who takes care of everything. But she only likes Jinyoung and Jiyuhin and baby Lushauo. She hates me, she beats me up every night undressed in front of my other siblings and scolds me-"
What the hell ? Isn't that child abuse ?
"Jinyoung and Jiyuhin are the most annoying. They are both twins. Jinyoung is the elder one, Jiyuhin came out a minute late. They both are just one month elder than me. They tease me and pour water over me and dumps me in water until I suffocate and Nayun starts screaming at them. They call me the Pale Stick. They ruin my reputation. I go to school with them" she gasped.
"Then there's baby Lushauo. The youngest. She's only 3 but she hates me too. She starts yelling and shrieking whenever she sees me. It's her father who sends us money for school and food. He's an businessman in the US. He rarely comes but he sends us money. He loves Lushauo, and sends her such pretty dresses and toys but Nayun keeps on selling them to the shop because what Lushauo's father sends is not enough for all the five of us" Papi told it out like it was no big deal.
Oh wow, the house was filled and there were more people coming up on and on. I eyed at Lisa who was busy making something with Jennie noona while they both chatted.
She caught my eye and gave me an signal to open the door, I tackled Papi in a childish manner and went to open the door.
I creaked open the door and..... Jimin hyung and Rose ? Woah. This was really turning into a full house.
"Hey Kook !" Jimin hyung smiled, warmly. I smiled back, way too awkward seeing all of them in Blackpink house when I had seriously wanted me and Lisa to be ALONE.
"Hey... Rose.... noona. Wait, I'll call you Rose. I call Lisa, Lisa. You're only months before her-" I smiled. Soon I realized I was standing right in the middle of the door as Lisa called out to me asking who was it.
I moved beside, and Rose walked in. "Hey, I want to talk to you about something" Jimin hyung nudged me while he walked past me.
"What ?" I asked as we both sat on the couch and Papi stared curiously at Jimin hyung's face.
"Oh. Who's this ? Papi ?" Jimin hyung pinched Papi's brook. I admit, he could be a really good child minder if he wasn't an idol.
"Yes. I'm Papi. You're that awkward unnie's boyfriend, aren't you ?" Papi asked as we both laughed at what she called Rose.
"Oh well, yeah. What a name, that's just wonderful. Why don't you go to your unnies because you won't get a thing we're saying. We'll play after sometime" Jimin hyung patted her.
"Sure. I smell macaroons" Papi said, following the smell to the kitchen.
"We are going to have a new CEO" Jimin hyung let out as I gasped.
New CEO ? After Bang PD-nim ? Woah.

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