Lisa's POV - Unnie

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Thank god Jisoo unnie's palm was okay. It was wrapped in cotton thread which had savlon. I hope it didn't hurt that much though. I saw Jisoo laughing and chuckling at Jin. And she kept going tomato red when Jin lingered his fingers through his shaggy hair. Our unnie falling in love ?. Impossible. She was like an anti-social boyfriend's zone. "See Jisoo ? OMG... I've never seen that girl like that" Jennie whisper-shouted in my ear. She laughed. Jisoo turned back and Jennie stopped immediately, she hissed and sat properly. Facing the show. Selena Gomez entered the stage with a group full of black coated men. She wore a white dress, so short, it was higher than her knee. All up... all up.... way up. You could almost see her panties. WOLVES started playing and she sang in her godly angelic voice. The men in Black started breaking a few dance moves. The crowd cheered. Selena smiled in between that made the Selenators jump hysterically.

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