Lisa's POV - Away

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"Morning, Lisa !" Jennie unnie called out as I stretched my arms and yawned in my bed.
I looked up to find her dressed up like doll, a pastel pink mini skirt and a pastel blue wool crop top on her, her makeup on delicately as she gave her light smile.
"Oh, morning unnie. Why are you dressed up early in the morning BTW ?" I asked her sleepily as I sat up on my bed. She rarely gets up early and dresses up like a doll exactly what would Jisoo unnie do it as a must.
"Oh, I have a small get together with my New Zealand college friends. They came up all the way till here to 'bond our friendship' you know how it is, I'm famous now, man" Jennie unnie tossed her brown hair off her shoulder.
"Yeah yeah. I understand, famous little savage Jennie, huh ?" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.
Only we knew that this cold savage Jennie only existed on the outside, but on the inside she was afraid of the dark and pop up things. Like, which savage has that ?
"Breakfast on bed is ready !" Rose unnie pulled into our room with two trays of peri chicken sandwiches, vegetables marinated in white sauce and a small bowl of apricots and apples.
I licked my lips and focused on the tray, setting right beside my bed table which had been specially decorated with pink bunnies and pastel lichu lights, a photo frame of my parents and me, and a small InstaMAX of me and Jungkook taking a selfie near the waterfalls and a small group photo of Blackpink winning our first ever Inkigayo award.
Speaking of Jungkook, I thought what he'd be doing now, down under all his black duvets that leaves him almost suffocating in his own breath, his brown bunny by his side and him probably in his comfortable white T-shirt that it WAY too big for him and his comfortable leggings in various colors, and him cutely hugging his favorite black fur coated pillow.
I wanted to see him right now. When he was sleeping. That's like the cutest thing ever. And the weirdest thing ever too. He talks in his sleep, I'm serious. One time when he was taking a small nap in Blackpink house's couch, he said my name. In a weird type of whining way.
"Yah, stop daydreaming and try to eat my delicious breakfast" Rose unnie boasted about her breakfast as she sighed at me.
I picked up my fork to dig in the marinated vegetables delightfully, and I placed the lettuce and tomato miniature pieces into my mouth and devoured the white sauce with veggies.
Once I had finished the veggies, Rose unnie sat on my bed, watching me seriously as I ate my sandwich.
Oh, how had she overcomed her depression. I had seriously felt sorry for her, she had gone through a lot. Ever since that, me or the unnies didn't bring that topic up to her.
Suddenly someone rang the doorbell and Jennie unnie rushed to get it, all excited as if someone she had expected to come.
I gobbled up my last piece of sandwich and offered Rose unnie the apricots and apples. She took the bowl and I rushed to the living room, still in my teddy pajamas, to see who was it at the door.
I looked and found a smart and handsome man dressed in a police uniform with a tiny and a pretty girl in a summer frock with a glum face.
"Papi, my love !" Jennie unnie rushed to hug her as she kneeled down beside her to get a kiss.
The young girl kneeled forward and laid a dry kiss on Jennie unnie's cheek.
I suspiciously looked at the police officer, was it one of her college friends ?
Never. He looked like he was in middle of his 40's not in his 20's.
Or was it her teacher or someone like that ? Can't be. She hasn't invited her teachers, duh.
She hated school. Or college. But still. She wouldn't invite her old teacher.
"How is this dear Papi, sir ?" Jennie unnie smiled. God, who was this sir I didn't know ?
"Oh Lisa. Sir, meet my friend, Lisa." Jennie unnie rushed to me. I smiled and bowed and the policeman did too.
"Nice to meet you, Lisa-" but the policeman couldn't finish, "She looks like a real life Barbie doll" a little squeaky voice spoke up and I darted my eyes off to the little creature.
"Ssh, Papi, you're not supposed to say things like that to a person. Pip squeak, I'll say. I'm sorry, Lisa. My little mouse is always so talkative" the policeman shushed the minion and turned to apologize to me.
''Sure, I understand. What's your name, little pipsqueak ?'' I muttered as I leaned to her to give her a light peck even though I didn't like this minion that much.
"Yong Papi. Did you not hear ?'' she scowled. What was wrong with this child ? how did Jennie unnie know someone like this ?
"Ooh ooh, haughty much." Jennie unnie squealed in her baby voice.
For these few days, she was ultra moody, she didn't talk much even though she kept telling she was fine and all. She proactively did our stages good enough but she was not her.
So it was nice seeing her ever so happy to see someone, I know she and Taehyung are on not so good terms but she is not the type to be moody just because she lost in touch with a man.
"Please come inside, feel free." Jennie unnie lead the policeman and the minion inside the house, they both sat on our couch, and that Papi ? minion, looked around the house.
Suddenly Rose unnie come out and she looked at us and smiled at the policeman and the minion.
The policeman got up, bowing. And hissed at the minion to bow too and she got up blankly.
Jennie unnie was already making coffee and she pulled out something from the oven.
Mochi ? Wow.
"Which grade do you study in, Papi ?" I asked her, trying my best not to grit my teeth but smile.
"Grade two. Yeah, I look like a kindergarten student. Don't mind" Papi replied.
Oh yeah, I thought she was four. But grade two ? That was high. Rose unnie came and sat down beside us.
"Nice to meet you, sir. And who's this, this little pretty princess ?" Rose unnie squeaked.
"Yong Papi" she replied before her father could greet Rose unnie and Rose unnie darted her eyes from the policeman to Papi.
"Nice to meet you too, Papi. Such a unique name. And you look wonderful" Rose unnie smiled.
"Nice to meet you....-"
"Rose. Um, Park Chaeyoung. Actually" Rose unnie bit her lower lip. "Call me Rose."
"Nice to meet you, Rose." The policeman finished, then, Jennie unnie came in with the coffee and the Mochis in a big huge tray for all of us.
She placed it in the coffee table and came and sat between Rose unnie and me.
"I will be sure I'll take good care of her, she'll have no disturbance, she'll be one happy girl. Trust me in this, sir. She won't even bother when you're away. She'll enjoy being with my funny friends."
What ?

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