Jennie's POV - Love

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"Unnie ?" I heard a voice, coming through the door.
I clenched my fists, it was Lisa.
How dare she spoke to me like that ?!
After all, we were her friends, and she left us for a stupid BTS member.
And we had a dating ban, maybe them but not me.
But since I'm dating Taehyung, they maybe can too date.
Cause it has to be fair, huh ?
I looked at the door, Rose was behind my side, massaging my shoulders, even though I didn't tell-her to.
Lisa came in.
Her condition was terrible.
She was not like that when she went from here.
I could see, dried tears, messed hair and a pale face.
Her shirt was dripping down, that we could see her bra.
Her shorts were rolled up even more.
"I'm sorry, unnie" she apologized, looking down.
She came to me and hugged me tight.
I hugged her back.
Seeing her like this made me to apologize to her, but I didn't.
Rose smiled.
"I knew things would end like this" Rose cooed.
"Now Lisa, get ready as fast as you can, you'll probably need twelve stylists to get you back in no time, zoop up, stylists, mission undercover !" Jisoo unnie punched the air.
Suddenly a big crowd of stylists came and took Lisa away, "B-b-b-but" she stammered but they took her.
I laughed.
(1 hour later)
While I was getting my final check, the stylists came with Lisa, in their arms.
Lisa was all good and ready.
Seongi unnie came and looked at us from head to toe.
"All perfect !" she exclaimed.
"The first performance is Playing With Fire, I hope you girls do good !" Seongi unnie came with Jisoo unnie and Rose.
Seongi unnie stretched her arms towards us for a hug.
We all rushed and had an tight group hug.
"Love you Seongi unnie !" we all yelled in unison, which caused her to laugh.
I peeped through the window, the fans were already entering.
A Gucci suit which was for $50,00000 was woren my someone.
I stood on my tiptoes.
Uh.... hadn't I known, it was Taehyung, of course.
Everything was Gucci.
Gucci watch, Gucci bag, Gucci shoes.
That guy, though.
I pulled the curtain and Seongi unnie rushed inside.
"Come on girls, it's your time for the entrance" Seongi unnie lead us through the carpet.
In our front, Winner and Ikon were together.
And BigBang in front of them.
Seems like they pushed all the YG groups together.
We bowed to each one of our fans, respectfully.
And I found BTS staring at us.
I pushed my way through so I couldn't make any eye contact with anyone.
Suddenly Seongi unnie hissed, "Jennie !.... smile at Taehyung, we need a Taennie moment."
I fake smiled at him and so did he.
The fans "Aweed" and "Oooh'd" and I just continued walking.
The cams took the big Taennie MMA moment and it was showed in the big screen.
Ewww....... CRINGE.
Rose snorted from the back, I turned at her violently.
"It's not my idea, this idiot unnie told" I hissed to Rose, poking Seongi unnie in the shoulder.
Seongi unnie turned and laughed.
Lisa was smiling, but sooner or later, I found her SMILING at JIMIN.
Not anyone else.
How come the cams can't record that ?
Did they not see the hot issue of the entire Korea, Lismin, smiling at each other.
I frowned.
Why did Lisa have to fall in love with someone in BTS ?
Why did she ?
Oh yeah, and I completely forgot, me and Taehyung have a interview to attend at Monday morning.
This was too much.
In between one week we went on a date to three places.
Sometimes eating, sometimes shopping and sometimes sightseeing.
I was forced to attend everything.
But I wanted our MMA stage to be perfect, but they didn't allow that.
They kept putting dates and dates.
But I'd hope it'd turn out perfect.
Of course, our dancer Lisa was here, our special vocalist was here and our pretty visual was here, too.
And I'd hope I'd rocked the stage, just like all my members do.
I crossed my fingers in deep hope.
I found Taehyung glaring at me, only a few tables away.
I mouthed "What ?"
He shrugged and he looked into the stage.
I rolled my eyes.
Duh, I knew he likes me, but he's too........ never mind.
What Lisa said was right.
I was ignoring him so much, I've never felt how it's like to be ignored.
Was it very painful ?
By the looks of his face, I could see how heartbroken he was.
For a moment, I felt sorry for him.
That time which you would actually regret making a person's heart broken.
We didn't have much time to sit down, we were called to the backstage.
As soon as we got ready, we took our "PLAYING WITH FIRE" positions.

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