Rose's POV - Bad Time

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The only thing I remember is that going to that YG building and upsetting Jennie unnie.
After the visit, we were practically wanting to kill JYP and YG right this instant (Sorry, JK).
Sheesh, we could certainly not control her. So from tomorrow, AKA March 6th, we can finally see our unnie growing up as a..... a...... woman ?
But she was irritated about the whole thing. Blackpink house became funeral house in a day.
"Where's the date ?" I asked calmly as I strolled inside her room.
She was with her phone, like she had been calling someone, but I did not dare ask her.
"At STAR PLAZA, Rose" Jennie groaned. I patted her shoulder as she lay down her bed.
"Goodnight unnie" I squeezed her shoulder, she gave a warm smile and closed her eyes, again a annoyed face.
I didn't like seeing her like this. I liked her as a jolly good Jennie.
A Gucci savage.
A fire backer and a powerful person to look up to.
But now, she was a doll everyone could play with like JYP and YG.
Poor unnie.
As I quickly drifted off to sleep, I thought of Jennie unnie and Taehyung oppa.
Uh.... she never had a boyfriend. God knows how she's going to manage.
Well.... why am I brainstorming ?
She must be going care-free and light headed and as a savage tomorrow, I don't need to worry at all.

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