Jimin's POV - New Love

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Yes, I was jealous.
Because Jungkook was spending time with my true love than I should do.
I thought of making Lisa come back, but I guess she's fine with it.
Now I feel so guilty walking away from her in the hospital, but I didn't do anything.
She was the one who Jungkook liked, or slept with.
I was making this a big deal. I wanted her more than anything across the world.
But I tried to........ use Rose, and I don't feel....... kind at all. I was this selfish guy.
Rose awkwardly stared at me.
It was a bright Monday morning and I don't know for what but called her here.
I was still in my bed and she was in her best cloths, a pink crop-top and blue shorts.
I opened my arms, waiting for a small cuddle to cheer me up.
She stared at me unknowingly, and finally came to me and lay on my chest.
I hugged her like she was someone I really and truly love.
"Jimin oppa, don't you think anything but I'm being reasonably unloyal, right ?" she muttered.
"No Chaeyoung, I don't think so, I just want someone so bad" I hugged her even close.
It was true. And she looked much comfortable and convincing, I would tell her about Lisa and all my life-troubles all 24 hours long.
And yet she would stay, listening and comforting me for each and every single word I say.
I gulped down.
"I've always wanted a boyfriend I could say anything to, are you him ?" Rose muttered.
I let out a silent chuckle at her silly question. She was so childish. And that too her Aegyo sometimes.
"I've always wanted a girlfriend that would be so open to me about each and every single thing, are you her ?" I stroked Rose's shiny blonde hair.
"Always, Jimin oppa" she said, looking up at me as I smiled down warmly.
"But don't you worry, I think mine is made-up, I get into all sorts of trouble and I think of it sorrowfully, but I know it is just silly" she said, pressing my hand tighter than ever.
"Uh, Rose" I kissed her head, as she smiled at me weakly.
"Lisa won't mind, she's got a boyfriend and she knows that I've got a girlfriend, we liked each other one time, and then we stopped and now we're in seperate ways" I replied.
She pressed her warm hand against my cold hand.
"Lisa mistook me for taking that SO CALLED LISMIN video" she said, saying the LISMIN so effectively in a lower voice.
I gulped down. God, shall I trust her with my truth ?
"Rose, I took that video, it didn't turn out what I wanted it to be, I'm sorry Rose, please don't go" I stuttered out everything, hugging her close and tight.
"Jimin oppa ?" she got up, looking at me in my eyes.
I sighed.
"You should have told me this a long time ago, you didn't take the video, you're just trying to save me by making me say that you took the video to Lisa ?" Rose said, widening her eyes.
"No Rose, I'm serious, I really took the video, I was just jealous, I wanted Lismin to happen just as Taennie happened, and I knew I loved her dearly, and I thought I could take care of her, but it just led to various attacks and then our relationship got destroyed just as people wanted, after all, everyone wants Liskook, it's like we are living to our fans orders, why can't I decide what I'm going to do, it all leaves up to fame, I would even leave BTS, and not only me, everyone would, everyone wants to live up to themselves" I replied, my voice straining.
She looked at me and I could see a hint of sympathy in her narrow eyes.
It was true. I did conclude the video as my biggest mistake of life but I couldn't do anything.
I cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss.
I affectionately made her sit on my lap, and my arms around her waist.
I pulled her more and more and thought I would slam myself on the bed's wall.
As if I felt nothing but kissing her like mad.
My grips were strong on her, but she didn't move it a bit.
Finally we stopped, looking at each other's eyes, a hint of softness in her face.
"Are you what I'm searching for ?" she put her arms around my neck, hugging deep down my chest.
I knew she knew the answer so I stayed silent, hugging her back affectionately.
"I love you, oppa" she said, snuggling down the warm covers.
"I love you too, Chaeyoungie" I replied in her soft ears, snuggling her close to me.

I know it was a short chapter, y'all.
Just wanted to get this over with. You all probably need Liskook and Jinsoo now.
BTW, just loving the BP moving posters.

And of course my TWO QUEENS 💝💝

And my Limario, my beloved BIAS.

I have a huge doubt.
Does Lisa have short hair or is it looking like she has short hair ?
But whatever, my queen is my queen.
Waiting for FOREVER YOUNG so much.
Already my new JAM ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

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