Lisa's POV - Uh

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( 9 hours after Rose tried to suicide )

I pushed open the door, Jungkook on my side, it was past midnight, I had planned to stay with Jungkook for one day, but the shocking news filled my ears.
Rose unnie's suicide trial was on viral, her body lifted up from the river made my eyes burn and pour over litres of water.
But thank god, she was still alive.
She was now in the ICU, admitted real quick, Jennie, Jisoo unnie and Jimin oppa were already there.
I got inside the ICU room, willing to see Rose unnie's little eyes, peering at me.
"Oh Jimin, she'll be fine" I heard Jisoo unnie's soft voice.
I was not half surprised to see Jimin sobbing over, placing his hands over Rose unnie's lifeless hands, tears and tears flowing out of his eyes.
"Oh Rose, do come back" I heard Jimin whisper, placing his lips on her hand.
I looked at Jungkook who was standing beside me, his face looked hurt and he looked back at me, pressing my sweaty palm tightly as he could to console me.
I ran to Rose unnie's bed, sitting near her legs as I placed a hand on her blanket, looking at Jisoo and Jennie unnie's worried face and I could see dried tears in Jennie unnie's face.
"Oh, Jimin oppa, she will come back" I tried to console him, ever after what happened, I never talked to him, but seeing him cry over Rose unnie made me sympathize too.
Jimin didn't say anything, I had purposely called him Jimin oppa to show him we had no chemistry before, he had told me not to call him Jimin oppa and I called him Jimin ever afterwards.
But he didn't look at me, and he continued crying, though he was not hiccuping anymore, tiny droplets of water was continuously pouring over his eyes.
"Rose" I heard him whispering her name in her ears.
"Can you all go outside for a minute ?" a nurse came inside, and there was the doctor behind.
We all got up, but it took a while when Jungkook somehow pulled out Jimin.
"Hyung, it's okay, even the doctor said it's okay, what do you know ?" Jungkook whispered in his ear.
"Jungkook, I just want Rose back, no matter what you say, I want to see her now !" Jimin raised his voice.
"Hyung, you just came from her room" Jungkook fake laughed but that just made him more angry.
"I want to stay beside her, no matter what happens, I don't care if any doctors or nurses come inside, I want to stay beside her" Jimin pushed Jungkook's hands from him.
But thanks to muscle pig Jungkook, he was able to stop Jimin from pushing the door open.
Jisoo and Jennie unnie sat down the cold steel attached chairs in the hospital, not caring about Jungkook or Jimin, they didn't even properly see me.
"Lisa, did Rose ever tell you anything ?" Jisoo unnie asked me.
I sat down beside Jennie unnie and looked at Jisoo unnie.
"No unnie" I replied.
I heard Jisoo unnie sigh and I saw tears from Jennie unnie's eyes again.
"She said she was having a bad time, and-and" Jennie unnie started sobbing.
"Unnie, WHAT ?!" I shrieked.
"Jennie, Jennie, knows, Jennie, tell me what" Jimin spoke as he heard Jennie unnie.
We all looked at Jennie unnie impatiently as she continued biting her lip and sobbing.
"No, I can't tell you this, it was her secret, but she's never told me, I-I found it out" Jennie unnie continued gasping for breath between her crying.
"Jennie, tell us" Jisoo unnie instructed Jennie unnie as she spoke in a cold tone.
"Jennie, please, tell me atleast, I don't think there's anything she will want to hide from me" I heard Jimin sobbing.
"But she did !" Jennie unnie hissed, angrily.
"Why are you getting mad at him, just tell us !" Jisoo unnie pressurized Jennie unnie.
"He's the one who did it !" Jennie unnie hissed, throwing her hands over Jimin, but me and Jisoo unnie got both her arms in just time.
Jungkook pulled Jimin away from Jennie, as Jimin slammed himself on the wall.
"Hyung, what did you do ?" Jungkook asked him.
"I didn't do anything !" Jimin replied, angrily.
"Jennie, tell us !" Jimin started crying all over.
"I went to our bathroom, and-and, she-she was p-p-pregnant" Jennie unnie stammered.
Jisoo unnie's eyes widened.
I gasped.
Jimin was shocked.
Jungkook's mouth was hanging wide open.
And then Jennie unnie continued sobbing, covering her eyes with her palms, hiccuping terribly.
Thank god we were in a private ICU, where no one would notice us.
"Hyung !" Jungkook freaked out, looking at Jimin, shook.
"We-we, but, she never, told m-me, uh-uh" Jimin stammered, sighing and cry all over again.
"This is ridiculous, I'm tired of this ever going drama, how the hell ?!" I shrieked.
Jimin suddenly stormed off, leaving us all astonished for God's sake.

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