Jin's POV - Asking HER out

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                                                             Jichu Princess ~
Me : Good morning, Jisoo.
Jichu Princess : Good morning to you too, Jin oppa.
Me : Um, I just wanted to ask, would you like to meet up with me today evening ?
Jichu Princess : Um, like a date, oppa ?
"Come on, say yes, it's a date" Namjoon pressurized me, shaking my shoulders.
After almost ages I've took the courage to ask my crush out and it was horrible.
"But, if I say yes, will she say no ?" I muttered.
"Let's see, but you write yes" Namjoon sighed, rolling his eyes.
Me : Somewhat like a date, Jichu.
Jichu Princess : Jichu ?
Me : Uh, I'm so sorry, I actually find that name funny.
"What the hell are you even typing ?" Namjoon whined.
Uh, my biggest mistake of life.
Jichu Princess : I like it oppa, XD, not even my friends call me that.
I smiled, thank goodness.
Me : Oh, 🤗🤗
"Oh come on, don't show you are a innocent fool right now, she'll never date you" Namjoon sighed dramatically.
I looked at him, worriedly.
"Come on, put that kiss face bravely, show her you got some jams" Namjoon smiled.
Jichu Princess : Aww, you're cute, okay, so what time ?
"Uhhhh, now she thinks you're cute !" Namjoon sighed.
"I want her to think that I'm cute, or else how would she like me, and she prefers cute more than sexy, she said that in a radio show, so shut up" I corrected Namjoon.
Me : What about at five pm ?
Jichu Princess : Sure, oppa.
Suddenly Namjoon took the phone.
Me : Bye, I'll see you there, babe.
"Namjooooooooooooonnnnnn !" I whined.
"I just started asking her out, and you already made her my babe, oh please get off my phone, I can't tolerate you for another second" I snatched my phone from his hand.
Jichu Princess : Um, ok, uh, yeah, ok oppa, 😊😊.
"Now she's startled at it, oh you destroy everything, god of destruction" I scolded him.
"Uh, now it's time you properly asked her out" Namjoon gave a satisfied smile.
I lied down on the couch, poor girl.
"Jisoo and Jin sitting under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G !" Namjoon sang and sang.
"Really ?" Taehyung came to the room.
"You both go somewhere else, now, let me rest" I closed my eyes.
"Hyung, it's our room, you get out first" Taehyung laughed.
"I was helping him to ask Jisoo out, and there, he'll suck if he didn't come to me, lucky you hyung, feel grateful" Namjoon slightly punched me on my stomach.
"Oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh" Taehyung teased me, biting his lip.
"Okay, don't you two go telling it as breaking news, shut up and sit idle" I instructed them.
Taehyung took his phone out, busy typing someone.
"Sure hyung, we won't tell anyone, it'll be our little threesome secret" Namjoon smiled.
Taehyung looked at me and nodded in return.
"Yah, you have a crush on Jisoo, hyung ?!" Hoseok shouted as he entered the room.
I got up straight, shooting a death glare at Taehyung and Namjoon.
Namjoon broke out laughing, patting Taehyung on his head.
"He probably messaged in our group" Namjoon laughed.
Hoseok started laughing hard too, having no idea at what happened.
"We never keep secrets from each other, hyung" Taehyung smiled.
"Oh, yeah we don't, point right there Taehyung" Namjoon nodded.
"So, the date is at five, huh ?" Hoseok asked.
"The hell, Taehyung !" I exclaimed.
"Why didn't you give him her zodiac sign and the hospital she was born in ?" I sarcastically asked Taehyung, who tried his best not to break out laughing like the rest.
"Only if you'd mention hyung, secrets are never to be kept in Bangtan" Taehyung smiled.
I got up and headed towards my room.
Suga was lazily going through his phone in his bed.
God, shall the time come soon when this guy actually gets up from his bed at last.
"Hey, Mr. Another Hopeless Love Case" Suga looked up to me, fake smiling.
"What ?" I asked, shrugging as I sat on his bed.
"Make sure you wear good cloths, and please cover that ugly face up with some makeup at least, you don't want to be rejected in the first sight, even though she'll reject you after a couple of days if you crack up your dad jokes, so shut up, and please behave as her ideal type even if you aren't, anyway, she'll break up with you in a few days so never mind" Suga finished off, grinning.
"Shut up you're filthy mouth full of negative thoughts, pray for me that I'll have a good date" I threw a pillow at him, but he catched it in a second.
"Jin hyung, all the best" Suga fake smiled.
"Every girl wants a strong and a masculine man, not a cute pink princess" Suga mentioned.
"I am masculine, and I am strong, well kinda but still" I justified.
Suddenly Jimin came inside the room, smiling at me.
"Congratulations Jin hyung" Jimin patted my shoulder.
"You all say as asking a girl out as some impossible and a hard thing, if I liked a girl, I would go with no fear and ask her with full courage" Suga boasted.
"And that girl would say, NO Mr.Yoongi, but you are too open" Jimin finished.
I started laughing hard, and Jimin did too.
"It's kinda true, well I was cool about taking Rose out" Jimin smiled.
"But not Lisa, cause you actually liked her" Suga gave him back.
Jimin suddenly became quiet, biting his inside of his cheeks, gulping down hard.
I gave a death look at Suga and he said SORRY from his eyes.
"Oh, Jimin" I hugged Jimin who was still for a second.
And he slowly hugged me back, unable to smile back like he usually does.
"He would have been cool to ask Lisa out, just he didn't have one chance to ask her out, like I had Jisoo's number but he got it late and they-" I paused, as Suga pretended like he what.
I switched on the TV and we saw this -

It was the repetition of yesterday.
God, she was pretty.
My eyes kept wandering off to Jisoo...... hoping we would have the best date together.

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