Jennie's POV - Innocence

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"Papi.................." Taehyung's soothing voice passsed through my ears.
"Oppa, leave me down, I know where are you guys going to take me" Papi muttered.
"Where ?" I smiled.
"The police station, and tell me I was found near a beach and so on, this has happened to me a million times before, people kept on taking me to the police station even though I would whine like a baby" Papi thumped Taehyung's chest with her small fists.
How this girl was such a talkative buster.
I looked at Taehyung, his eyes roaming around Papi, as he cradled Papi in his safe arms.
How he would make such a good father.
"Papi, we'll take care of you, now, be a good girl and sit in the bench while me and unnie will go have a adult talk, we'll come back, okay ?" Taehyung placed her in the nearby bench.
Papi looked at Taehyung hopefully, but slightly nodded, turning her head to the side to show she was a little bit of disappointed.
Taehyung intertwined his fingers through mine as he pulled me nearby to the beach.
"Jennie, are you cheating on me ?" Taehyung left my hands, looking derictly to my eyes.
Uh, god, this Taehyung will never understand. Chanyeol oppa just came to Blackpink house to give me my bag which I left in the SM entertainment building to meet my bestie, Irene unnie.
We were in EXO's headquarters because Irene unnie was talking to Kai oppa urgently about some thing or the other.
And Taehyung heard about the little surprise thingy by Chanyeol oppa who gave me the bag which I forgot as a surprise.
I made coffee for him and we talked for a while.
I punched Taehyung lightly on the stomach.
"Idiot, that was Chanyeol oppa" I laughed. Suddenly Taehyung's eyes softened.
Chanyeol oppa knew I was dating Taehyung and he asked me about our relationship too.
"Taehyung, Chanyeol oppa gave me my bag which I forgot at the SM entertainment, and I went to the SM building to see Irene unnie, you know I would never cheat on you, after all you're my TaeTae tomato" I used my maximum aegyo which made Taehyung smile.
"And who gets TaeTae very angry the moment he sees me with a guy" I finished off while thumping on his chest, using my angry baby voice.
"Oh, Jennie" he placed both his hands on my hip, "It's only because I care about you" he finished as I leaned closer towards him.
He pulled me into a soft peck on my lips and hurried off to Papi.
Oh, c'mon.
"Dearie, look over here, we'll go to your grandmother's house and I'll ask her if I can keep you" Taehyung poked her cheeks as once again he picked her up in a bridal way.
"Taehyung !" I took Papi in my arms as I slowly placed her down in the soft sand.
"What right do you think you have to just take a small girl from a beach, who was standing on her own, to your house ?" I hastily asked Taehyung who looked at me, blankly.
Taehyung slowly winked at me and I got the idea. He was just faking it.
"Oh well, sure, we can, and we'll get our Papi all sorts of stuff, toys and toys, and millions of ice creams and goodies, and what wonderful cloths will she get, Papi, won't you look a sight" I sighed, smiling hard as I knelt down to Papi.
"No, I won't come to strangers like you, people like you kidnap little girls and boys and cut them in small slices and cook them from dinner, or some of you even take their cloths out and throw them in the dustbin, no, I won't come !" Papi made a amount of noise, that the little children who was just near her, turned their heads towards her.
"Oh well at atleast, we would get you to find your grandmother's house and we'll ask your grandmother if we could possibly adopt this lovely kid" Taehyung pinched Papi's nose.
"No, don't take me there, she'll say yes because I'm a burden for her, and you'll change you're nicey-nicey behavior, you'll change into outrageous bulls and charge towards me just like my dad and mom, get away, I don't trust you !" Papi turned her backs towards us.
"I think we should call the police, that's the only way, we can't leave a small girl like her alone in the evening, it will get dangerous" I whispered in Taehyung's ear.
Taehyung took his phone out and moved away to a corner.
I pulled up a little treat out of my pocket as I placed it in the middle of my palm, as I sat down beside her, keeping my hand in front of her wandering eyes.
"I don't take sweets from strangers, unnie" she said, not even looking at me but solemnly looking at the sweet in front of her eyes.
"It looks pretty appealing to your eyes, it will not be friends with you if you don't give it a try, you can trust me, Papi, please" I spoke in my babyish voice as she smiled and took the sweet.
She opened the wrapper and popped the sweet inside her mouth and kept the wrapper in her checked dress's pocket.
Wasn't she a living baby angel ?
How would her mom and dad ignore such a beauty like her ?
"Don't call the police, I reckon I can easily find my way back home" Papi looked at me.
"Oh, we won't call the police, we want you to be happy, but my little girl, stay here for some time, why don't we walk around the beach sometime and have some girlie talks ?" I suggested.
"No, I don't prefer gossiping, that's what girlie talks are all about, my grandmother has some Bingo friends of hers, she keeps on picking on other people's life, how they dress, how they behave and all" Papi motioned me a NO for girlie talks.
"Well, let's talk about life" I held her palm and spinned her along the side of the beach.
She laughed as she touched the wet sand which gave me and her the shivers, we clinged onto each other.
"Papi, go on, introduce yourself and talk to me like how you to talk to your..... friends" I said, unsure if she would have any friends as she looked so bored with other children.
"I don't have any friends...... but now I got two, you and oppa, well, I'll talk about life first, then you" Papi agreed.
I nodded like I was all ears, but my eyes weren't patient enough to go to the beach's entrance to see if anyone came.
"I'm Yong Papi and I'm seven years old" she cleared her throat, giving me a huge smile.
"My father is an advocate in the US, and my mother..... well, she stays home, drinking and smoking and clubbing and bringing drunk random guys over the night, but my father doesn't know this stuff, my family goes like this, my elder sister Nayun, my sister and brother, who both are twins, Jinyoung and Jiyuhin, and then me, and then my little sister, Lushauo" Papi said.
"Yes, we all have weird names, that's just because my mother didn't give priority to names, she'd never even call us when she's back home, she'd come back home, clinging onto the chairs and tables desperately, crying and sobbing over some stupid guy who left her, she dates very often, well, she's pretty, guys swarm all up over her and coo-coo on her, and my mother falls for everyone, that's why me and my siblings all have different fathers" Papi sighed.
Oh my gosh, what a mother.
"The one that I call as father is Lushauo's father, Lushauo is only four years old, and my mother met him five years ago, she had Nayun unnie at the age of fifteen by a idiot who was a worldwide famous model, now Nayun unnie is sixteen years old, Jinyoung and Jiyuhin are my age too, only by months I'm younger than them, they're father was a business men who lives abroad, he still comes and sees Jinyoung and Jiyuhin, but he is married and has a lot more kids now, so he doesn't meet them now, I'm born to a grumpy fat old man who my mother hates the most, I've only seen pictures of me as a baby in his arms, but I've not seen him from the age of four, my family's pretty messed up, I still have a lot to tell but you'll get bored" Papi frowned.
"Babe, look here, I'm all ears, feel free to talk to me" I spoke sternly that made her giggle.
"Babe....... my mother usually calls her sweethearts that" Papi giggled.
"I'm not your sweetheart, baby ?" I spoke in a manly voice, as I picked up her in a bridal way.
I nuzzled in her ears as she stopped herself from laughing out loud.
"Sir, we've been wanting to find this little Miss right here, she's been missing for almost an awful lot of day !" someone took Papi from my hands.
I looked up to a police who wore their outfit clean and tidy, his cap motioning to a few more policemen behind his back, he lend Papi to them as Papi wriggled anxiously.
"Unnie !" Papi shrieked, two policemen caught her arms as they chained her in the hands.
What the hell ?
They do that to children ?
"Excuse me sir, but isn't it wrong to handcuff a small child like her ?" Taehyung asked for me.
"No sir, this child may run away, they're little children you know, just a sudden thought and they can WHOOP in a second" the lead policeman grinned.
I sighed impatiently. I couldn't see this innocent little chap handcuffed for such a matter.
I looked at Papi, smiling so she would feel better after all the drama.
"This little girl's been reported for wandering off like dear little Alice In Wonderland, for a beauty like her, the cold streets of South Korea are dangerous" the policeman patted Papi's face.
"Get me off, you idiot !" Papi gushed out, stomping her foot as she whined and moaned.
People all over the beach looked at her, some ignoring while some busy trying to poke their noses.
"Oh oh oh, that's some pretty little attitude right over there, your elder sister's dead worried about you, and so is your other siblings, poor poor them, isn't their angel Papi supposed to go back ?" the policeman talked in a girlie way, saying the PAPI very viscously that one of the policemen laughed, fake smiling at Papi.
"Shut up, you don't have the right to make fun of my name, whatever so it be, leave me alone !" Papi plopped herself down on the floor.
"My siblings get better well off without me, they will be one happy little family, after all, I'm the outcast, I don't talk to them, they don't talk to me, bossy Nayun for the mother and father, taking the job of both of them, cooking, earning, teaching, cleaning, she does it all, little Jinyoung and Jiyuhin for the brother and sister, who get well on with each other, always mommy's and daddy's little favorite, and then last of all, little baby Lushauo, they're fine it's me, I don't want to go back !" Papi shouted.
"Oh you shut up" the policeman leaned over Papi, snapping his fingers at the very front of his eyes, his eyes going red and scary, Papi was afraid for a second that she didn't even breathe.
"Mm, now be uncle's little good girl and let's go back to your family" the policeman stood up, smiling after all the visual threatening.
"Papi !" I shrugged Papi by her shoulders.
"Unnie will meet you some time, and so will oppa, right Taehyung ?" I asked Taehyung.
"Sure, we will ask these uncle's your address and we'll come to meet our little Papi" Taehyung smiled at Papi.
"Don't leave me, take me away from these bad policemen who will rot me in jail and feed me bread crumbs until my elder sister takes me from them and beat me up at home where the rest of my siblings will laugh and tease" Papi cried.
I felt so sorry for her. I wanted to take her to Blackpink house and treat her like my own child.
"Oh you little girl, they'll never do that, and the policemen will threaten your elder sister not to beat you up or they'll get her to the police station and feed her bread crumbs" I whispered in her ears.
One of the policemen pulled her back from me, as I looked up at him in disgust.
I turned back and found Taehyung, not too pleased at the policemen's behavior too.
Taehyung pulled me back, giving me a slight pinch without anyone noticing.
They pulled Papi towards the car as me and Taehyung saw silently.
They placed her in the inside of the car as she sat, solemnly.
Once the car drew away, I felt Taehyung push me, and I fell straight to beach.
"TAEHYUNG !" I shouted, my short black off shoulder dress was now soaked in sea water.
"I'll buy you a whole closet of these Gucci items, buttercup, but for now let's have fun, since no one is here that can recognize you or me" Taehyung leaned down on me, his jeans going soaking wet too.
I splashed the salty water at his eyes that made his eyes turn red.
"I told you not to call me buttercup, I hate it the way as I hate you" I flickered at him.
"Oh buttercup, you know how much I love your sarcasm" Taehyung did a little bit of aegyo.
"Ew, don't, it's a beach" I stopped him from making out with me in a beach.
Taehyung left out all his worries and jumped out in the beach, swimming all the way.
I admit, he looks kind of hot when he swims.
"Jennie, come come !" I heard his shriek.
"I get seasick, you know that !" I shouted as loud as him and I saw him laugh.
He suddenly swam towards me, he slowly looked at me and dunked me in the water, my toes till my head.
I couldn't talk, all I could do was swim because of this idiot.
As I managed to get up, I saw Taehyung floating beside me.
"Till how long are you going to stay under the water ?" Taehyung asked me, calmly.
"I was- drown.... drowning- in here, you-you, idi..ot" I managed to cuss at him.
Taehyung laughed and picked up me, placing my legs on his hips as he told me to put my hands around his head.
I did as I followed cause I didn't want to be drowned.
He managed to swim around with me on his back, as I let out my legs in the free water, looking at the big ocean ahead of us, screaming and shrieking, I could feel the waves no more, all I could hear was Taehyung's childish laugh.
I bent down him, leaving a small peck on his cheek, as I hugged my arms around his neck.
"I love you, buttercup" Taehyung's shooting voice calmed my ears down once more.
I could listen to this deep voice anywhere and anytime.
"I don't hate you too, Tae-Tae tomato" I finished off, smiling so huge.
"Oh Jennie, you're so cold" Taehyung groaned.
"I'm actually feeling hot at this warm sun, though the water's damn cold" I let out in a playful tone, I loved being cold towards him.
Taehyung dropped me down in the water once again, making me drown in the deep depths of water.
He picked me up and spun me around, I thought I was feeling seasick now that I felt my stomach gurgling.
And I was right, the next moment, I threw up in the water as Taehyung once again and put my hands around his neck as he swam to the shore once more.
"Aw, my baby got seasick, didn't she ?" Taehyung smiled.
I kicked Taehyung in his hips as I felt my head spin.
"Faster, I think I'm gonna pass out, idiot" I muttered.
Taehyung padded more faster.
As we finally reached the shore, I sat on the wet sand, groaning and moaning.
But I didn't throw up again, this time I was feeling sleepier than ever.
I saw Taehyung putting an mask and finally carried me around, he dropped me down a white car, as he sat down and placed my head on his laps.
"Is my baby okay now ?" I felt Taehyung's lips brush my cheek.
"I sure am, I wanna sleep with you, will you come to our Blackpink house, I'm feeling very sleepy" I asked him in a innocent baby voice, making sure not to give any bad intentions.
"Take us to the Blackpink house" Taehyung's demanding voice applied to my ears.
As soon as we reached, I passed the door key to Taehyung as he opened the door, I lavishly walked inside but there was no one there.
I had left my phone at home, so I did not know if I had received any messages.
I went to the kitchen and found a note by Jisoo unnie.
Yah Jennie,
God knows where you are, me and Rose planned to go shopping at the Gift Mall.
Love you,
"Ah, seems like they went" Taehyung flipped the note over as he leaned over me.
I held onto the kitchen counter as I smiled innocently.
"I wanna sleep" I tugged in his shirt as he rolled his eyes.
"Fine" Taehyung left me, heading towards mine and Jisoo unnie's room.
I ran all the way to my room as I jumped in my bed still in my soaking wet cloths, I could feel the sticky salt all around my body, but my priority was now to sleep.
Taehyung slowly sat down my bed as he looked all over my and Jisoo unnie's room.
"Where's your dogs ?" Taehyung asked me.
"KUMA, KAI !" I yelled on the top of my voice, suddenly my two favorite came in jumping and hopping around, shocked to see Taehyung.
Kuma jumped into my arms as Kai jumped into the bed, simply roaming around my foot.
Taehyung held Kai, as he observed its soft white fur.
I brushed Kuma's soft brown fur as it looked at me, snuggling down my covers.
"This is Kai, isn't it ?" Taehyung asked me.
"Sure is" I replied.
Taehyung smiled at me wearily, still holding Kai in his hands, as he intertwined his fingers through mine.

Sheesh that was long, it's almost 4000 words.
Love you,
Unicorn Blink/ Blacktan Girl.

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