Jisoo's POV - Breaking Up

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5 hours before of the last chapter ~
I panted as I pushed the door open with all my strength. There were tons of bags in my hand.
All from branded clothing shops, such as Gucci, Springfield, Debenhams and much more.
I opened the door and found Lisa in her phone.
"Yo, where's the rest ?" I asked, putting down all the bags in the floor and kicking my heels off.
"No idea" Lisa said as she looked at me, her face neutral.
"Oh yeah, Jennie went for a date" I said, sitting next to Lisa, who shut her phone and looked at me.
"Date ?" she asked, reassuring once again.
"Yep, date, but where's Rose ?" I said, looking around.
There was no sign of her in the house.
"Did she get mad at you and walked away or something ?" I chuckled.
"Nah" Lisa rolled her eyes at me.
I fake-smiled and made myself a cup of tea.
I watched Lisa silently, she was rather odd, shifting her head and dodging her phone.
She looked back and found me staring at her.
I shrugged nonchalantly and she turned back, getting up, and stretching her arms.
Suddenly I found a watch, lying on the floor.
I picked it up, it didn't look like anyone one of us's watch. And it was not a female watch.
I'm not being a sexist but it is a male-selection watch, it's not unisex either.
I observed it a little more, clutching around the sharp edges and twisting it over and over.
It was an expensive watch.
"Lisa, do you know who's are these ?" I asked Lisa, who turned back.
She stared at the watch, her eyes going wider. And she looked front.
"No unnie, I've never s-see-seen it" she stuttered.
"Lisa, I'm just asking you, who came here ?" I asked, showing her the watch.
"Yang PD-nim !" Lisa shouted.
I broke into a case of laughs. Clutching my stomach because it hurt.
"Ok Lisa, calm down" I sat beside her.
We both stared towards the blank black TV in front of us.
"Actually it was....... Jungkook" she said.
I turned at her, sighing. I knew it was someone else. I can't be tricked so bad.
"I started dating him" Lisa fumbled with words.
"We just were said to that we can date, and you already found a boyfriend" I sighed.
"It's not like that, it's hard, I don't know -" she stopped.
"Wait, weren't you guys fighting in the hospital ?" I asked her, she looked at me recklessly.
"Um, I guess we got things sorted out at the night" she mumbled.
"Uh, did you use protection ?!" I screamed.
"I mean, I didn't sleep with him, you know that, I got things sorted out, not physically, but verbally" Lisa bit her lip.
"Jimin ?" I asked Lisa, she closed her eyes and sighed.
"I left him, he didn't want me, he wanted someone else, and I didn't leave him, unnie, he left me, and I would be happy to go back, but not now since I know who his true lover is" she finished off, covering her face with her palms.
"Who is she ?" I asked her, patting her in the shoulder.
"I would be happy to, but not now, unnie" she sighed.
I sighed, deeply.
Whoever that girl is, she really hated Lisa, probably, though I don't know.
Because she probably knows the dating rumors and she planned to take away Jimin before anything happened such as the Taennie situation.

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