Jisoo's POV - Long Distance

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Notification from WhatsApp -
Jin oppa - Long time no see, Jichu ?
I blushed. It had been a long time since we had actually met or talked in person and on phone.
And I was too shy to bring a conversation up or meet up with him, let him put an effort.
I didn't want to have an relationship with him or anything. I really wanted to.
I mean, okay, he's my first IDOL crush. And you can never take IDOL crushes so seriously, right ?
Wrong. I actually did. I liked him a lot. I mean, he's like a cute type of mommy every girl would want. Even me. Well, naturally, not everyone, but it still counts.
Me - Hi Jin oppa, you're right. Long time no see.
Those "Can I meet you like in just a minute cause I have no job ?" things were coming right in tip of my fingers but my mind knew better.
Jin oppa - I may have figured it out. You didn't meet me since our last date. You knew I was weird, didn't you ?
Aw, sweet. I should have met up with him someday or the other. What have I done ?!
Me - I still love you.
What ? What had I just typed ? I still love you ? What's even that ? How am I so stupid ?
Well, friends say that they love you, right ?
I mean, there's this romantically thing with girlfriends sometimes that we say that we love each other even when we're straight as a ruler at times. But not with boyfriends. They don't do "I love you" things at all, unless they're actually boyfriend and boyfriend. Actually.
There was no response for a while. God, he would think of me as a weird and creepy person.
Jin oppa - Well, I still
What ? Don't leave me in an cliffhanger. You know how much it sucks when you're desperate to know what's gonna happen next and it leaves off like, BLANK.
Jin oppa - I am so sorry but I need to leave. And, bye ! Toodles.
What ? You're leaving me in a desperate moment of getting a TOODLES from your crush when you just low key I STILL LOVE YOU to him.
And that AND, BYE sounds like he's never EVER going to talk to me now. I'm so creeeeeepppyy !
Me - Bye.........
That dots behind the BYE is just like, "YOU NEED TO TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY."
Offline ? He's offline ? I am such an dumb person to still be online when I just got lowkey rejected by the World Wide Handsome face ?
I crashlanded my phone to my bed and I hugged Dalgom who was patiently licking his nose.
What had I just done ?!
"Unnie, unnie. Jeesoo unnie ? Jisoo unnie ? I'm hungry. Papi's hungry ?"

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