Jimin's POV - Trouble

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I slammed down the door as I walked along the lonely white corridors of the hospital.
She had lost my baby and there she is angry with me, I loved Rose with all my heart and I was afraid I would have lost her, I didn't even breathe when she was admitted, and I didn't know why I had behaved so rude to her members.
A burning feeling in my stomach and my heart was just....... I could not, I didn't know, I was afraid, angry, sad and happy.
I was afraid I would have lost her.
I was angry at how she tried to suicide.
I was sad that I lost my baby.
I was happy that I got my Rose back.
And when all these emotions mixed together, I seemed like a fool, always getting moody and restless.
I told myself a hundred times that Rose had come back, I'd make her understand how it was such an foolish idea to suicide, we could always try up for a new baby if we stay together forever and ever, but it just didn't seem to cross my mind.
I'd always been the love-sick one in Bangtan and forever be one, a emotional grandma.
Suddenly I saw Jennie, waiting for a appointment and she had a bandage tied right around her left side of her waist, a policelady seemed to help her a bit around shifting side to side but at the condition of Jennie, I had to go and ask her.
I rushed forward to her, suddenly without letting her glance a steal of my presence and I shifted onto her right seat as she looked to the left side.
The policelady didn't seem to mind and walked herself to the cafe, and I tapped Jennie's shoulders uncomfortably.
Jennie turned back as cool as possible and raised an eyebrow up at me, and then smiling.
"Jimin oppa, I knew you'd be here, well...... did Rose wake up, no..... right ?" Jennie asked me.
"Um, she did but...... yeah, she lost her...... mine..... our baby" I stuttered, suddenly becoming like a small shy kindergarten girl who was asked to relent her alphabets in front of her whole class.
"Oh........" she said, suddenly shook but then she sighed and put her arms around my shoulders.
"It is going to be alright, see...... Rose would survive, and it's good loosing your baby in one advantage..... you don't have to tell your parents or media.... anything" Jennie nodded.
"Leave that, whatever's happened to your waist, it looks pretty bad" I said, changing the topic.
"Um, I want to tell you this but-" she stopped, as the nurse called out her name and she smiled and I nodded and she left the room towards the doctor's room with the nurse.
Suddenly the policelady came back, a cup of coffee in her hand as she sat right beside me, and her other left hand with a phone pressed into her ears.
"A wonderful witted girl I should say, some Kim Jennie or something, she's an idol and she studied in New Zealand or something........ Blackpink, it sure seems famous, she has that attitude right up her face........ beautiful ? um..... kinda, very cool looking, and by the wonderful witted girl, she's got our Yeon Kim sir in her fingertips, always behind her............ um, Bangtan boys or something, yeah BTS-"
I paused, still wanting to eavesdrop the conversation of the talkative and gossiper policelady.
Whatever was she talking about Jennie and Bangtan ?
"We took some Min Yoongi........ a sleepyhead for sure, but all of them sure seem good looking, hooked up many girls I say-"
What the ?
"He seems handsome, but he looks like he could faint any second, his eyes dropping low and his mouth in a straight line......... he slammed down a wine bottle on his manager's head...."
Whatever is she talking about ?
"But the manager sure seems to be a haughty guy, he tried to possibly kill that Jennie-"
What ?
"Right down her left side of her waist, it sure seems pretty messed up with blood and cuts-"
What ? What happened to Jennie ?
"One of the members seem to be missing..... some Jimin... Park Jimin, and he caused all this trouble and all-"
What trouble ?

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