Jin's POV - Goodbyes

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After Rose and Jimin finished a wonderful duet, everyone clapped, observing the magnificent pair of talent.
Jungkook and Lisa performed a awesome duo dance of street style, it made everyone had their mouths open. Anyone would be jealous, either to be Jungkook or Lisa.
So did Hoseok and Momo, they danced, showing their true material. All of them stared im awe.
Suga and Dahyun performed a romantic rap-verse which made everyone smile. Though if you just look at both of them, they are certainly not the romantically type involved.
Soon, some of the similar couples stood up, performed and went back. It seemed like a little concert indeed.
That's when Jisoo surprised me, she stood and got to the mic in the stage.
She nervously chuckled first and adjusted the mic as the wedding cameras flooded the area, having a sweet picture taken.
"You know, seeing all this made me feel go back in times, where we performed and watched other people perform.... it feels like, the old times. So, I wanted to set up something, that once we had worked so hard for. For us, all of us, except for a few guests. I guess, we all had dreams of being a idol. Of course, a successful one. So, it's time we gave it one more last chance of shining with our beloved groups. So, Namjoon oppa and Chaeyoung gave me a spectacular idea. And for that I say, thank you Namjoon oppa and Chaeyoungie for setting up the world's most wonderful stage. Now get them rockin !" Jisoo shouted.
We all stared at her in amazement, what was going to happen ? A stage ? Performance ?
What's happening ?
She hadn't even told me. We looked outside the church as the covers soon raised up, and there was, millions of people, fans..... screaming and shouting with banners and posters with Bangtan pictures and Blackpink pictures and Got7 pictures and Twice pictures. And much more.
"Now, let's go back to our dressing rooms ! Our stylists are waiting !" Jisoo squealed as she went inside a cabin that said BLACKPINK.
We all stood up, shocked and amazed, as some of us gazed at the fans. A big stage glimmered on lights and it felt like we were in MAMA's or something.
We all rushed inside our cabins, I went with all our members.
"What's happening, hyung ?" Jungkook asked Namjoon. Suga and Jimin stared at Namjoon too.
"Sure, we're not gonna perform, right ?" Hoseok asked as he roamed around the empty cabin filled with tables of makeup and equipment like we had in those times.
"Oh you bet we are !" Namjoon replied, fistbumping the air. I opened my mouth at him in shock as Taehyung normally sighed.
"Oh, I knew something like this was going to happen" Taehyung beamed. I shut my mouth.
"This is our last performance people ! Our last stage !" Namjoon happily sighed.
"Oh I get it, we're going to perform in that stage with a lot of people. Fans. That's why we're here..... to get ready for the performance ?" Suga asked.
"Exactly" Namjoon smiled. I gasped as Jungkook seemed a bit too happy too. Especially Hoseok, as he already started dancing to I NEED U.
I opened a paper that said IDOL. Oh, so it means we are supposed to perform IDOL. I ensured about it to Namjoon and he nodded and beamed with pride.
Suddenly our old stylists came bumping along together, our old staff ! I met so much people that I have worked with for so much years !
We chatted and got ready in our performance clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror, I missed seeing myself like this. We all looked each other, I bet, we all were crying in our inside souls.
Namjoon actually teared up a little, which he rarely does. "Bless your wife for this thought" he sorrowfully said and I patted him on his shoulder.
We all did a tight group hug which lasted for more than a minute, which we rarely do. We were actually more nervous than our debut stage.
I mean, we all were grown up now. Not that grown up but still grown up to dance with such energy we had back in those times. But we all were ready to dance and sing, we didn't forget a single lyric, a single dance move. Bangtan rocks !
The first performance was Red Velvet's Red Flavor. They all looked amazing for their last stage, with the same power and energy and the fans cheered like mad. Though Yeri was clumsy enough to forget one dance move.
The second performance was Got7's Just Right. They too had the same energy but BamBam forgot a lyric and messed up but that just made the fans even more wild. They cheered so good enough to BamBam go back to being 20 again.
The third performance was Twice's Cheer up. All the fans went wild when Jungkook lept out to the front of the stage while Sana did 'shy shy shy'. No one did a mistake, and they all shined.
The fourth performance was EXO's Monster. The fans went extra wild this time, all of them chanting together in chorus so loud. No one did a mistake in this one too and they all were such good monsters in dancing.
The fifth performance was Blackpink's Stay. This time they didn't have to dance, they all say down in special satin blow chairs and harmonized very well. That's when Taehyung told us their expecting baby. I was almost blown out. The reason they performed Stay was because Jennie was pregnant with her fifth child ! They all did so well, expect for the time where Jennie sang the Japanese version mistakenly when they were singing the Korean version. Jisoo was amazing, sitting like a queen, her beauty surpassed and her voice flew all around me.
The sixth performance was ours, we all entered the stage and the voice of the fans grew tremendously huge. They all started chanting and screaming as soon as the music started.
It felt amazing. To be once on stage again, and perform with Bangtan. My smile grow fonder and bigger after we did our last stage performance with no mistakes and perfect energy.
We all did a tight group hug, never wanting to let go this day but we had to. Our old staffs also had tears in their eyes and we all did a group hug with them.
We all bed our goodbyes to our staff and all the groups came together on the huge stage.
Everyone had to speak about something as the mic went on and on. Soon it was Namjoon's turn to speak for all of us.
"I can't believe here I'm in front of you wonderful people again on my wedding day, it feels wonderful, doesn't it ?" the fans cheered as they let Namjoon talk once more. "Without you guys I wouldn't be able to reach here in such a state. We all would never do. And for that, we'll say, thanks to you ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys. And big thank you ! And now, I'll bed goodbyes to this wonderful stage or such wonderful Armies, EXO-L's, IGOT7, Reveluvs, Onces and Blinks, a big, huge, wonderful, thank you !"

I don't know why I'm tearing up, because this is the last chapter of DIMPLE I'm uploading.
I love all of you for giving such support to me, love all of you.....
Thanks so much,
Unicorn Blink/Blacktan Girl.

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