Jin's POV - A Regretful Time

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2 days later ~
"Namjoonie hyung !" I heard Jimin's loud scream.
"My phone is not to be seen anywhere, did you take it ?!" he continued screaming.
I looked at Namjoon, miserably. Goddamnit, he looks like he remembered something.
He looked at me, with a pale expression.
"And, I forgot to mention, my expensive BOSE speaker is nowhere to be seen !" he shouted.
Oh no. He looked at me, worriedly.
"I swear to god, I didn't take it" he whispered, he said plopping down his bed to tie his laces.
"Yeah, and I came here to find my cotton-wool sweater, you'd said you'll give last week, but it's nowhere to be seen either in your room" I sighed, I couldn't help but laughing.
He was such a clumsy person. God, there's no one that can defeat the God Of Destruction.
"Probably, Tae has taken it, you know, he doesn't care whether it's his or not, he just takes it" Namjoon said, getting up.
"Oh no, my phone !" he said hurriedly, squatting down near the bed, to find his phone.
He picked it up, and looked carefully.
"Hey, this phone's not mine, it looks like someone's else, I don't remember" he got up.
I pushed the pillows away, trying to find my lost sweater.
"MYYYYYYYYYYY PHONNNNNNEEEEEEE !" I heard Jimin's voice in the room.
I looked near the door and I found Jimin looking at the phone at Namjoon's hands, gulping.
Damn it, another war. It's broken.
"Hyung, you broke it !" Jimin snatched the phone, looking all over it.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was with m-" Namjoon got in the bed, as Jimin took a square pillow.
Jimin threw it at him, a small smile lighting up his face.
"Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu !" Jimin got on top of Namjoon, as Namjoon tried getting out.
Namjoon took a pillow, and held it up to Jimin's face like a shield.
And they both started tumbling and fighting like babies.
Holding pillows and hair really messed up like a bad hair day, they looked a sight.
Jimin pushed Namjoon out of the bed, having a quick glance before he threw his phone.
Namjoon took hold of his phone and threw it through the window.
"Namjoonieeeeeeee !" Jimin did a powerful punch on his abdomen.
Namjoon fell down on his bed, clutching his stomach as Jimin ran away.
"That boy" he gushed out of his breath. I laughed and that just made him get annoyed more.
"I don't blame that boy, you broke his phone, now go and tell sorry to him" I mimicked a mom.
"Oh, okay mommy, if that's what you want" he kicked me, still laying on the bed.
I dodged away before I fell down and he frowned at his missed target.
And I started laughing and I walked away to the living room to ask Tae if he took my sweater.
As I got inside, the TV was on, and Tae, Jimin and Hoseok was sitting, watching the news.
"55 people killed at the MMA's and 25 idols severely injured" the reporter announced.
"Fans claim that idols get high-class treatments while poor and unweathy fans get low-class treatment as they don't have much money" the reporter continued, standing near the Melon Music Awards stage which was burnt and filled with reporters and cameras.
Jimin took the remote and changed it, biting his lip, due to his worry.
"Mysterious person to catch the hot shipping couple, Lismin, together on the MMA's stage, getting hot together-" Jimin looked at it, suddenly a solemn expression.
And tear-filled eyes and his face going very mysteriously angry.
"Has something to do with the incident as the Netizens say, many people had warned about Lisa being careful as due to the Lismin topic, and anti-Lismin shippers seem to be getting in their way" the reporter talked.
Jimin got up and marched off to his room, shutting his door violently.

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