Jungkook's POV - What's up

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"What's up with the Taennie hashtags, hyung ?" I asked V hyung, grinning, looking at Coffee FMV's. "Nothing" V hyung says, shrugging innocently. "Mm ?" I smirked. No use. He didn't tell anything. "Why did you stare at her like that ?" Jin hyung questioned. V hyung was blank for a sec. "She was wearing Gucci" V hyung immediately said. "Why nervous ?" I asked. V hyung shrugged, as if to say no. We three were sitting on the couch, Jin hyung taking selfies and beaming at his self, Taehyung daydreaming and me scrolling through Taennie hashtags. I ship them too. They look good together. So sad he could not date. I bet he would ask her out if he could date. I mean, saw him blushing ? TaeTae Tomato. I've never told anyone I ship them. It's just making Taehyung angry. Or even going red to flames in his cheek. I threw a cushion at Taehyung playfully. He got woken up from his daydreaming. And threw the cushion back. "Both of you !..... any idea where Namjoon is ?" Jin hyung put his phone down. I nodded. "Down at the studio" I replied. I clutched the cushion and threw it back at him when Jin hyung went to the studio. Taehyung threw it back, harshly. "Owchie" I yelped when it hit my head. "What happened to our strong maknae, uh ?" Taehyung chuckled. "Keep him alive, duffers" I fake smiled at him, showing my bunny teeth. "Uh uh" Taehyung growled. "Who wants to go for bowling today ?" Jimin popped out of nowhere. "Not me, my Gucci cloths are out of date, need to hit the mall !" Taehyung punched the air hardly. "I'm fine" I cooed. "No one wants to come ?!" Jimin stomped his feet while wailing like a baby. "I'll come Chim Chim" Suga hyung shouted from his room. Jimin stopped wailing and smiled, "2 more people on the way !" Jimin said snapping his fingers. "Tzuyu is coming !" Jimin cooed softly in my ear. I looked up, pale. Tzuyu was fine. Everyone made fun of me and her cause our ship names were really popular. Tzukook. Nice ship name though. Though someone threatened me too, if I'd date her one day, I'd he dead sooner or later. Was that a fan or a muderer ? No clue. Both can kill me. Jimin smirked wickedly. "Got7, Twice and us" Jimin stood up. "If everyone's coming then I'll come too" Taehyung smiled. He was very close with BamBam and Mark. He loved being with them. And I like Mark too and Yu Gyeom. We were close friends. We always were friends with the JYP entertainment. And it's almost the second time we're going with Twice. "Then I'll come too" I said, biting my lip in confusion. "Good boy" he smirked. I frowned at him. How dare he calls me that ?! "Well go get ready shortie !" I fake-smiled. He pouted and left the room. "What did he say ?" Taehyung looked at me, seriously. I shrugged and left the room. I got ready, I took my mask and my cap and sat on the couch. Jin came and switched off the lights and took the keys of the house. When everyone came outside, we waited for the driver and went to the bowling center received for us.

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