Rose's POV - Twice

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Tzuyu from Twice rushed over to Jisoo and talked to her quietly in a corner in the backstage. They laughed and joked and Tzuyu stroked Jisoo's wrist plaster sympathetically. Twice too came in the AMA's. They performed Signal and Heart-shaker. It was an amazing performance though. We were friends with Twice and far as I know Tzuyu is the complete show off ( AN : SORRY ONCERS, JUST FOR MY STORY, FORGIVE ME 😅 ). I mean girly maybe. Well the Twice fan-chants were LIT. Mostly men. Once Jisoo was done talking, we shook hands with all the Twice members and said goodbye. Taehyung waved us goodbye too. I mean nobody else did, why him ? . We waved back and bowed, together in unison that he chuckled. J-Hope turned to Taehyung and gave a confused look and continued talking with the rest. Taehyung was staring at us in a weird way, we all stared back too, I don't know why though. I looked down and played with my toes, twitching them over and over and over again. The staring session was quite boring. I heard Lisa squeal then, I turned back to look and it's..... duh. It's Beyoncé. Lisa loved her since we did the cover of Yonce. "It's so nice to meet you !" Lisa managed to say that in English with no mistakes whatsoever, so quickly. "Nice to meet you too, young lady" she smiled. "I've seen your cover, and I have to admit, you're more of a legend than Michael Jackson !" she chuckled, looking at me. "Let's just say I'm really busy with watching TV in my PJ's rather than spending time with some posh people in the AMA's... let's see next time ladies ! Goodbye" she laughed. We laughed too. Jisoo smiled. I guess she didn't understand. And then she strutted to a red limousine.

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