Jisoo's POV - In Love

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I bit my lip, breaking up into a smile, as I could feel my stomach tingling with butterflies.
I inhaled and exhaled deeply, squeezing my phone so hard.
I let out a suppressed squeal as Jennie walked inside.
"Unnie, what's wrong with you ?" she chuckled, as she put her hand on her hips.
"Somebody asked me out" I boldly faced Jennie as I smiled.
Jennie squinted her eyesbrows at me as she eyed me up to down.
"Youre being sarcastic, right ?" Jennie asked me.
"No, I'm not, you idiot" I could feel myself blushing as the thought of Jin came to my mind.
"Oh no, you're really blushing, unnie" she stood away from me.
I looked up, trying not to be a little love-sick girl.
My stomach was so filled with butterflies, my head was spinning, my throat felt dry, a huge smile lighting always at the thought of him, uh, god I actually felt like a kid.
"What the hell is wromg with you ?" Jennie chuckled.
"Oh, you don't know this terrible feeling" I gasped for breath as Jennie gave me a knowing smile.
Suddenly I felt someone looking through the door and I knew who it was.
"Yah, sneakers" I scolded as Lisa and Rose popped out from behind the door.
"Can we please go through you're phone ?" Rose asked me, using her aegyo.
I tossed my phone to them as they three checked it with interest.
"Oooooooooohhh BABE" Lisa teased me as Rose followed.
Even I had been confused by that, that didn't sound like what Jin would say at all.
"Guess who's more in love than all of us ?" Jennie licked her lips.
"Oh, shut" I pushed Jennie away as I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself.
Lisa and Rose walked out of the room after giving me the phone and Jennie followed them too.
I sighed as I looked at the clock.
It's 4, oh my god, one more hour.
I dashed to the bathroom to have a good rinse before meeting him.
I danced my own silly little dance and hurt my knee down the aisle.
But I didn't mind as I behaved as it was the day of my life.
Like my debut stage, nervous and excited at the same time.
I put down my yellow top and summer skirt I had worn on our "FOREVER YOUNG" stage.
I straightened my hair and put just a little bit of make-up.
Suddenly a notification lighted up my phone and went to my WhatsApp real quick.
Jin 🤗🤗
Jin 🤗🤗 - 11 Seolleung-ro 158-gil, Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
Me : Oh, thanks a lot, oppa.
Jin 🤗🤗 - Ay, I just wanted the location to come, no clue why Seoul and South Korea came.
Me : You copy pasted it, of course it will come.
Jin 🤗🤗 - I'm looking forward to meeting you, Jisoo.
Me : Me too, oppa. Thank you for this. It will be a moment to remember.
Jin 🤗🤗 - Oh sure you are welcome, and for me too.
Me : Bye oppa. So let's see there, WWH.
Jin 🤗🤗 - WWH ?
Me : World Wide Handsome, WWH.
Jin 🤗🤗 - Oh thanks ❤️❤️.
Me : Kay, umm, well did you type the BABE thing ?
Jin 🤗🤗 - Oh you still remember it, uh, yeah, of course I did.
Me : Kay then oppa, bye.
Jin 🤗🤗 - Well, bye princess, let's see you there.
Princess ?
I finished my make-up as I added a little bit of pink to my eye shadow.
And then I observed myself in the mirror, smiling and waving at the mirror.
I turned to the hallway as I walked past Lisa in a stylish way.
"Aaaayyyyy, unnie, you're rocking it" Lisa smiled.
"Thanks" I waved at Lisa as I went to the car, Jennie and Rose went for shopping so I didn't have to wave to them.
"Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, 11 Seolleung-ro 158-gil, Jungsik Hotel" I smiled at the driver.
"What's for you to do in such a posh hotel, ma'am ?" the driver asked me as we started the journey.
"I have to meet a person there" I replied.
"A dear friend ?" the driver asked me.
"Of course, a young lad, a dear friend too" I bit my lip at the thought of Jin came to my mind.
"Oh, so you're dating too ?" the driver smirked.
"Oh oppa, you're asking too much, of course we're not dating, he's a dear friend, just as I said" I laughed.
"Says the person who's blushing tomato red now" the driver laughed.
"He's a dear friend who helped me in the bomb incident, he picked me up, where I was so near the bomb, and he saved me from being paralyzed, bless him" I smiled.
"Well, that sounds like a jolly respectable man, who will he be ?" the driver smiled.
"Of course he is a jolly respectable man, a man that I adore" I chuckled.
"You're a play hard to get, you won't ever reveal his identity, will you ?" the driver chuckled.
I shrugged.
As soon as we reached, I looked at the tall posh hotel that suddenly struck me as a nerve.
"Good luck, ma'am" the driver smiled.
"Thank you, oppa" I said as I walked out of the car, with my mask on.
I pushed the door open and the waitress greeted me and led me to the table where Jin was sitting on.
"Oh oppa, you're early, and don't you look ravishingly awesome" I complimented him.
"Not compared to you, Jisoo" he smiled as I took a seat down.
We stayed silent for a moment, he looked into my eyes and slowly intertwined his fingers through mine, as he slowly smiled.
"I love you, Jisoo" he said, a little bit of red in his cheeks, which I thought at he is blushing.
"I like you too, oppa" I shyly muttered, looking down so he couldn't see my glowing cheeks.
I heard him scoffing a little so I looked up, innocently.
"I said I LOVE YOU, you don't think I'm gonna sit here assuming I LIKE YOU as in I LOVE YOU, say it if you truly love me or else it's fake-u love" he sang the last bit as I slowly smiled.
"I love you, Jin oppa" I smiled at him, directly looking at him in his eyes.
His cheeks were like patted with red blush, I started laughing.
"Let's get this over it, and let's open the menu, I'm done having sweet talks" I opened the menu.
He opened too but in my corner of my eyes, I knew he was still looking at me.
"I'll have a Banchan and a Kimchi, I'm on a diet, please don't make me increase" I pouted.
He simply shrugged at me and called the waiter.
"Ddukbokki, Samgyeopsal, Hobakjuk, Japchae and a Kkeunkkeunhan Tteog" Jin smiled after he had a small chit-chat with the waiter.
He was going to eat all of that ?
Oh my god. He does have a good appetite.

God, I'm so sorry.
I'm hopeless at writing, I'm sorry that my Jinsoo parts are boring.
Jisoo and Jin look too innocent for any drama like the rest.
I love Jennie being savage.
I love Lisa being cold.
I love Jungkook being playboy-ish.
I love Jimin being confusing.
Anyway, which parts do you think I write the most interesting ?
Jinsoo ?
Jirose ?
Taennie ?
Liskook ?
Comment down below.
Love Ya,
Unicorn Blink/ Blacktan Girl.

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