Lisa's POV - Hate And Love

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Morning light dawned on me while I stretched my arms.
I got up starled, finding myself in a mysterious bed. "HEEEEEEEELLLLLP !" I screeched.
"What ?!" a familiar voice came from the other side of the bed.
I turned towards the side and found Jungkook looking at me, shocked.
"Why are you here ?" Jungkook got up.
He was in his black boxers and his bare chest shown clearly in the morning light.
His hot abs standing out, and I my eyes straight trailed down his abs. It was an unbelievable sight.
Was there anyone as muscular as this ?
"Hey !" Jungkook covered his toned abs. He went and put a white t-shirt and stared at me.
"Why are you here ?!" I shrieked.
"Excuse me, you were sleeping in my dorm and you're asking me where I'm at ?" Jungkook smirked at me.
Suddenly, a lot of memories came into my mind.
How much fun and RUNNING we had last evening. That's when my unnies came into my mind.
How I got out to buy food for my unnies and then............ OH NO.
I had completely forgot. About everything. Oh god, they'll be so worried. I've been missing for a night.
"Jungkookkkkkkk" I whined.
"Oh Lisaaaaaaa" he whined. We looked at each other, timidly.
"Oh god, everything's gone wrong" I bit my lip. "Not everything, babe" Jungkook winked at me.
I sighed heavily. "Atleast, it's a stop to our fights now, right ?" he sat down next to me.
"I guess so" I grunted.
"Who's room is this, Jungkook ?" I asked him, re-tying my hair.
"Tae Tae hyung's and Namjoonie hyung's room" he pouted cutely. Awwww..... cute.
"My room has a single bed, I wouldn't mind making you sleep there, but you said not to, and I have to respect my elders anyway, and it's more huge" he smirked.
"Aww, my sweet Jungkook, thank you Jungkookie" I spoke in a babyish way.
Suddenly, I could find a corner of his cheeks going slight red and he smiled, timidly.
"Aayyyyy, Jungkook, I see you blushing !" I poked his cheeks.
"No I'm not !" he pinched his both cheeks. I can't believe he developed feelings for me.
And he's not the slightest bit bothered that I just rejected him.
"How did you feel when I rejected you yesterday ?" I spoke openly.
"Even if I would say it, I knew you would reject me, he truly loves you, Lisa, and I'm not older than you, I don't live up to my looks, you all count me as an playboy even though I'm not, I may be cold but I aren't when I'm with someone I truly like, and I'm the opposite of what you like, even though you're my type, anyway, I don't like talking about this, it was fast and I take that back" he frowned.
I stared at him hard, I never knew he had a side like this.
"Jungkook-ah, it's okay" I pressed his palm, tight. He looked at my hand, carefully.
He took it and pecked it softly on the front side and left the room.
I seriously don't get him. One time he's cold and the other time he's just so sweet to handle.
"Jungkook-ah, please don't leave me in such a desperate way, even I have feelings !" I shouted.
I walked outside his room, and found all his members dirty cloths and books and all the junk over there.
I kicked a big marble stone.
"What do you and your members do in this house ?!" I shrieked.
"Oh no, I keep forgetting over and over again, Jungkook-ah, take me to the hospital !" I bit my nails.
"Calm down babe, let me get us some cereal" he shook a cereal box.
"No, no, I don't need it, Jungkook, take me there !" I shouted.
"Ok, ok, calm down, I'll eat from the hospital canteen, you do whatever you want" he said, taking the car keys.
"Hey, should I wear a bikini as we're going out to the beach, since you're in your black swim shorts, uh ?" I chuckled.
"Oh, damn" he said as he hurried off to put something on, on his boxers.
"I would like to see you in a bikini, Lisa" he winked as he put on his jeans buttons.
He opened the door and he pressed the button for the lift.
"Should I be the fast Jungkook ?" Jungkook smirked.
"No, no, it's fine, we can be a little slow" I corrected him, as he laughed.
He took the car and sped of to the hospital.
We sang to songs on the radio and danced along to it : "CALL ME BABY" "HEART ATTACK" "BANG BANG BANG" "MONSTER" "KNOCK KNOCK" "FIRE" "AS IF ITS YOUR LAST" and "HATE".
As we reached, he pulled over his car and we went to Taehyung oppa's dorm together.
I slowly pushed the door open. A bomb was ready to blast.
"Lisa ?" Rose unnie looked at me.
"Unnie, I'm so sorry-" I continued but when I saw Jimin, I stopped.
He stood up, looking at me with wide eyes and a serious expression on his face.
"Lisa, where were you ?" he came towards me.
But he looked at my back and froze. "Jungkook ?" he asked him. "Yes, h-h-hyung ?" Jungkook replied.
Jimin let out a sigh and stormed out of the room.
"Jimin !" I yelled. "I trusted in you, Lisa" he replied back and stormed off.
"There's nothing like that-" I replied, but I was too late.
"Lisa ?" I heard Jennie unnie's voice.
"So, you were in a relationship with Jungkook ?" Jisoo unnie asked me, tapping her chin.
"Unnie...... I swear to god, nothing happened, you guys are misunderstanding me !" I yelled.
"Of course we are" Jennie unnie spoke, "You always tell we are" she finished.
"Uuuuuuuhhhhh" I groaned. I just lost my trust with Jimin. Please god, make him come back.
I looked at Jungkook impatiently, having a hope that he would justify there was nothing like that.
He was blank and looked very innocently at Jennie unnie.
"There's nothing like that, Jungkook, tell them !" I stamped my feet.
"Um, you should not lie, Lisa, killing two birds with one stone, you can't play with two" he laughed.
"Jungkook !" I shrieked.
"Lisa, you were lying, I knew you were in a relationship, right ?" Rose unnie bickered.
"Noooooooooooo, he's just lying, we met each other at the elevator, and he offered a ride to Jennie unnie's favorite restaurant but then fans spotted us and they started chasing us, and we ran and ran and we went to their dorm and -" I continued.
"You slept together, noooo !" Rose unnie bickered.
"Okay fine, she was not lying, I'm just kidding, it's true, right Lisa ?" Jungkook smiled.
"Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh" I moaned.
Jennie unnie sent a sigh of relief followed by Jisoo unnie.
I slumped down the floor, whining like a little kid. And I could feel a pair of hot eyes, smirking at me.
"What do you want, idiot ?!" I screamed at Jungkook.
"Nothing, bab-" he stopped, "Never mind, Lisa" he said, smiling his award winning aegyo smile.
"Well, I saw Tae" Jennie unnie sipped on her water.
"You may go" I hissed at Jungkook, who was still looking at me, innocently.
"Okay" he muttered and he left the room.
"Yes unnie, what were you talking about ?" I looked at Jennie unnie, she looked at me in a very rude way.
"I'm listening, go on" I sniffed.
"I met Taehyung, and....... I don't know-" she stuttered, when I sat down beside her, and patted her.
"Come on unnie, it's okay" I patted her.
"Hey......... he woke up !" Jennie unnie squealed, laughing so much.
I'm shocked. God damnit, it took such a long time. Only possibly, 15 hours.
"Oh, great !" I smiled.
"I was soooo worried about you, child" Jisoo unnie hugged me as I hugged back.
"Please forgive me unnie, I didn't want this, I swear, if only I can tell you now" I scoffed.

Poor Jimin, Jungkook's probably trying to take revenge.
Am I spoiling it, fellas ?
Cannot be, hon 😉😉😉😉😉😉.
Who's chapter are you waiting for next ?
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        And thanks so much kookieeelisaaa and BTSxBlackpink17 and shaneshef for supporting me.
It means a lot to me, love all of you for reading my book.

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