Jungkook's POV - Sad

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What happened to Taehyung ?
I knew he liked Jennie. Was it because of her ?
She was certainly not for Taehyung, she was a total savage.
And I knew she would not like Taehyung, she would probably like Suga hyung.
If she did, did she tell him ?
Namjoon hyung told me that Taehyung liked Jennie. He knows every member by heart.
And that's why he's the leader.
"Daydream is over 34 million views in two weeks !" J-hope hyung hopped into my room with his phone.
"Oh wow, congratulations" I smiled.
"And Airplane is over 11 million views in one week !" J-hope hyung did his victory dance.
"I must have watched it 10 million times, hyung" I chuckled, looking at his excitement.
"Oh really ?" he stopped "The Army would never do that to me, kookie" he jumped on my bed.
"Hey... I was giving you a compliment" I frowned.
"Sorry...... I'm not used to hearing compliments from Jeon Jungkook" he laughed.
I rolled my eyes playfully.
"What's up with Taehyung ?" J-hope hyung jumped down beside me.
"God knows" I murmured.
"He was all red in his eyes, his sulking solemn face.... going like..... wishing on a sky, wishing on a scar" he sang the last bit while dancing.
"Oh stop it, hyung" I pulled his hands down. He was almost shaking the whole room.
"His heart needs to be mended" I smiled.
"Mended ? let me go get some stiches and needles, allow me to do that, monsieur ?" he laughed.
"No" I pulled him down again as he got up.
"Monsieur.... monsieur" he sang and left the room.
I picked up a chips packet and opened it carefully.
I picked up a little triangle shaped potato chip and ate slowly.
Nibbling after every thought.
At the correct time, Jin hyung strolled inside the room.
"Of course, manager Hyunsoo" Jin chuckled on the phone.
"You can tell manager Sejin, manager Hobeom and manager Jigaemae too !" he smiled, warmly.
He looked in my hands and came towards me and took a chip.
"Mm..... war of hormones ?" he countinued talking.
"Oh yeah... of course, though I don't know about Yoongi" he laughed his window cleaning laugh.
I sat a little bit further from Jin hyung.
He snatched the chips packet. And started eating.
I pulled it. He pulled it even harder. I pulled it even harder. And the chips packet burst and lay in the floor, scattering chips everywhere.
I shot a look on his face like 'I'm not gonna forgive you this time'
He shrugged and sat on the floor, picking up little bit of chips from the floor and ate them.
I jumped from my bed and sat down, copying him.
"Bye, manager Hyunsoo" Jin hyung smiled.
He kept the phone down and started eating with both of his hands.
I pulled some chips to my corner, leaving a quarter for Jin hyung.
He pulled some from my side, making it equal. Oh Mr Goody Goody.
"Hey.... that's not fair" I pulled MY chips from him.
"You can't take from mine !" I whined.
"Your name was not written on it........ and I bought it" he waved his hands in front of me.
He snatched some chips from mine.
Some of my chips blew to Jin's corner.
"The chips can't even resist coming over to World Wide Handsome's chip corner" he chuckled.
"Why don't you start a restaurant like that ?" I smiled "All varieties" I said dreamily.
"As soon as I'm finished with fame, kookie" Jin hyung munched on some chips really loudly.
"Yeah..... right" I said as if it was really gonna happen.
"Are you guys mad ?" Jimin hyung stared at us, he must have been sneaking out for a while.
"Yo... kid... guess who's talking" Jin hyung turned back.
"Let me join your World Wide Handsome chip corner" Jimin hyung said as he opened the chips packet as he sat near us, hoping to see some chips.
But unfortunately, all the chips were with me and Jin hyung.
He looked in our chip corners and we pulled them beside us, far away from him.
He looked at Jin hyung hopefully. Jin hyung shrugged and we both started nibbling, munching, crunching and biting noisily.
While Jimin stared at both of us like we were mad and self-centered just as we were.
"Any idea what's up with Tae ?" Jimin hyung tilted his head.
I stopped munching and scratched my neck out of pure frustration of thinking about Taehyung all this time.
"I know he likes Jennie" I slipped it out.
"What ?!" Jin hyung choked on his chips and wheezed his throat.
Why couldn't I keep it zipped up ?
Jimin hyung stared at me with wide open hopeful eyes to hear more.
I gasped and covered my mouth.
Jin hyung removed my hand, "Ooohh..... you never told me."
"Because I was not supposed to, hyung" I whined, hands on my head.
"Tell us all about it, kookie" Jimin hyung leaned forward to me.
"Uh..... no" I muttered. I knew I was not supposed to.
"Kookie...... you were never innocent, c'mon tell us" Jin hyung pulled my cheeks.
I looked up, gazing for help at the door.
Why can't Namjoon hyung stroll inside the room and whine about him losing his AirPods last week ?
Why can't Suga hyung walk inside the room and yell at us for being so noisy ?
Why can't Hoseok hyung jump inside the room and get excited about his new mixtape ?
Why can't Tae-hyung get sulky and depressed and yell at me for telling his secret ?
Why, why can't they ?
Me and Taehyung were really close. Like REALLY, REALLY CLOSE.
He knows I've had a secret crush on IU. Like who doesn't know that ?
He knows I've tried to confess to a girl and she totally rejected me.
He knows me and Red Velvet Joy has got locked in a room for a whole night. (I'm so sorry)
And a lot more, I don't wanna tell right now.
"Jungkookie !" Jimin hyung shook me hard.
"Uh" I started off "That's it... he likes her."
"No...... that's not it" Jin hyung whined.
"Ok fine....." I agreed "But then Jennie does not like Taehyung or you could say, she hates him."
Jimin hyung stared at me wide eyed. Like..... this can't be happening.

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