Jungkook's POV - Lisa

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"Everyone ! get ready, we're selected for MMA !" Jin hyung shouted through the corridor.
I stood up, shocked.
I was like, really ?!
"We have to perform Blood Sweat And Tears transitioned to Fire !" Jin hyung sat on the couch were everyone was sitting at.
Taehyung looked more relieved now, happily munching on some popcorn.
Namjoon hyung stood up, "What ?!" he yelled, shocked.
"Yeah, right" Jin hyung high-fived Suga hyung.
"Woo-hoo ! can I perform my mixtape ?" J-hope hyung looked ya Jin hyung, seriously.
"You're kidding me, of course you can't" Jin hyung laughed "That song would get nowhere."
J-hope hyung came closer to Jin hyung and pulled him by his neck.
"Don't you dare" J-hope hyung hissed.
I chuckled and so did Jimin hyung.
As we all got ready, I rushed to put my timberlands.
"Come on Suga, will you hurry up ?" Jin hyung yelled from downstairs.
"Why would I ?" Suga hyung replied.
"Yo, just come down" Namjoon hyung said as he picked up his mask and sunglasses.
Suga hyung toppled down the stairs, hurriedly.
"Wait, I didn't come yet !" J-hope hyung yelled from his room.
Suga hyung looked around, and he was definitely angry at me still putting my timberlands, J-hope hyung still dressing up, Jimin hyung still fussing about his t-shirt, Taehyung who was still searching for his watch, Namjoon hyung who broke his sunglasses a mini second ago and still trying to find a new one and Jin hyung still locking the doors.
"You called me here when no one is ready yet ?!" Suga hyung shouted.
"Or else you won't come down, if we tell you" Namjoon hyung replied.
"Uh, anyone has a sunglass to borrow ?" Namjoon hyung scratched his head.
We all shrugged. Because we knew he would break that too.
"Oh c'mon, I won't break it !" Namjoon hyung wailed.
"Ok fine, you can borrow mine, I have another one" Jin hyung gave another sunglass to Namjoon hyung.
He put it and opened the door.
"Wait !" we all yelled in unison, that made him scared.
"Ok, ok, cool down" Namjoon hyung turned on his heel.
As I put my timberlands, I went to fetch my mask and sunglass.
As everyone got ready.
Our bodyguards accompanied us to the car and we sat down.
We reached the MMA auditorium.
The security lead us to our schedule paper.
"5:30 to 6:30, ok" Namjoon hyung said.
It was 5:25 now, only five more minutes.
We went to the auditorium, BigBang was practicing.
We watched them perform Bang Bang Bang.
After five minutes, we went to the stage.
I bowed to them, hey, I loved GD.
While the song started with Blood Sweat and Tears we did our best.
And it stopped and we came to our Fire positions.
It started and suddenly, Blackpink came.
I noticed a difference in Jimin hyung, suddenly.
He became more smiley and active.
Was it because Lisa came ?
He had a soft corner for Lisa ever since she came in the industry. I knew that.
But, he was taking this too far.
I didn't like any girls being close to Jimin hyung.
And that's why I ruined his chances with Seulgi. He got so mad at me for it.
I thought he'd kill me.
He kept smiling and staring at Lisa, and I felt a little bit annoyed.
She was red like a small tomato. God, her face was almost swollen from making a straight face.
When we were finished with our practice, Blackpink came to the stage.
Jimin hyung and Lisa had a little chit-chat with each other.
Lisa was still going red and Jimin hyung was leaning towards her, passionately.
The rest of the Blackpink went through the exit door.
Suddenly, Lisa tripped beside Jimin hyung's legs.
Wasn't she doing this all, purposely ?
I huffed. The rest of the hyungs went towards the exit door too.
But Jimin hyung took no notice and carried Lisa by his arms to the emergency door.
He slammed the door shut after he got in.
I got so offended. Wasn't he being damn rude ?
I peeped through the curtains, hoping to have a little glance.
Nah, I couldn't see him.
I sat on the nearby chair, waiting for Jimin hyung.
The rest of the Blackpink rushed towards the stage, panicking.
"Um, have you seen, Lisa ?" Rose asked me, unsure whether I would know or not.
"She fell, Jimin hyung took her to the emergency room" I replied, not looking anyone in the face.
Jennie looked in the emergency room, "Oh, she's fine, right ?" she asked.
"I don't know about that" I shrugged.
"Is she hurt, anywhere ?" Jisoo asked, scared.
"I don't know about that" I sighed heavily.
How the hell am I supposed to know whether she's okay or not ?!
I turned head to my right, as if to show, "I don't wanna talk anymore" style.
They all sat on the three chairs which were beside the backstage.
"I hope she's not hurt" Rose bit her lower lip, nervously.
"And if she is, she can't be performing" Jisoo spoke, clearly.
"Even when she makes all that temper tantrums about losing a MMA stage !" Jisoo sighed.
I snorted. That girl. Wasn't she different from the inside to the outside ?
Jennie looked at me, confused.
"Yeah, you're right" Jennie then turned to Jisoo.
Jisoo nodded.
She really looked like Jin hyung, were they twins separated at birth ?
I looked down again.
What the hell is going on in that room ?
I held my hands into a fist ball, ready to the break the door any second.
When suddenly, Jimin hyung got out with Lisa in his arms.
I bit my lower lip in anger.
Jimin hyung suddenly put Lisa down when he saw the Blackpink members looking at him curiously.
He smiled his angel looking smile at everyone.
Lisa looked like she was gonna burst red tomato, with a little bit of beetroot and watermelon juice onto the stage floors.
I gritted my teeth in anger at her face.
Her little potato face turning into a cherry tomato.
She stuttered her sentence to her members, telling what happened when they went.
They cautiously listened, nodding at every word, sympathetically.
I got up, immediately and headed towards the door.
"Jimin hyung, Namjoon hyung is calling you" I lied to him, innocently.
And I dragged him outside the stage, tugging his arm.
"Where's Namjoon hyung, Jungkook ?" Jimin hyung asked me.
I didn't reply, I continued walking, tagging him along.
He took his arm from me, "What's wrong with you ?" he asked, frowning.
"Oh, hyung mad at me for taking him away from that potato head ?" I fake smiled.
"Which potato head ?, the only potato head over there was you, Jungkook" Jimin hyung snapped back.
I huffed, impatiently.
Jimin hyung stormed off to through the corridor and turned towards the narrow staircase.
I sighed, heavily.
He really..... really was mad.
"Hyung !" I called after him, running towards the staircase.
I ran through it like a marathon runner and found myself in the hallway, where all my members were.
I found Jimin hyung sitting on a sofa, crouched up next to Taehyung.
Namjoon hyung was busy scrolling through his phone.
Suga hyung was talking to J-hope hyung and Jin hyung was talking with Taehyung.
"Jungkookie !" Jin hyung smiled when he saw me.
I smiled back and blinked.
I sat next to Jimin hyung, not too close.
The scent of jasmine flowers filled the room.
I breathed, deeply.
"I'm sorry hyung" I muttered at Jimin hyung's ear.
He nodded in reply, but didn't talk.
I held his palm and affectionately leaned towards him, making myself comfortable in his shoulders.
He held my palm and pulled me closer.
"I'm sorry I got mad at you" he quietly whispered in my ear "I just....... never mind" he frowned.
"What hyung ?" I looked at him, "Tell me anything" I hissed back at my quieter voice.
"I........ I like Lisa" he bit his lower lip.
I sighed. Who didn't know this ?
"It's too obvious, hyung" I replied "You never act that cheesy around girls who even has boobs" I frowned.
"Jungkook !" he hissed, pressing my palm.
"Ok, ok, alright" I chuckled.
That Lisa was definitely in my nerves.
She was not Jimin hyung's type, why even bother ?
He can't even date.
Why is he trying so hard ?
Nothings going to work out.
I nudged Jimin hyung, biting my lower lip.
"You're crazy" I muttered.
"Love sick puppy" I continued, smirking.
"Yeah right" he chuckled.
"Jiminee..... what took you so long ?" Taehyung asked Jimin hyung.
"Ummm" he tried to find some words but got lost in his thoughts.
"We went to talk to Mark, he was there, beside the stage" I effortlessly lied.
Jimin hyung looked at Taehyung in a approving way and nodded.
"Oh" Taehyung said and looked front.
We sat there in a silence, all of us looking down.
Jin hyung, Suga hyung and Namjoon hyung were all drinking coffee, resting themselves.
Hoseok hyung was scrolling through Instagram, munching on some candy.
I took a small biscuit packet they kept on the guest table and opened it slowly.
Taehyung looked at it longingly.
I took a biscuit and munched on it slowly, serving attention to Taehyung, who looked at me.
I looked at him and winked.
"Why don't we start heading to BigHit ?" Namjoon hyung placed the cup on the table and got up.
All of us got up, nodding.
We all walked towards the entrance of MMA  and passed the cafeteria.
Blackpink sat on the corner side table happily eating some chicken skewers, burgers and fries.
It looked like it didn't pain at all for Lisa.
I swallowed hard, a huge lump in my throat formed.
Jimin hyung looked at Lisa and waved to her.
When the rest of Blackpink did not notice her she waved back, quietly, smiling.
And she continued eating, talking to her members.
Jimin hyung turned his head and saw Taehyung looking at Jennie.

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