Jennie's POV - The Kind Officer

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I looked at the lead police officer, he was tall and handsome, his deep brown eyes looking at all of us, his badge steady in his usual uniform, as he walked around.
"Your answers match but....... we're still not satisfied" officer Yeon-Kim stopped.
"We have done something wrong, but we've never tried to kill him, I was just protecting a lady, and I didn't go for a second thought, I just hit the glass on his head" Yoongi oppa sighed.
He may be a harsh person on the outside, but I was shook when he tried to protect me.
Maybe he only protected me because he needed a lady to go through this case or maybe just because I was his friend's girlfriend.
"See, will this case be over if I say that I'm the one who made a lot of mistakes ?" I asked.
The officer looked at me, suddenly a straight expression.
"See, they were planning on how to bring up this pregnancy and the vacation thing up to Bang PD sir, that's when I came from the hospital, and I could not go to my house because I didn't have the keys, so I came to my their house, and I agreed to help them" I protested.
"What did you agree ?" the officer shook his head at me.
"I knew Bang PD sir would burst up about the accident pregnancy and threaten Jimin oppa if he retires his job and take leaves just because of Rose getting pregnant, so I told Jungkook to record the conversation when he came as I will hide in a room, and then he started shouting and screaming that I came out from the room, and I disagreed what he was talking and he came closer to me and stabbed me in the waist while I was talking, he did not fully stab me me, thanks to Yoongi oppa" I said.
Taehyung looked at me, sympathy and pride flowing his eyes, he held my hand as he wrapped his fingers around my palm.
The officer took a deep sigh as he signaled another officer to take Yoongi hyung.
"Don't worry, just a few questions, and you'll be out, and.... Jennie, will you come too ?" the officer asked me as Yoongi oppa looked at me.
"Sure, sir" I left Taehyung's hands.
"No Taehyung, there's nothing to worry about it, she'll come back soon, both of them will come back soon, it's a case you guys can easily escape" the officer smiled at us.
"Thank you sir" Jin oppa smiled.
Jungkook and Taehyung bowed respectfully as Hoseok oppa nodded in a thanking way.
"Thank you.... if you'll tell us when will they come, it'll be grateful" Namjoon asked the officer.
"They will come back in the afternoon, just a few questions and we're fine, if it may leave up to some complicated issues, we'll make them stay a little longer, anyway, you lot look like innocent people, so, I reckon you'll be safe and sound" the officer smiled.
He was better than any rascal over here. Atleast he had a smiling face and he's charming.
His broad shoulders and good features will make any girl fall in love with him.
I liked sturdy guys but I understood I didn't need looks but that guy's personality mattered the most to me when I found Taehyung.
"Sir, are you married ?" I quickly asked him, before we departed to the police station.
"Jennie !" Taehyung hissed, pressing my fingers so bad, it actually hurt.
"No, I'm not married, though I have one kid, which I never see or hear from, she's a girl, her mother used to date many guys, I was just one of them, and she has three kids except for my kid, I used to meet her when my kid was really small, but now she's grown up, seven years old, I wish I could see her sometime" the officer sympathetically smiled.
"Oh, that's sad, her good name ?" I asked the officer.
"Yong Papi" the officer let out, suddenly diamond eyes furrowing his eyebrows.
I gasped as I turned towards Taehyung.
"Papi !" I yelled, shaking Taehyung by his shoulders until he remembered her.
"No, no, no, no, no, you can't really be Papi's father" Taehyung muttered.
"Yes I am, do you know her ?" the officer excitedly asked us, as all the other members stood confused, but we knew who and where and how from Papi.
"We met her in a beach a few days ago, she ran away from her house, because she's getting tortured by her sisters and brother, but we called the police and she was taken away, and she said her full life story to me" I replied.
"Tell we everything, I need to know where Papi is, whoever tortures her, I'll have him or her back in no time, Jennie, Taehyung, my child's life is based on you guys, tell me where she is, and she won't have to be tortured anymore" the officer pleaded us.
"Fine, if you'll let us out of the case and won't accept any bribery from Bang PD" Taehyung grinned.
"We don't accept bribery !" the officer shrieked.
"Oh really, that's all you say, one of your policemen agreed to have a loan of 1,000,000 from Bang PD, so don't joke around with us" Namjoon oppa replied.
"Fine, please say, this is a kind of bribery too, but I'm not saying anything because I love my daughter, even if I have to go to hell back and forth" the officer pleaded us.
"Your daughter, Yong Papi, ran away from her house for one day, and she got lost, so when me and Jennie agreed to meet on a beach together, I found her on the beach side, lonely and desperate, so I bought her a ice cream and she told me everything" Taehyung shorted it out.
"How does she live ?" the officer asked.
"She lives in her new father's house, with three sisters and one brother, and her mother........  is she always a one night stand ?" I asked the officer.
"I suppose so, she moved to another place when Papi was only three years old, ever after that, I couldn't see her, and I had no contact with Hyebin either" the officer shrugged.
"Who's Hyebin ?" Taehyung asked the officer.
"Papi's mother, my ex-girlfriend" the officer replied as I and Taehyung nodded.
"Well, Hyebin had one daughter after Papi" I said.
"Lushauo, or something, I quiet forgot the rest, well I remember the eldest one, Nayun" I replied.
"Jinyoung and Jiyuhin" the officer replied.
"I knew them when Papi was born, they were little babies that time, only months elder than Papi, and Nayun was little too, barely a middle schooler, but I've never met.... um, Lushauo or something" the officer said.
"Yes, now Lushauo's father stays with Hyebin, and he's a advocate in the US, but they're married, and usually Nayun takes care of the kids, and Lushauo's almost three, Papi said that Lushauo's father never came after Lushauo's second birthday, but he sends them letters and money" I replied.
"Do you know Papi's new location ?" he asked me and Taehyung.
"Your department knows for sure, seems like Nayun reported to the station that Papi was missing that very morning and the police took her to her house" Taehyung replied.
"Well...... let's not change the topic, come you two, let's go" the police smiled.
Me and Yoongi oppa followed him and tons of police men surrounded us like we were criminals from a theft case.
"Let them come in my car, and.... without any police men, you guys go in the other" the officer said to the other policemen, they nodded and saluted and went in the other car and we were taken in the kind officer's ordinary white car.
"I miss my Papi, that beautiful rosy face, she was a fat and a jolly kid, but you can't judge a book by it's cover, she was fiery and angry, and the most troubling kid for Hyebin" the officer chuckled.
"You know that Hyebin actually dislikes children, she was planning to give away all her kids to the orphanage, but I stopped her, I was a bartender when I was dating her and when Papi was born too, but I don't know what changed her mind after she broke up with me" the officer shrugged.
"Maybe she understood that she actually likes children" I persisted.
"No, no way, she used to drink and smoke a lot, even when she was pregnant with each and every kid, but thank god, they'll are safe from disasters of smoking, I could say when I was dating her, she was ever so kind to Papi, whatever made her so rude now" the officer shrugged.
"Why did you break up with her ?" I asked.
"You know, she's a playgirl, she's pretty good looking too, especially with her slim body and her bold features, she looked like a devil when I first met her, her tight red dress and black high heels with black lipstick and her cold blue eyes and her precious black hair" the officer said.
"Black lipstick ?" I asked shocked, only Americans in Halloween would do that.
"Yes, I met her at Christmas, and the bar was on it's best Christmas celebration, followed by young lads who waits just for a little blow kisses from her, and some just came to see her, she was our only brand ambassador" the policer chuckled as we did too.
"Sure seems like a international playgirl" Yoongi oppa laughed, not knowing the seriousness.
Suddenly the police officer stiffened, sighing deeply as he let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"I do get sad sometimes thinking of the poor condition of Papi and the other children, only if I'd know where her location was, my poor ill mother wants to see her granddaughter before she dies, what do I do ?" the police officer sighed.
"Papi said that she gets bullied by Jiyuhin and Jinyoung as a outcast, and she said that whenever she does the slightest bit of back answering to Jiyuhin and Jinyoung when they bully her, Nayun beats her with a whiplash, and Nayun has a soft spot for the twins and the baby, you sure have to get that poor thing" I sighed.
"I know, I terribly want her back, in my arms, I'll treat her as my princess, just buy her what she wants, the punishment she's been receiving ever since I left her, I need to take it back and give her the best childhood ever, how does my baby look now ?" the police officer asked me.
"Papi is not at all looking at how you say she was now, she's still pretty but she's a bony figure, not tall for a seven year old, and very cold and angry" I said, smiling at the thought of Papi.
If I could bring her to my mother, she would have been so fascinated at the duplicate but small version of me.
"She was angry and cold and pretty, but she was never bony" the police officer gasped.
"Now I know where she got her beautiful features from, the mother's expected to be wordwide beautiful and her father's not bad too" I smiled.
I saw the police officer blushing a little from the rear window and Yoongi oppa and me laughed.
"Papi is sure a beautiful rare girl, she's a dream daughter for me, she remembers me so much of myself when I was little, my mother said that I was fiery and angry but I don't reckon I was as beautiful as Papi is, and I was not that bony either, just fit and fine, she's a kind girl at heart, a beautiful girl..... truly" I said my eyes wandering off to the space of my childhood.
I looked at the police officer as I saw little tears flowing his eyes in the rear mirror.
"Oh officer, I sure didn't want to make you sad, I was just talking about her" I apologized.
"Oh nothing, I love my daughter, even more than my life, I want to meet her, and apologize her for leaving her in a hell like that, my daughter and I will live happier than a normal family, we don't need no mother to fuss things out, I will take care of her myself, and when she gets in her adulthood, I will arrange a little home nurse just for her, I can't fuss her when she gets to be a lady, and when she's big I will tell her to live how she likes, marry who she wants, and don't listen to others" the officer said.
I smiled.

Flashback -
"Yes, first of all, I won't get married cause no one likes me, second of all, I won't have children, I see my own mother suffering from mine and my sister's behavior, and you'll have to treat them well too, buy them cloths, food, a good house, and keep them prim and proper, no, thank you, I prefer staying alone, I will work hard and make a lot of money, and buy myself a good house, maybe, I'll date two or three guys, if anyone is truly interested in me, and I'll maybe adopt only one kid if I make lots and lots of money, and if she or he behaves like a brat, I will throw them to boarding school just like how I am, and I will leave her or him on their own, and tell them to live how they like, and not by others orders, and I will once again live happily" Papi sighed.
End of Flashback -

"She almost resembles you for her kids" I muttered, but the officer couldn't hear me.
The officer remained calm and quite throughout the journey, and we soon reached the station.
Yoongi oppa opened the door and we got out and followed the officer's trails.
All the other police officers got up and saluted and greeted him, he must be the lead.
The kind officer nodded and smiled as he thumped his hand on a police officer's desk.
"Sir, how can I help you ?" the policeman shivered.
"I have reported all the documents and papers of the criminals in the drug case as you've told, I don't know if it worked out or not, if not, I'm sorry" the policeman stuttered out.
"Oh no, not that Daichi" the officer chuckled.
"Then what, Sir ?" the other officer revealed a sigh of relief.
"Have you ever been in a case that involves a small girl running away from her house ?" the officer asked him.
"Sure Sir, lots and lots, tell me that kid's name and I will find her information" the policer said.
"Yong Papi, age seven, well, I don't know how she looks" the officer replied.
"There, Yong Papi, Sir, she's reported back to her home" the policer shrugged as he ran his hand through many documents.
The officer took hold of one document and saw Papi's picture.
"This is the picture that was given when her elder sister reported her to be missing" the policer said.
Papi was wearing a white plain glum dress, her long black hair plaited on either side of her neck, her fair white skin which I had seen, suddenly seemed bruised and hurt, and a depressed expression hung on her face but nonetheless, she still seemed pretty.
"Papi" I heard the officer mutter her name as he stroked his thumb through the portrait photo.
"My Papi's turned to be big girl, look at her, even this ragged clothing seems perfect for her, my my, how thin has she become, doesn't my Papi eat ?" the officer muttered to himself.
"Daichi, I want her location right now in my desk, meet me there" the officer ordered and signaled us to follow him to his office.
He opened a door that smelled of waffles and chocolate cream, and I licked my lips, I didn't know I was hungry.
"Is Papi a good eater ?" Yoongi oppa finally opened his mouth.
"Oh yes she is, she'll finish anything in a good second, that's Papi" I replied, chuckling.
"Take a seat and Jennie, I want you to fill a report based on women rights" the officer ordered.
The officer sat down as we bowed to him and sat down too.
Suddenly the other policer entered the room with a document and saluted him and placed the document on his desk.
The officer opened the document and deeply sighed, suddenly a small smile lighting up.

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