Jisoo's POV - Movie Time

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"Unnie, look at this, remember ?" Jennie handed me the phone, laughing.
I placed my chopsticks down and took her phone.

I placed my chopsticks down and took her phone

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"That's the best so far !" she chuckled.
"Oh, really ?" I frowned sarcastically, while smiling a little at her at cute laugh, after all she's been through, she's still the brave and a outgoing women we used to see and we still do.
"Yo, Lisa, catch" Jennie threw the phone at Lisa, who got up and catched it like a pro.
Lisa looked at it and broke out laughing so much.
"I've saved this in my mobile and always look at it when I'm down, it helps !" Lisa chuckled.
"Oh, I'll try that too" Jennie nodded, playing along.
"There, show me" Rose snatched the phone from Lisa. And Lisa looked at her, weirdly.
Rose did her silent laugh and gave it back to Jennie.
I slurped my ramen as Rose came and poked a new packet of chopsticks in my delicious ramen and took a large gulp and wiped her mouth with my knitted shawl.
"Heyyyyyy" I snatched the shawl from her as she grinned smugly, showing her tongue out.
"My ramen's almost finished, minion" I moaned.
"Tell'em who made it" she sat down, next to me, opening her mouth for another gulp.
I took my bare chopsticks and poked her with it.
She chuckled and Lisa went to the kitchen, to get another plate of ramen.
Lisa scooped some and put it on her plate, and took her chopsticks.
She ate while on her way to the couch.
"How's it, Lisa ?" Rose asked Lisa, who simply nodded her head in reply.
"You're acting weird lately" Jennie remarked.
"I'm just having a headache, and I'm on my periods, don't bother" Lisa said.
"Grumpy, grumpy, Lisa" I sang a tune.
Lisa looked at me, with a sarcastic fake-smile frown. And she returned to her ramen.
I stretched my hands as I finished my ramen.
"Come on, let's watch a movie, I took last week" I turned on the TV.
"I'm in !" Jennie squealed.
"Me too" Lisa smiled, I bet she was trying to make us happy.
I smiled, playing along.
Rose sat next to me on the floor as I placed the CD in the Disc.

                              I knew this was a lame chapter, plz don't mind.
     And thanks for all your support, I don't know if I should discontinue or continue.
     IDK what to do. IK this is not a great book, but I'm just writing for my joy and happiness.

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