Lisa's POV - Uhh

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"Hey, look at this dress, it would really suit you, right Lisa ?" Jennie unnie picked up a dress.
It's lovely blue satin tied around its collar made me fall in love with it at it's first sight.
A gorgeous material of light blue hung down to the knees of the dress.
"Where all shall I wear this dress, unnie ?" I scoffed as I felt the smooth material rub my fingers.
"When you're on dates, hey, won't Jungkook be delighted ?!" Jennie unnie hissed.
Uh, Jungkook, as if he would even mind what was I even wearing.
He'd possibly mind if I'd put shorts that rolled up to my thighs and if I would wear timberlands.
God knew how this youngest member of Bangtan was perverted.
And I never tried to please him, I wore what I got. I didn't want to be a flirt with Jungkook.
"Oh no, he doesn't like all these fancies, he'd much prefer me being simple, well, let's take this dress, atleast I could wear it to any parties or stuff" I lied effortlessly.
I had been much used to this now, lying was no harm for me.
"Oh, what a boyfriend, Taehyung usually likes me seeing all dressed up like a doll" Jennie unnie sighed, as she gave me the dress as I put it down in the shopping bag.
I quietly laughed and I continued walking further, looking at all the cloths with supervision eyes.
"And what did you say ?... parties ?.... my god Lisa, you're never going to wear that lovely dress, as if we could even go to any parties" Jennie unnie scoffed.
"Well, we'll probably get promotions now and it'll be a end to our restrictions" I replied.
"Ah, yeah, like how we are dating now, I'm crossing my fingers, I want to know how it's really like to drink alcohol" Jennie unnie relented.
"Unnie" I whined as I continued walking.
"Like...... just one sip, a pint" Jennie unnie smirked as she put her hand on my shoulder.
It made me remember when Jungkook actually got drunk and I had to carry him all the way to his room and call a Uber at midnight, yesterday.
That bastard boy, how much times had he made me suffer to death ?
"Oh boy, I actually left something at Jungkook's house !" I felt my bag, not having the one thing I even refuse to give to my members.
"Oh my god, my phone !" I wailed as Jennie unnie stood silent.
What all would he do with it ?
"God, we'll drop you there at their house, and I'll maybe take a pit stop too, I don't think so, maybe I shouldn't, it'll look like we'd take the house down, you go and take it from him, he's your boyfriend, calm down, you're not cheating on him or anything, right ?" Jennie unnie mocked around.
"No, not that, it's just, you know I don't like people going through my phone, even I dislike you guys going through my phone, I'm ever so concerned about it" I replied.
When I dropped him down in his house yesterday night, I'd left my phone there.
"Oh, well unnie, I'm not in a mood to shop, well, don't buy that blue dress either, I'll go to the food court to see Jisoo unnie, I'm damn hungry" I smiled to seek her allowance.
"Well, you go and eat, I'll buy that dress for you, it will suit you so much" Jennie unnie smiled.
"Thanks unnie, I love you, bye" I waved to her as she waved back.
I pulled my mask up, trotting along the exit of the big shop, as I turned to the food court.
I popped along many restaurants hoping to find Jisoo unnie sitting in a private enclosured space, eating like a hog.
I finally found our bodyguards in front of a closed space in an Indian restaurant.
I walked inside and went to Jisoo unnie's space as the bodyguards recognized me.
I found her munching on some momos and the spicy sauce with it.
"Yah, monkey !" Jisoo unnie smiled as she saw me, as I took a seat beside her.
"Unnie, unnie, make it fast !" I tugged her arm, and she calmed me down.
"Shut, let me eat properly, first you go and hurry up that shopping snail" Jisoo unnie scolded.
"Uh, I'm sure Jennie unnie will be fast, you make it fast, you have to drop me somewhere" I sighed.
"Where, monkey ?" Jisoo unnie asked me.
"At Jungkook's house, I mean THEIR dorm, I have to get something" I replied.
"You're boyfriend's heart ?" Jisoo unnie slowly grinned.
"Ewww, no, not again, I've already got it" I lied as I slowly winked, mischievously.
"Yah, CRINGE" Jisoo unnie grinned, evilly.
Jisoo unnie finished the last bite of the momo without even asking me and smiled.
That was not my priority, I needed my phone, like REAL QUICK.
Jisoo unnie got up as she kept her card on the table and she payed the bill and we walked out of the restaurant.
I tugged her arm and went outside the food court, and met with Jennie unnie with thousands of shopping bags, just like what I saw when I left her except for a bit more.
The bodyguards held the shopping bags as Jennie unnie thanked them.
"Yah, you have to meet up with Jungkook, don't you ?"

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