Jungkook's POV - Tzuyu

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97 Liners ~
BamBam hyung - Yah Jungkookie.
Gosh, now ? I was so not ready to talk about how is Lisa taking care of me as a boyfriend.
But I had to reply.
Me - Yes Bammie. What's the freaking reason and Lisa is a very good girlfriend.
BamBam hyung - Oh, I know that Kookie. Now, can we meet each other ?
Now ? I was in middle of a freaking video game ! Oh, this hyung. He'll never let me play now.
Me - K, but, yeah. I'll come, but where ?
BamBam hyung - In Carols ?
Oh, so this hyung wants to drink, huh ? Well, I could take a simple shot maybe with him.
Yeah, sounds good to me.
Me - 😉 Of course 😉
BamBam hyung - Yeah, I'm super stressed out, Jungkook. Can't get things right at all.
Me - Of course, hyung. I will always be there for u. See ya then !
BamBam hyung - Thanks bro. Yeah, c u later at 10 !
Oh, I think he's super stressed out. He doesn't drink often. Except for women matters and-
Oh, that's probably why.
He's been having a small secret relationship with Twice's Mina and things were going well.
Like...... they made love and all. Even though it had only been two weeks since they're dating.
And me and Lisa didn't even hook up even when we were dating for like..... for such a long time.
Oh, we acted around a few times, PRETENDING we were in a relationship.
But then, when we made things work out after the Tzuyu thing I mistakenly did, I tried to hook her up, she said she just wasn't ready and she was not familiar with these things.
That just means that she was shy enough and she was a virgin, like SHY LISA !
Can you even imagine that haughty and angry girl being shy ? I definitely and can't at all.
Oh, not like I'm not a virgin. I know how things work out though. A lot.
I wanted to try it out though. How it's like to feel-oh my god- I'm a pervert now. A grown up.
I looked at the clock, half past 9. I had to get ready now since Carols was far very far away.
Like.... not vereeeeeerrrrryyy far but still.
I put on my loose black full sleeved t-shirt and pulled on my denim jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror, adding some compact to my face to enlighten it.
I pulled on my hands down my jean's pocket and turned around side to side.
I'm not bragging but I looked kinda good after I became famous. I would've looked like a rot in the first place without my fame.
All my hyungs were down in bed, sniffling vigorously and the sound of bed creaks as soon as they moved a second.
I checked around my crowded room with complicated computers around a spiral desk with a wheely chair in middle. My keyboard placed safely among my big TV stand.
My huge new bed with black velvet covers and pillows and a brown bunny near my bed that Taehyung hyung once bought for my resemblance in my 18th birthday.
Oh, how I hated our hardwork going to disgrace after our debut song, which didn't turn out famous at all.
I picked up my phone and stepped out caustically not to wake my hyungs up. Not as if Yoongi hyung and Taehyung hyung would wake up in a start. The rest all were light sleepers.
I slipped down the house keys in my jean's pocket and I opened the wooden door carefully as I stepped down the aisle and closed the door, silently locking with my keys.
I pressed the button for the elevator and since it was past bedtime, it came quickly.
I got in the elevator and went to the basement.
I hadn't got my driver license yet even though I was past my driving age. I didn't have time to take any cars since we were fully protected by drivers and bodyguards and Bang PD-nim told me it wasn't a nice idea to get it now since of the accidents. But I rarely took our Range Rover for little midnight rides or when I had to go out with BamBam hyung or Yugyeom late nights.
I started up the car, not in the world caring of the fines I will get if any police catches me.
I whirred past the other expensive cars that took us elsewhere and finally reached the empty road, five or six cars barely down the Seoul streets.
Oh that was a message. I picked up my phone from my pocket and looked in the lock screen.
New WhatsApp Notification -
Limario - Kookie, look at this !
Limario -

New WhatsApp Notification -Limario - Kookie, look at this !Limario -

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Fuck. That looked a ton delicious. Ok, thanks to Lisa, now I'm hungry.
Me - Oh, wow. Thanks humbly.
Limario - Ho ho, you're welcome, Milk !
She had started calling me MILK even though I don't know why. I didn't know this girl had a very cringey and romantic side in her, she keeps messaging me like a lot of times.
I plopped my phone down my pocket as I zoomed down the road, suddenly thinking of the time I actually felt close to Lisa.
How I had carried her all the way down the road, making her scream and enjoy that time. I put her little weight on my shoulders and ran along the road. Suddenly jealous about Jimin hyung.
How he had got a girl like this. So like what I would want. But now, she was all mine.
Only mine.
After a while, I stopped in the parking area of the Carols bar and reversed and parked the car.
I jumped about out, looking all over the PA as few cars were parked down and I immediately recognized BamBam hyung's Lamborghini.
I flew opened the bar door, my mask or my cap not on, I wanted to be free and I felt it now.
I saw BamBam hyung's short back. Sulking on the beer countertop with a glass of Bacardi.
"BamBam hyung !" I excitedly shrieked in my baby voice.
BamBam hyung turned towards me, his mouth turning from a straight expression to a small frown.
He patted the other bar stool to indicate me to sit near him and I did as I was told.
He looked at me sulkily and then held my cold hand, suddenly his eyes turning red as his small lips shivered at the thought of telling it to me.
"Mina....................... broke up with me, Jungkook" BamBam hyung finally recovered.
Hadn't I known this before ? I don't think any one sided love would last in two weeks. Like BamBam hyung had a crush on Mina noona from ever since she was on SIXTEEN and Mina noona always saw BamBam hyung as her sunbaenim and couldn't consider more.
Well she had to obviously know after all the soft corners for her that BamBam hyung has created for her and not her other members.
If she hadn't noticed, she was a innocent and a dumb person who didn't like BamBam hyung and never in the world would have greeted him as her future boyfriend.
And when BamBam hyung had asked her out, she could never say a NO to a sunbaenim and had agreed to call it off and date him.
Only BamBam hyung hadn't noticed that part about female idols and thought it was real.
I always keep female idols in my distance, except for Lisa since I am dating her now but when she was not dating me, I kept her in that distance group too.
"Hyung, that's what's loves about. If you try and find a partner that doesn't suit you, you leave that person and continue trying. Maybe you guys are not destined to be together" I replied.
"No Jungkook. I loved her with every piece of my heart, and I reckon she returned it too. But, then. She left me" BamBam hyung continued sobbing.
"Oh-" I said picking up my glass that the bartender has left for me and I sipped a bit.
"Drink now, hyung" I muttered.
He looked at his glass and stared at it for a while but then took the glass and gulped it down.
"I don't have any other thing to say, but if she doesn't return. You're not meant to be together or maybe she wants a break" I continued.
BamBam hyung seemed a bit light headed after a couple more shots and sobs and I did too.
Not as quite as him though, I slogged down the stairs, cursing furiously as I tripped and held on to a soft hand near my side.
I turned towards a young female with glistening eyes and a small little smile rarely seen on her face and her brown hair thrown down her white off shoulder dress.
Oh, wasn't she that........ Tzuyu from Twice ? Or is that Sana ? Or maybe Nayeon ? I don't know but I somehow managed to groan out Sana's name as I swinged to face her dolled face.
"Oppa, it's Tzuyu. Cho-Tzuyu from Twice. You don't remember me ?" she gasped and then leaned forward and held my arm and looked up to me, smiling.
"Leave off me, let me gooooooo, to an enchanted place. My bed" I flourished, licking my lips.
"Oh oppa, so naughty. You want me there, don't you ?" Tzuyu blushed as she bit her upper lip.
I leaned forward, she couldn't stop acting cute, well, she was cute, and a good model to hit up on, she almost looked like a cute and a hot person.
I pulled her into my chest as I caressed her soft cheeks and I starting kissing her slowly. She replied back enthusiastically and moved her hand around my back.
And soon, she was lying on my bed........

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