Jimin's POV - Idol

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After 1 week filled with busy schedules of their new MV - IDOL ~

"Oh, I'm tired now. I just need to get in my bed and feel heaven now" Yoongi hyung wiped his dripping sweat right off his forehead as he mumbled those words to Jin hyung.
"Right. I don't know why, I feel like sleeping too" Jin hyung replied, dabbing a white towel all around his sweaty face and neck.
It had been a very stressful week after our new comeback and it sure was a hard choreography to do at LIVE shows. But as BTS, we managed to outcome and shine among all.
Everyone had equal parts in it, it was probably because our manager was still not feeling better after the incident and he was still in his house, so all our little assistants, agencies, stylists, lyricists, choreographers and camera men formed our new song.
It was actually pretty fun working with all our people, almost like a big happy family getting ready for a member's wedding.
Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung worked with the lyricists.
Hoseok hyung and Jungkook worked with the choreographers.
I worked with the sound tunes and dancing positions and line distributions and positions with the camera and all.
And Taehyung and Jin hyung worked with the stylist noonas, commenting on outfits and all.
And together we did an amazing job, and the song was a hit.
A big hit.
And together we celebrated our little union with a huge party filled with feasts and presents.
And...... our manager gave a little nod. And the thing is....... he may be resigning.
He cannot fully speak now, he's managed to stutter a few short words and instruct his family members and care takers with his sign language but he cannot speak.
He's not managed to walk or move his body too because of the fall down in the harsh floor so he's tucked up in his bed.
But, the thing is that.... me and Taehyung are not on really good terms now. I mean, we talk but only for necessary stuff and not the usual silly talks we have.
I knew how possessive Taehyung could be and how Jennie must have been affected by it since she was the most coolest person you'd ever meet.
I expected Jennie and Taehyung to make up after a few days but I couldn't find it any near.
And it all had to be my freaking fault.
Like I was not even ready to get a kiss from Jennie, I wouldn't in the world would have thought about kissing my best friend's girlfriend when he was not there.
And, it had to friendly. Jennie was always like that. I don't think she would ever cheat on him.
Oh god, what had I done ?
"Yah, Jimin hyung. Get me some water, will you ?" Jungkook stretched out his hand from the chair that he had tiredly had to go on after the LIVE show.
I threw a water bottle to him from the nearby table with neatly placed crystal bottled water.
Jungkook gave me a little smile and opened the water, gulping down the water fast.
I thought he had been influenced by Lisa a lot, he knew much better what it was like to love someone. And I knew that Lisa was meant for him.
Lisa's extraordinary silly behavior that matched nowhere with Jungkook's cold attitude but they were fit for each other.
Me and Rose had went for a little vacation in Malibu after her depression and our fights. We made up and it was pretty jolly for both of us.
And that was all I could think of.
My dear, dear, baby, Rose.

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