Rose's POV - Half Girlfriend

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"Don't you think I'm playing, I used to like you too" he finished.
I gulped. This was the last thing I wanted. He smiled, warmly. Leaving me malnourished.
"I don't know how to react" I bit my lip. God, he will think a innocent fool out of me.
"Ah, Rosie-posie, stop that innocent doll-like behavior" he pouted. God, he was so cute.
"I know you very well, Chaeyoungie, just do your tongue technology and make me faint" he bit his lip, breaking into a wild smirk.
I felt my cheeks go burning red, I'd look like a tomato now. A red chipmunk tomato.
"Aw, guess who's turning red- " he slammed me into the wall.
I never expected things to go this far. He licked his lips, and placed a hand on top of my head.
"You're mine from today" he smirked.
I gasped. And he slowly cupped my cheek, and touched my lips.
Starting a passionate kiss, slamming me into the wall, hands tightly wrapped around my waist.
Suddenly, I forgot everything for a second and kissed him back, hands pulling his black t-shirt.
He low-key smirked as suddenly I recalled the situation and backed away.
"I'm sorry, I guess I need to go, I'm loyal towards my friends, oppa" I bit my lip.
"I know you are, and you're perfect for what I need, and leave somethings alone baby, you've gotta get fun, you know" he pressed my waist tighter.
It was like he gritted those words out, clenching his teeth.
He suddenly closed his mouth, sighing. And for one second, I felt like he regretted something.
I put away his hand, and walked towards the door.
What was wrong with him ?
He was so confusing. He was so, not loyal at all. Poor Lisa. Maybe I mistook him.
Maybe Lisa left him for good. He should not do this. And especially to Lisa.
"Rose, please don't go, this is maybe not me, not me at all, I want someone, I want someone who I can tell my feelings too, and I wanted Lisa, but I never got her, I wasn't confident enough to admit, I thought she had the same feelings but no, please come with me Rose, I beg you, I know you can listen to me, I know you can comfort me, please Rose" he kneeled down.
I looked at him, shocked. He didn't even know me, he didn't even like me.
"Please be my half-girlfriend" he looked at me, sorrowfully.

Hello, short and lame chapter, but Jirose has sailed.
You'll see, Jimin is probably using her, but not for bad, just for good.
Next target is Jinsoo, Liskook will probably start too.
Unicorn Blink.
And you would want to be blessed by Rose's tongue technology.

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