Jin's POV - Embarrasment

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Us, the vocal line, me, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook recorded our new song, I kept on going tomato red.
"Hyung, what's wrong ? are you tired ?" Jimin asked me after recording as we drank water.
I was so flustered by Jisoo's message today, I STILL LOVE YOU. I literally died. I choked on my juice which I was drinking that time and almost knocked down the BigHit administration table.
"Um, well. I was just-thinking......" I stammered around for five whole minutes until Jimin left me desperately because the lyricists called him for another shot.
I was so surprised that I had to be offline and get some deep breaths before my heart exploded into tiny little paper hearts down the floor.
I loved her. I had a huge crush on her. I had liked her since her debut. Since I saw her in Ikon's MV. She was so cute. I wanted to tell her all of this but I didn't have the courage.
Every woman would like a man to make the first move.
Ugh, I was a pink princess after all.
I want to meet up with Jisoo and confess my love to her before she labels me as a best friend.
I took my phone to my sweaty hands and dialed Jisoo's number. I had memorized it before.
"Um, Jin oppa-"
"Jisoo, I just wanted to tell how sorry I was before you could even tell-" but she interrupted me.
"Um, I know oppa. I'm so embarrassed for saying 'I love you' it was a mistake" she stuttered.
So she didn't mean it for me ?
How stupid of me to have high expectations. I guess friends say 'I love you' to each other after all.
"Oh, so you don't ?" I asked foolishly before I could even think for a second. I stared blushing.
There was a silence. I messed up bad. REALLY bad.
"Well, do you feel like that to me ?" Jisoo asked out of blue. I was so stunned for a second.
"Jisoo, I want to meet you. Like in...... Noodle Son, one pm ?" I calmly asked her out.
"Sure, oppa."
"Well then, see you then. Jichu" I said the last word in a cute and babyish way and she laughed.
That was the cutest laugh ever heard.
I kept my phone down and thought about what should I say to Jisoo when I'm in Noodle Son.
"Jisoo, I love you."
Too straight.
"Jisoo, I really and truly love you."
Too affectionate.
"Jisoo, will you mind if I be your boyfriend for......."
What ? Too calm.
I'll just say what I feel that time. Like that first time her hand got burnt and I asked her if she was okay and that plain and innocent look on her face drived me nuts. (Check out "Jisoo's POV - Blood, if you don't remember)
I drove to our apartment in my car and got as ready as quick as I can and rushed to Noodle Son.

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