Jin's POV - Cuddle

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5 hours later ~
I widened my eyes, as I ate my wonderful kimchi.
It was 11 and I was sleepy as hell.
"Where's Taehyung hyung, Jin hyung ?" Jungkook asked me, with his headphones and his phone in his hands.
"I have no clue, he was on a date with Jennie today afternoon, I simply don't know the rest" I slumped down the couch bed after eating my kimchi.
Jungkook jumped in the bed, pulling my blanket as he hugged me.
I slowly closed my eyes, wanting to sleep.
Suddenly I heard someone come down the stairs, slowly.
"Jungkook-ah, can we please talk, let's leave her-" I heard Jimin's voice pause.
Suddenly Jungkook got up, and I opened my eyes.
I saw Jimin in a black t-shirt and black leggings, his hair messed up terribly, eyes sleepy.
"Hyung, I know, let's not talk about this, but- I have something I should tell you, and I will only have peace once I let it out" Jungkook walked towards Jimin.
Jimin stared at Jungkook, confused at what he was talking about.
"I'm dating Lisa" Jungkook said, head hung low.
I heard Jimin gasp a little, biting his lip, but a quick sob escaped his mouth, unable to breath.
He looked down.
What the hell was Jungkook doing ?
"Tell me, you're kidding" I said, getting up, laughing, but I knew it was a fake-laugh.
"Hyung, I'm sorry" Jungkook said, giving a back-hug to Jimin.
"Me and Lisa met up with each other in the morning, and we decided we'd finally call it out" Jungkook said as he muffled around Jimin's t-shirt, rubbing his chin.
Jimin stood stiffly, eyes as teary as possible, but he managed to gulp down a neutral face.
"I started dating Rose" Jimin blubbered out.
I heard Jungkook snorting a little.
"Jimin hyung, I'm not kidding, and I'm serious, now this is the day I tell you this, it's only been a few days, I swear, but, yeah, we slept together and stuff" Jungkook looked down.
"I'm serious, and we went to the Hongdae beach today and we are dating" Jimin said, sternly.
Jungkook bit his lip, a small moan escaping his throat.
What the hell is going on ?
Our full maknae-line are dating all of a sudden ?
I stared at them obediently. While both of them had their heads hung low.
A awkward silence filled the air.
Then Jungkook slowly walked away, climbing the stairs while Jimin looked straightforward.
I opened my arms wide for a big cuddle.
Jimin looked at me and jumped to my arms, as he started his story.

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