Taehyung's POV - Shook

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She likes me ?
Why would she like such a weirdo like me ?
C'mon I have a huge crush on her. And she knows that, yet she rejected me.
We got hot on the backstage and I enjoyed it.
I told her all about my love-life with Alice Park.
As I came back from the backstage, I bit my lip.
"Where were you, Tae ?" Jimin hyung scowled at me.
"I-uh-uh" I searched for words.
"Jennie ?" he asked me.
Okay, he saw me going with Jennie to the backstage.
"It's all solved now, hyung" I smiled.
He was staring at me, deeply confused at what I was saying.
"The fights, hyung" I remarked, having a frown on my face.
The fights, right, the arguments, right, the not-so-typical pleased one girlfriend role, right.
God, was she cold.
And yet, I felt her very soft and kind-hearted side today.
I was so, so surprised.
"Taehyung ?" Jimin hyung snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, as I was thinking.
"I'm so pleased, hyung" I pressed his cold palm, making it warm and cuddly.
"So, fights like, you're more like BF-GF relationship now ?" Jimin hyung asked me.
"Mm.... we always were" I winked at him, smiling.
"What do you mean ?!" Jimin hyung hissed.
"Um.... she didn't reject me" I said.
"But you just said she rejected you a few months ago" Jimin hyung snapped back.
"Like we......... are truly BF-GF now" I muttered.
"Atleast I'd hope it would be" I grinned.
"Oh......... good" he smiled, but he was not too pleased.
"Why are you disappointed, hyung ?" I asked him, my voice soft and calm.
"No, it's just that, yeah" Jimin hyung looked forward.

Mamamoo's performance was goals.
We clapped after they finished, me and Jimin hyung had an awkward silence.
"Hyung, what's wrong ?" I asked, irritated.
"Nothing Tae" Jimin hyung replied.
"Things haven't been good with all of us, haven't it ?" Jimin hyung looked at me.
That was right.
We all became silent with each other, and there was no bonding.
"We need to bond" Jimin hyung sternly told.
"Maybe eating at our usual place" I spoke in.
"No...... we need a memory, a good time for all of us" he bit his lips.
"A movie ?" I suggested.
"Oh c'mon" Jimin hyung scoffed.
"Mm...... a trip" Jimin hyung said, lighting up his million-dollar smile.
I stared at him in disbelief.
How come when we have tons of things we should attend to.
Concerts, fan signings, presses, paparazzi, interviews, photo shootings and much more stuff.
"All is cool Tae, I'll sort it out" Jimin hyung showed me a thumbs up sign.
"No you can't, you don't own this group" I snapped.
"We need a vacation, we all should bond, we should stay strong and never break apart" he continued.
"I love your ideas, but it's impossible" I replied.
"In your dreams, child" he chuckled. "I'll make it happen" he promised.
I exhaled deeply. And shrugged.
"Yeah" he pressed my palm, warmly.
I dragged myself out of the auditorium.
Making my way through many idols and greeting them.
I greeted EXO, Got7, Mamamoo and many more idols.
Me, Jungkook and Jimin hyung accidentally bumped into Blackpink as they were talking.
They all turned around, wanting to see the people.
They all bowed with a smile on their faces.
I shook hands with Lisa first, then Rose, then Jisoo noona and then Jennie.
I held her hand, looking at her eyes.
She looked up at me, looking away, like I was too much.
Jimin hyung started talking to Rose and Lisa while Jungkook and Jisoo noona stood awkwardly.
I looked at Jennie playfully.
"We need a Taennie moment, bitch" I held her soft hands.
"What about some smooch-smooch in public ?" she mockingly suggested.
"Sounds good" I winked at her.
She smirked. So I had to behave all cool-cool like this to impress her, huh ?
"Mm..... what's wrong with my lovey-dovey Tae ?" she pouted.
Awww........ she was so cute.
TRINGGGGG....... TRINGGGGG..........
Her phone rang continuously and she sighed and picked her phone from her pocket.
A picture of BamBam was in her phone, saved as Bammie.
"BamBam, Jennie ?" I scoffed.
"Why, I can't have BamBam ?" Jennie questioned.
"How are you even supposed to have BamBam, Jennie ?" I smirked.
"You don't mean Got7's BamBam, do you ?" I widened my eyes.
I thought it must be her crazy BamBam biased friend or someone.
"Sshhh...... it's a secret" she placed a finger on my lips.
"You're kidding !" I freaked out.
How the hell ?!
"Don't get angry, my lad" Jennie mockingly fake-smiled, flirtatiously.
"We have different rules now, thank god for that, Tae" she twirled her phone.
She kept the phone on silent and kept twirling the phone.
The cute picture of BamBam appearing every time he calls, again and again.
What was so important ?!
"But why the hell do you have BamBam's number, and what rules ?" I crossed my arms.
"The dating, the drinking, the clubbing, the driving and all the un-prohibited stuff" Jennie replied.
"Wha-- what, you rookies ?" I stuttered.
Can you believe it ?
They're still rookies. They had strict rules. They can't even talk to boys. Except for the Taennie thing.
They can't drive. They can't club. They can't drink. They can't date except for Jennie.
And now all of a sudden, all the rules disappeared into thin air ?
Date ?
So they are allowed to talk to boys now, huh ?
I know Jennie is a big fan of BamBam and JB.
But why now ?
Jealousy ran through my body, leaving me desperate for her.
I stood speechless.
She smiled cutely. And kept twirling the phone, in a suspicious way.
She picked up the phone and turned back.
"Bammie....... I'll call you back" she giggled.
Oh, so they like each other, huh ?
But she can't. Does YG know this ?
She has to date me. Or has it changed, I'm dreading this.......
She kept the phone and stared at me innocently.
"Quit staring, Tae" she shut my eyes with her soft hands.
I could see camera's focusing on us, flashes and phones having a bunch of Taennie moment.
"Ok, I can't hide this, I had a huge crush on Bam-" she scoffed.
"Stop" I took away her hand.
"What, Tae ?" she asked me.
I put her hand down and walked away.
"Sir, how's it like to date an idol ?" one woman placed her mic in the front.
Crowds of presses and paparazzis were their outside.
The bodyguards followed me and stood making way for me.
"Do you like Jennie from the start as said, sir ?" one man asked me, running with me.
I didn't answer, I didn't want to.
I could hear a hundred voices asking me questions, but I dare'nt answer.
Including Jennie.
I heard her voice, trying the best to be innocent, but I know it's just acting.
I know she likes BamBam.
I continued walking and I- BBOOMM.
I fell down.
I felt dizzy, I heard screams and shouts. Terrified fans and presses.
My eyes parted slowly.
It shut again. I held onto the camera stand. Biting my lip in dismay. What happened ?
I could see some people falling down, and blood and fire.
I ran my hand through my chest and looked at it.
Red blood was spread in my palm, I could see smoke and ashes.
I eyes felt sleepy.
And I closed my eyes, having a thought I would never open them again.

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